11 Answer the following questions. a. Which sources of study have been mentioned in
the text?
b. Are you more inclined to use traditional primary
sources or up-to-date ways of studying? Why?
To what extent do you think studying with multiple
sources is better than using a single source?
To what extent did the author use references in the
12 Look at the following examples and discuss them in pairs. i f "
Stahl, Et A1 found that using multiple text
sources can only be effective if we are taught
to use them properly.
(... http.V/www. studygs.net/) 13 Write at least three reasons why we need to give references. 1.
2 .______________________________________ _
14 Look at the first example in Ex. 12 and put the information in order. a. Relevant page numbers
b. The name or the location of the publisher
c. The name and initials of the author
d. The year of publication
e. The title of the book in full
For journal articles the name of the journal and
the number of volume
15 Paraphrase the quotes. Use phrases forgiving references from the box. As x points out; According to x; to quote from
x; X states/suggests that; X tells/shows us that;
Referring to; X says that; X argues that;
1. The core reason for all my triumphs is my
diligence. (“Institutions of Temur”)
2. “There is no sun without shadow, and it is essential
to know the night.” (Albert Camus)
3. “We learn from failure, not from success!”
(Bram Stoker)
4. The more that you read, the more things you will
know. The more that you learn, the more places
you’ll go.” (Dr. Seuss)
5. “The only thing standing between you and your
dreams is ... reluctance.” (Carroll Bryant)