The Children In order to understand the school children’s perspectives on physical education
and physical activity, the children completed a self-report questionnaire and participated
in focus group interviews. Each child’s physical health and fitness was also assessed
through a Physical Best Day, the methodology and results of this study are included
below. Some of the pertinent findings from the questionnaire study were published in
the Journal of Physical Activity and Health in an article entitled
‘An exploration of children’s perceptions and enjoyment of school-based physical activity and physical education’ (Coulter & Woods, 2011, Appendix A). An overview of the findings which
were related directly to the design and implementation of the professional development
programme are presented here.
Questionnaires. Purpose The purpose of the children’s questionnaire was to establish their practices and
perspectives in relation to physical activity and physical education in order to inform the
design and facilitation of the professional development programme.
Methodology Children from senior infants (Year 2) to sixth class (Year 8) (N=663) were invited to
participate in the study.
Due to participant age range (5-14 years) and reading ability, a
pictorial style self-report measure was used. This was adapted from a previously
validated Belgian questionnaire (Delfosse, Cloes & Pieron et al., 1992) for use in an
Irish setting. Further modifications were made to clarify and introduce colour to the
graphics, thus making it more ‘child friendly’ (Figure 4.1).
Figure 4.1. Sample page from child questionnaire
Four day test-retest reliability was established, percentage agreement scores (N=84,
male, 52%; mean 7.85 years; 1.71; range 5-11years) which yielded an overall
agreement of 82% for the instrument (Table 4.3) and Cronbach’s Alpha value for the
enjoyment measure was 0.65 which is deemed acceptable (Field, 2005, p. 668). The
questionnaire was a combination of personal, behavioural and enjoyment determinants
and used a combination of categorical, Likert and ordinal scoring responses.
Table 4.3 Reliability of PAYS (Physical Activity for Young Children Scale)