Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 151
The oldest journal in the world is the “Journal des Savans”, published in Paris in 1655 and
devoted to the publication of reviews of books on literature, art, philosophy, and the natural
sciences. Also in the same year a scholarly journal called the “Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society” began to be published in London. In 1688 a literary journal, the “Journal de
lettarati”, was published in Italy, and in 1682 a scientific journal “Aktum eruditorum”, was
published in Germany. In Russia the first journal was published in 1728. It was an edition of the
newspaper “Санкт-Петербургские ведомости” (Statements of St. Petersburg) and is called
"Monthly Historical, Geographical, and Other Supplements to Vedomosti" («Месячные
исторические и географические примечания в Ведомостях»). A key role in the creation of this
scientific-literary journal was played by the famous Russian poet M. V. Lomonosov. Obviously, the
first journals were scientific-literary. Besides them, there are the artistic-literary journals
“Современник” (founded by A. S. Pushkin), “Отечественные записки” (founded by N. A.
Nekrasov), which played an important role in the growth of Russian literature and public opinion.
The first magazines appeared in Turkestan at the beginning of the 20th century. In
particular, from October 1, 1907 the first satirical magazine of Turkestan “Туркестанский
скорпион”( Turkestan scorpio) (edited by N. V. Tugarina) was created in Russian, and only 9
editions of it were published. In 1910-1911 in Tashkent, the scientific-literary journal " Средная
Азия" (Central Asia) (editor A.L. Kirener) was published in Russian. On May 18, 1911, the first
edition of the satirical magazine " Туркестанский кара-курт " (edited by L.V. Budkevich) was
published. However, only eight issues of this magazine were published [5, 101]. In 1913 in
Samarqand were published magazines "Oyina", and in 1915 in Tashkent - "Al-isloh". Oyina"
magazine was published by the famous spiritual-educational entrepreneur Mahmudkhoja Behbudi,
the founder of Turkestan modernism of that time, and was a public, scientific and literary
publication in Turkish language. Al-Islah magazine was primarily a magazine of religious content,
widely propagandizing the religion of Islam. After that, in 1917, on the initiative of H. H. Niazi, a
socio-political magazine "Hurriyat" was created. At that time, the satirical magazines “Чаён”
("Scorpion") and “Чул чаёни” ("Desert Scorpion") were published in Tashkent. The services of
these magazines were of great importance in the struggle for nation-building. As early as 1917,
several magazines appeared in Uzbek journalism, namely “Inqilob”, “Yer Yuzi”, “Mushtum”, and
others. Later, magazines such as "Sharq yulduzi," "Yoshlik," and "Guliston" appeared. These
magazines served the society in promoting science and education, literature and art. [6, 71].
If we turn to the history of magazine publications in Karakalpak journalism, we can single
out the magazine “Amiwdarya” as one of the first magazines in the Karakalpak language. This
magazine was founded in 1932 and has been providing spiritual nourishment to our people in social,
cultural, educational, artistic and literary spheres for recent years. Since 1960, the journal "Informer
of Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Republic" was published; in 1992,
"Karakalpakstan mugallimi" (Teacher of Karakalpakstan) scientific-methodical journal of Nukus
State Pedagogical Institute was founded; in 2004, it was reorganized under the name "Science and
society" on the basis of certificate #01-022, issued by the Press and Information Agency of
Karakalpakstan. Since 2008, the journal "Bulletin of Karakalpak State University named after
Berdak" was established. In 2007 was founded the scientific-methodical journal "Teacher and
continuing education" based on the decision of the Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of
Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan №138, It should be noted that a number of independent
journals appeared in the 90s of the last century. In particular, in 1991, on the initiative of M.
Nyzanov, an independent public magazine "Aral" was published, and on the initiative of the writer,
G. Esemuratova founded the environmental, social, political and literary independent magazine
"Aral Girls". The self-development and family magazine "Saza" has been published since March