Tips for sufficient autobiography:
double-spaced and in standard font at least four pages
without a cover page no need for references since you are
writing about your own reflections
Almagest. At the age of 17 ibn Sino became interested
in Medicine and considered it, as he used to say
himself, «not difficult». By this time, he was already
a practicing physician, mostly self-taught.
Ibn Sina is well known for his great contribution
to Medicine and Philosophy, he wrote about 450
works of which 240 are extant.
His most famous and
important books were the Book of Healing «Kitab ash-
Shifa» and the “The Canon of Medicine” (al-Qanun fi
al-Tibb). It is considered to be the largest ever written
medical reference with more than one million words.
The canon remained the world’s most important
source on the subject, till the XVIIth century. It was
translated into Latin by Gerard of Cremona in the
XIIth century.
Ibn Sino was able to diagnose cancer and used
surgical operations to remove it. He also attributed
stomach ulcers to psychological factors, such
as tension and depression,
physical factors
affecting the sto
mach. He used to
ascribc infections on the air
to some diseases. This led
to the use of quarantines
to control the spread of
infectious diseases.
Many worldwide fa
mous doctors would refer
to his works as the most
reliable source until XVII-
XVIIIth centuries.
His portrait
hangs in the Hall of the
Faculty of Medicine in
the University of Paris.
15 Put the names of sections A-С in ex,18 using options from ex.13.
16 Write paragraphs to cover the following.
A .
_ Your name
_ Educational experience
_ Experience with online classes
_ What kind of work you do
_ A bit about you and your family
_ What you expect to accomplish
Experiences in learning
Educational preparation for the workforce
_ Jobs you had
_ Educational support
_ Support from family and friends
_ The job you were satisfied with
_ Talents for specific jobs
_ Barriers you encountered
Scale Up
Lesson 8
Look at the following photos and discuss them.
Personal responsibility
Social responsibility
- Make it right
Make the world better
1 Look at the picture and answer the questions.
2 Guess what the song «Man in the Mirror» is
a. The man becoming conscious of his deeds
b. The man having an eye on other lives
c. The man revenging for his past
d. The man feeling sorry for his community
3 (T8) !n pairs guess the main message of the
song “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson
and choose the best option. Listen and
compare your answers
4 Listen to the song again and complete the
Short form
How are the parts connected?
What are the impacts
of human involvement in
these areas? Think about human obligations in
the community, environment, profession and
What are your social responsibilities as a student?
4 2 I
Scale Up
b ........
going to
want to
Work in groups of three. Read and give solutions
to the case. Follow the steps below. Act out the
situation showing how you would behave in the
character’s position.
Steps for m aking ethical decisions
1. Identify the ethical problem.
2. List the facts that have an influence on the decision.
3. Identify anyone who
might be affected by your
decision and how.
4. Explain what each affected person would want
you to do about the issue.
5. List three alternative actions and identify the
best and worst case scenario for each alternative,
anyone who would be harmed by this choice (and
how), any values that would be compromised
by selecting this alternative, and any automatic
reasons why this alternative should not be selected
(legal issues, rules, etc,).
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