Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 237
primary objective of the present study is not to entirely eradicate visual components from the
educational process, but rather to progressively transform the manners in which students utilize
images as aids. For example, novice language learners may transition from producing isolated
words to identifying depicted objects in a photographic representation to constructing elaborate
sentences that deduce contextual implications from the image.
Visual literacy activities present a significant prospect to establish a connection between
language and respective subjects such as social studies, math, and science. For a considerable length
of time, scholars of language have advocated for the integration of language education with content,
either through a structured instructional program like Content and Language Integrated Learning or
Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol, or by employing thematic materials that hold
significance for students. One approach to enriching classroom content is through the utilization of
images, which fosters student engagement with language in a communicative manner that surpasses
rote memorization of grammar or vocabulary, which may appear arbitrary.
Conclusion To summarize, it is posited that images represent a type of genuine and credible resource.
Educational practitioners and pedagogues ought to deliberately and tactically opt for visuals that
supplement didactic objectives as they do with the reading materials that are employed within their
teaching curricula. The integration of content material within any of the aforementioned strategies
has the potential to enhance language lessons and align them with the objectives of a content-
focused classroom.
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Rezyume: Ushbu maqolada xorijiy tillarni o'rganishga zamonaviy yondashuvlar, ayniqsa, o'quv vaziyatlarida ko'rgazmali qurollardan foydalanish usullari muhokama qilinadi. Rasmlar haqiqiy materialning bir shaklidir. O'qituvchilar sinfda foydalanadigan matnlarni ataylab tanlaganidek, ular kontentni o'rganish maqsadlarini to'ldirish uchun tasvirlarni ham strategik tanlashlari kerak. Резюме: В данной статье рассматриваются современные подходы к изучению иностранных языков, в частности методы использования наглядных пособий в учебных ситуациях. Изображения являются формой аутентичного материала. Точно так же, как преподаватели намеренно выбирают тексты, которые они используют в классе, они также должны стратегически выбирать изображения, чтобы дополнять цели обучения содержанию.