To: Stadt Dortmund
Bürgerdienste International
Olpe 1
44122 Dortmund
Mr. Kansteiner
Dear Mr. Kansteiner,
I am, Varaksin Maksim, born 03.10.1977, pass-nr.: 0278442 the father of Varaksina Iuliia (born 31.07.2009, pass-nr.: 6256991).
My daughter is currently receiving medical treatment in the Klinikum Dortmund and stay in Germany with my wife (Varaksina Marina, born 27.01.1975, pass-nr.: 1030032).
I live in St. Petersburg, Russia and work in the company SIGNY GROUP Closed Joint Stock Company (ZAO SIGNY GROUP) in the position of chief project engineer of the department of engineering systems.
My monthly salary is 1 400 Euro.
On that money I provide stay and rent an apartment for my family.
The treatment for our daughter we pay from funds on clinic’s deposit, which we had transferred before starting treatment.
I give the money my family personally, during my visits to Germany.
I guarantee that I will pay for my family's stay in Germany during the whole period of treatment child.