Technology and our changing world high Technology

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ANDIJON - 2023

Fan va texnika rivojlanib borayotgan, zamonaviy axborot kommunikatsiya tizimlari vositalari keng joriy etilgan jamiyatda turli fan soxalarida bilimlarning tez yangilanib borishi oliy o‘quv yurti talabalaridan muntazam va mustaqil ravishda chet tilida erkin fikrlasha olishlari, xorijiy tillarda chop etilayotgan adabiyotlarni mustaqil o‘qiy olishlari va zarur axborotlarniolabilishlaritalab etiladi.

Qo‘llanma chet tili mu tax ass is ligi bo‘lmagan oliy o‘quv yurti talabalarming “Muhandislik” yo‘nalishi talabalari uchun mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, unda grammatik mavzular, muhandislik yo‘nalishiga oid matnlar, lug‘atlar berilgan.
Ushbu qo‘llanmaning asosiy maqsadi talabalarga ixtisoslikka oid adabiyotlar bilan ishlashga o‘rgatish va shu orqali chet ellarda chop etilayotgan soxaga oid jurnal va adabiyotlarni o‘qish va amaliyotda foydalanishi uchun zamin yaratishdir.
Qo‘llanmada zarur grammatik mavzular, ularga oid mashqlar, leksik materiallar bilan bir qatorda fizika, mexanika, mashinasozlik kabi ixtisosliklariga oid matnlar va atamalar berilgan. Bularning barchasi talabani og‘zaki vayozmanutq malakalarinio‘stirishgako‘mak beradi.
High Technology
You have probably heal’d the world technology. Today, the word is more commonly used than ever before. Technofogy is the use of science to achieve a practical purpose, a plow, for instance, is one example of technology. A plow is an example of the use of lhe leva- and the wedge. The leva’ and the wedge are simple machines.
A machine is a tool. A tool makes good use of technology. By using tools, human beings have been able to improve their world. Tools have helped people change their world. At times, by changing their, people have been able to make their lives easier.
The plow is one example of a valuable tool. There are several parts to a plow. The plowshare is that part of the plow that cuts into the soil. Basically, the plowshare is a wedge. The plow is an ancient tool. Over the centuries, the design of the plow design had an important effect on American life. If made possible the farming of the rich soil of the Midwestern prairie.
When pioneers first entered the Midwest, they found open prairie. The land was covered with tall grass. The sod was thick and tough. It was very hard for ahorse or ox to pull a plow through this tough sod. In fact, the sod was so hard that it broke many plows.
The plow needed to be redesigned to break the tough sod of the prairie. An American inventor, John Deere also introduced the first all-steel plow. This new plow design enabled farmers to work the rich black soil of the Midwest.
In lhebeg inning of human history, all technology was simple. As wedo, early humans needed food, shelter, and clothing. To obtain these, they changed the raw materials in their environment. The environment is all of the things around you. To make useful items from raw materials, early humans needed tools. The first tools were simply sticks and stones. After some time, humans learned to make rough tools from stones. You may have seen flint arrowheads and stone ax heads. These arrowheads and ax heads are examples of tools made from stones.
Tools have been important in human history. In fact, some early periods of human history have been named for the materials used to make the tools of that period. Thus, there has bear the Stone Age, The Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. This does not mean hat stone tools were not during the Bronze Age. Neither does it mean that bronze tools were not made during the Iron Age. The names mean that during that time humans learned to make tools from a particular material.
In each of these ages, technology advanced. In the Bronze Age, humans learned to make tools from bronze. Bronze is a mixture of copper and tin. A bronze tool is usually strongs- than a stone tool. In the Iron Age, humans learned to smelt iron from iron ore. (Ore is rock with metal pure metal). Thus, iron ore is heated to obtain iron. The iron was then used to make tools. As stronger tools were developed, humans gained more control of their environment.
In the centuries since, technology has developed rapidly. In the eighteen th-century, technology was used to build factories. In our own time, these factories have used technology to mass-produce products. In producing any product, industry changes raw material into a usable product, technology is usually needed.
Look around the classroom at the various items in the room. All of the object you see have been made from materials taken from the earth. Those items made of wood have been made from trees. Those items made of metal have been made from the metal obtained from metal ore. Trees and metal ore are two examples of natural resources. Natural resources are the raw materials of industry.
You can easily see that natural resources must be changed before we can use them. Them wood from a tree, for example, must be cut and smoothed before it can be used to make a table. To release, metal ore must be heated to a high temperature. The metal that is obtained can then be used to make the various metal items you use every day.
Both of these examples arequite simple. The wood in trees and lhe metal in metal ore must be processed before they canbeused.
When a material is processed, it is changed. For example, there are many steps in making a table from a tree. The steps needed to make a metal item from the metal in metal ore are more difficult. In each case, through, technology is used to change a raw material into a useful product.
We often think of technology as being complicated. Some technologies are complicated. The technology used to shape metal is somewhat complicated, for example. However, the technology used to shape wood using hand tools is somewhat simple. In the beginning of human history, there were only simple technologies. Today there are simple technologies and complex technologies. Some of the complex technologies are used in certain industries. We have come to call some of these industries high- technology (or ‘high-tech”) industries. They are called ‘high-tech” industries because they use complex technologies. The computer industry, for example, is a high-tech industry.
High technology uses advanced machines and materials. High technology is used in the mass-production of goods. For example, computer- driven machines can turn out large quantities of high-quality goods. Robots can do complex welding operations. They can maintain an almost perfect lev el of quality.
High technology uses raw materials. For example, we may soon have a lightweight plastic automobile engine. Parts of other engines will have ceramic parts to withstand high temperatures.
Today we are surrounded by inventions of modern industry and technology. These are changing the way we live, work, and play. On the following pages you will see several examples of this high technology. You also will learn something about the various careers in high technology.

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