Sifatli taʼlim berishda innovattsion ta`lim metodlardan foydalanish. Annotatsiya Mazkur maqolada taʻlim tizimini tashkil etishning samarali mexanizmlarini joriy etish, oʻsib kelayotgan yosh avlodni maʻnaviy-axloqiy va intellektual rivojlantirishni sifat jihatdan yangi darajaga koʻtarishning eng muhim shartlari shuningdek, oʻquv-tarbiya jarayonida taʻlimning innovatsion shakllari va usullarini qoʻllashga doir ma`lumotlar berilgan. Mamlakatimizda ayni paytda vujudga kelgan shart-sharoitlar taʻlimning shakli, mazmuni va uni amalga oshirish mexanizmlarini qayta koʻrib chiqish va bu jarayonga tegishli oʻzgartirishlar kiritishni taqozo etmoqda.
Uzluksiz taʻlim tizimida innovatsion texnologiyalarning rivojlanib borishi, taʻlimning yangi metodlaridan keng foydalanish, moddiy-texnika bazasini modernizatsiya qilish, axborot kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari imkoniyatlaridan taʻlim jarayonida samarali foydalanish, masofaviy taʻlimni joriy etish, taʻlim tashkilotlarining mintaqaviy va xalqaro miqyosda integratsiyalashuvi, taʻlim sohasidagi xalqaro hamkorlikning hamda taʻlim sifatini boshqarishga xalqaro standartlar talablarini joriy etish tizimni rivojlantirishning istiqbolli yoʻnalishlari yortilgan.
Abstract The introduction of effective mechanisms for the organization of the educational system is the most important condition for qualitatively raising the moral, moral and intellectual development of the growing young generation to a new level, and also helps to use innovative forms and methods of education in the educational process. The current conditions in our country require a review of the form, content, and implementation mechanisms of education and making appropriate changes to this process.
The development of innovative technologies in the continuous education system, the wide use of new methods of education, the modernization of the material and technical base, the effective use of information and communication technologies in the educational process, the introduction of distance education, the integration of educational organizations at the regional and international levels, the management of international cooperation in the field of education and the quality of education. the introduction of international standards is a promising direction of system development