How to prevent APT attacks Detecting anomalies in outbound data may be the best way for system administrators to determine if their networks have been targeted.
Indicators of APTs include the following:
unusual activity on user accounts;
extensive use of backdoor Trojan horse malware, a method that enables APTs to maintain access;
odd database activity, such as a sudden increase in database operations involving massive amounts of data; and
the presence of unusual data files, possibly indicating that data that has been bundled into files to assist in the exfiltration process.
To combat this type of information security threat, an organization should also deploy a software, hardware or cloud firewall to guard against APT attacks. Organizations can also use a Web application firewall to detect and prevent attacks coming from web applications by inspecting HTTP traffic.
10. Malvertising Malvertising is a technique cybercriminals use to inject malicious code into legitimate online advertising networks and web pages. This code typically redirects users to malicious websites or installs malware on their computers or mobile devices. Users' machines may get infected even if they don't click on anything to start the download. Cybercriminals may use malvertising to deploy a variety of moneymaking malware, including cryptomining scripts, ransomware and banking Trojans.
Some of the websites of well-known companies, including Spotify, The New York Times and the London Stock Exchange, have inadvertently displayed malicious ads, putting users at risk.
How to prevent malvertising To prevent malvertising, ad networks should add validation; this reduces the chances a user could be compromised. Validation could include: Vetting prospective customers by requiring legal business paperwork; two-factor authentication; scanning potential ads for malicious content before publishing an ad; or possibly converting Flash ads to animated gifs or other types of content.
To mitigate malvertising attacks, web hosts should periodically check their websites from an unpatched system and monitor that system to detect any malicious activity. The web hosts should disable any malicious ads.
To reduce the risk of malvertising attacks, enterprise security teams should be sure to keep software and patches up to date as well as install network antimalware tools.