Seer*Abs 10 Users Manual March 2017 Table of Contents

Accessing the Record Editor

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Accessing the Record Editor

If no record is open, a page is displayed that shows a summary of record counts and allows you to create a record. This page can be customized. The screen shot below shows the default page, it might look slightly different in your registry depending on your customized configuration.

The top left section is the Create New Record section. It contains a button for each record type that can be created with the application. By default only Abstract records can be created, but the application can be customized to support other Registry-specific types.

Under that section is the Recent Records section. The last 25 records that were opened are listed in that section; double-click a record to open it. If a record as an asterisk after its label, it means it is still in progress.

The right side of the page provides Records Counts. The entire section is fully customizable by your Registry; the default version shows counts for the Abstract records split by their status, for the current year, the previous year, and all the years together.

Record Data Entry Form

SEER*Abs has default screen layouts for abstract records. Other types of records can be defined by your registry’s system administrator. All record layouts can be customized by staff at your registry. If you experience any problems or would like adjustments, please contact your registry’s SEER*Abs system administrator. The screen shot below is of an abstract record using the default layout shipped with SEER*Abs.

The next screenshot shows the default data entry form for Abstract records. It is composed of the following elements:

  • A toolbar is displayed on the very top.

  • Under the toolbar is the record’s summary panel. Whether that panel is shown, and which fields are shown in the panel can be configured differently for each Registry.

  • On the right-side of the screen is the text viewer used to display a read-only version of the large text fields. Whether the text viewer is shown, and which fields are shown in its panel can be configured differently for each Registry.

  • The rest of the screen is the data entry form for the current record.

The record type is shown on the right side of the status bar (ABS in the example above). The full record ID is displayed only if the record has been saved. A complete description of the status bar is provided in Section 2: Introduction to SEER*Abs.

Record Editor Toolbar





Save the current record.


Complete and close the current record. Only completed records can be extracted.


Close the current record. If it contains unsaved changes, a confirmation dialog will be displayed.


Delete the current record.

Create a new record based on the value of the current record. The current record will be closed. If it contains unsaved changes, a confirmation dialog will be displayed. Not all records can create other records; this option might be disabled for some record types.


Validates the current record. Although that behavior can be customized differently in your registry, the form is also validated every time a field looses focus.


Display the failing edits at the bottom of the page.


Decrease the font size of the editor. The default font size to use can be changed in the User Preferences dialog.


Reset the font size of the editor. The default font size to use can be changed in the User Preferences dialog.


Increase the font size of the editor. The default font size to use can be changed in the User Preferences dialog.


Display only the text viewer (hiding the data entry form). The default behavior of the text viewer can be changed in the User Preferences dialog. Note all the record types support a text viewer and this option might be disabled.


Display both the text viewer and the data entry form. The amount of space used by the text viewer can be changed by dragging the separation between the data entry form and the text viewer panel. The default behavior of the text viewer can be changed in the User Preferences dialog. Note all the record types support a text viewer and this option might be disabled.


Display only the data entry form (hiding the text viewer). The default behavior of the text viewer can be changed in the User Preferences dialog. Note all the record types support a text viewer and this option might be disabled.


Toggles the location of the text viewer between right side of the data entry form and bottom side. The default behavior of the text viewer can be changed in the User Preferences dialog. Note all the record types support a text viewer and this option might be disabled.

Hide the record summary panel. The default behavior of the summary panel can be changed in the User Preferences dialog. Note all the record types support a record summary panel and this option might be disabled.


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Search SEER*Rx Drugs.


Seaerch Hematopoietic Diseases.

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