12 Now fiil in the box with strategies you use in your studies. find out best suitable methods of learning for
himself, to scan his own abilities, strong and
weak points, for managing any difficulties not
only in studying period but throughout the life.
a. Strategy’s effectiveness in life-long learning
b. Theoretical overview of strategies
c. Career progress with the strategic assistance
3. From my own experiences I can tell you when
I entered the Westminster University I faced a
number of difficulties first, I couldn’t manage
tasks, I was about to fail some subjects. Then
I tried to analyze what a hell is going on, I
finished a high school with excellent marks,
how could I become an unsuccessful student at
Higher Educational Institution?! After I have
analyzed all conditions I came to conclusion
that I needed some strategies. Using organizing
strategy, I got a calendar where my monthly
plans were depicted, monitoring strategy
gave me a chance to check my progress,
evaluating one made me assess my study,
using imagination strategy made me be more
creative, I became more communicative,
enthusiastic, started to work cooperatively
using cooperative strategy.... In short I opened
a new gate for developing as a person. I still use
those learning strategies in my profession, as I
always compare them to pyramids, stepping up
to the top you are getting to your proficiency!
What strategies do I have? How helpful are they? e.g. Personalizing strategy It may assist in achieving best results in my studies; 13 Write at ieast three reasons why you are going to acquire new learning strategies in your education or job.