LESSON 5 What is the future of music? 1 a W o rk in p a irs. Read and e xp la in th e bold w o rd s .
How do m u sicia n s be co m e fam o us?
Not all musicians become famous but some do. First, they fo rm a band
and practise a lot. Then they think of some good ly ric s and music for a
song. After writing the song, they go to a recording s tu d io to record the
song. Then they re le a se a sin gle. If the song is a hit, it could go to num
ber one and then they become famous. After that, the band should relea se
an album and go on a tour so that they can p la y live for their fans.
1 b W o rk in p a irs . Read and say w h e re th e te x t is ta ke n fro m .
Y alla (Cyrillic:
Anna; pronounced riAl'la:! in Uzbek) is a folk rock band from
Uzbekistan. Formed in the early 1970s, Yalla went on concert tours in
Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America, including performing at the “Voice
of Asia” festival. The most famous song of Yalla was “ Uchkuduk” , and it
was the most popular hit in the 1980s.
The leader of the band is Farrukh Zokirov. Their music mixes traditional
folk tunes and poetry of Uzbekistan and other Central Asian and Middle
Eastern cultures, along with modern pop and dance music, into a unique
international blend. They perform songs in more than 10 languages, includ
ing Arabic, Persian, Hindi, Nepalese, French, as well as Uzbek and Russian.
Yalla is still very popular in Uzbekistan. Some new hits came out, such as
“ Uzbekistan” and some more.
1 c W o rk in p a irs. W rite a b o u t Y alla. Use th e
w o rd s ‘ F irst, th e n , a fte r, a fte r t h a t ’ .
2 a W ork in pairs. Look a t th e da tes o f m usic player
h is to ry and m atch the d a te s to events.
1) 1877
a) a gramophone became a common name in the UK
2) 1887
b) the phonograph was called a gramophone
3) 1890s
c) a tape recorder was called a record player
4) 1910
d) the first phonograph was invented
5) 1930
e) a tape recorder which records and plays sounds using
magnetic tape appeared
) 1940
f) the phonograph cylinders were changed to flat discs
f t . W o rk in Pa irs - Liste n and c h e c k y o u r an sw e rs.
3 W o rk in p a irs. A n sw e r th e q u e s tio n .
What do you think the future of music is?