Self study 15 Task Vocabulary Exercise Complete the text with the words in the box. There are some words which you will not need

Exercise 1. Using the words in brackets, explain the meaning of the following term

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English self study

Exercise 1. Using the words in brackets, explain the meaning of the following term:

  1. commercial bank (a wide range of services, offers, a financial institution)

  2. interest (paid, for the use of, the price or fee, money)

  3. deposit (in bank accounts, money, sums of)

  4. withdrawal (a bank account, money from, the removal of)

  5. demand deposit (to a checking account, is made, that, can be withdrawn, and, any time)

  6. time deposit (for withdrawals, a waiting period, may be required)

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences:

  1. The interest earned on loans …

  2. Many transfers of checking account money …

  3. Unlike the savings account, …

  4. Banks are in special position of trust …

  5. Bank sells many …

  6. Banks also provides …

Task 3. Grammar

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences below with appropriate prepositions .
1 There was a sharp drop . . . . profit.
2 Profit decreased . €7.5m . . . . . €4.5m .
3 Profit decreased . . . . . . . . . . . . €3m.
4 Profit now stands . . . . . . . . . . . . €4.5m.
5 There was a drop .. €3m . . . . . . . . . . . profit.

Exercise 2. Underline the most suitable noun combination i n each group.

1 a) the meeting of today
2 a) a letter of credit
3 a) a business card
4 a) a data's base

b) today's meeting
b) a credit's letter
b) a card of business
b) a base of data

c) today meeting
c) a letter's credit
c) a businesses' card
c) a database

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