3.2 Functional-stylistic features of legal texts in Uzbek One of the most important requirements for the text of documents is objectivity.
Documents as official written instruments expressing and recording official
relations should objectively reflect information. Therefore, there are certain
limitations in the use of words and word forms in the language of documents. In
particular, words with diminutive-caressing suffixes in the official work style,
pompous-celebratory or small, rude words, dialectal words, words understood only by a narrow circle of people, simile, revitalization , exaggeration, metaphor, diagnosis, etc., are not used for the figurative expression of thought. Their use
leads to the bias of expression in the text of documents.
The text of the document should also meet requirements such as accuracy,
conciseness, conciseness, completeness of content. A document that cannot meet
these requirements cannot be a genuine document, such a document interferes with
the business process.
In the language of documents, words related to nouns are often used. Even for
expressing actions and situations expressed by verbs, word forms close to nouns
are chosen, that is, word forms called "harakat nomi" are actively used and in
English it can be equivalent to participle I. Such as "....tayyorgarlikning borishi
haqida” (about the progress of preparation), "....qarorning bajarilishi to’g’risida” (about the implementation of the decision), "....yordam berish maqsadida” (in order to help), "....qabul qilishingizni so’rayman” (I ask you to accept). In accordance with the nature and purpose of the documents, interrogative and exclamatory sentences are almost not used in them, mainly indicative and