Results Descriptive Characteristics of Participants In total of 605 children participated in the study (age range 5-14 years, mean age 8.81
years, ±2.2, 44% female). Those children (n=58) not included in the study were absent
from school or class during questionnaire administration; no statistical differences in age
or gender with the main sample were noted (age range 6-13 years, mean age 9.05, ±
2.08, 44% female).
Behavioural determinants Free Play Physical Activity: Break and Lunch-Time: Participation in sedentary,
moderate or vigorous activity by gender for break-time and lunch-time is shown in
Table 4.4.
Table 4.4 Break-time and lunch-time physical activity levels
Break-time Lunch-time Boy Girl Total Boy Girl Total % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) S 11.5 (39)
29.2 (77)
19.3 (116)
8.9 (30)
16.6 (43)
12.2 (73)
MPA 15.7 (53)
34.1 (90)
23.8 (143)
11.6 (39)
39.8 (103)
23.8 (142)
VPA 72.8 (246)
36.7 (97)
57 (343)
79.5 (268)
43.6 (113)
63.9 (381)
Total 100 (338)
100 (264)
100 (602)
100 (337)
100 (259)
100 (596)
S- Sedentary, MPA – Moderate physical activity, VPA – vigorous physical activity
Although there is no significant difference for gender it can be seen that more boys
(72.8% at break-time and 79.5% at lunch-time) than girls (36.7% at break-time and
43.6% at lunch-time) reported participation in vigorous physical activity, whilst girls
were more likely to choose sedentary activities. Girls were significantly more likely to
report participating in vigorous activities at lunch-time (43.6% vigorous versus 16.6%
sedentary) (χ
(2) = 85.47, p< 0.001) as opposed to break-time (36.7% vigorous versus
29.2% sedentary) (χ
(2) = 78.84, p< 0.001). Boys were equally likely to be vigorously
active at break and lunch time.