English for Life Speaking (A2 Pre-intermediate) Unit 1: Meeting people SUMMARY You can use this summary to guide the learning objectives
and target setting for your class.
Can-do statements By the end of this unit, students will be able to say:
• I can use different phrases for meeting a friend and
asking ‘how are you?’
• I can use different phrases for meeting someone
I don’t know.
• I can use different phrases for introducing someone.
• I can ask suitable follow-up questions.
Vocabulary Work:
job, meeting, internship, offi ce, busy, company School:
college, teaching, essay, class Life:
journey, married, news Appropriateness Formal and informal register
Grammar Question tags
Function Greeting people:
Great to see you. How are you (doing)? Lovely/Nice/Pleased to meet you. Introducing people:
Karen, Ben. Ben, Karen. Let me introduce … Keeping the conversation going:
How are things? How are you fi nding it here? What’s your news. CLASSROOM EXTENSION IDEAS You can use some or all of these ideas to check and
enhance your students’ understanding as they work their
way through
Unit 1 of
Speaking A2 in class.
Using Getting started You can use the
Getting started questions to prompt a
fi nd-a-match exercise.
1. Make two photocopies of the fi nd-a-match photographs
below and cut them into individual pictures. You may
want to fi nd more, other, better or more suitable
photographs for your students.
2. Ask students to look at the main photo and ask them
Getting started questions prompting responses like:
they are friends ,
maybe they are at school ,
perhaps university because they are casually dressed ,
they are laughing and joking .