Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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  • polymorphic, exudative

  • No correct answer

    791. For the diagnosis of monomorphic proliferative characteristic rash:

    1. urticaria

    2. Scabies

    3. psoriasis *

    4. pyoderma

    5. No correct answer

    792. To clarify the diagnosis of psoriasis is used:

    1. sample Minor

    2. triad auspices*

    3. Sample Balzer

    4. Sample Jadassohn

    5. No correct answer

    793. The patient lichen planus rash appeared after severe stress, fright

    What kind of treatment it is advisable to appoint a general:

    1. suggestive therapy*

    2. cytostatics

    3. fungicidal

    4. broadspectrum antibiotics

    5. No correct answer

    794. Specify the nature of lesions in lichen planus:

    1. polimorfnaya

    2. monomorphic Bugorkova

    3. true polymorphic

    4. monomorphic papular*

    5. No correct answer

    795. Specify the characteristic color of lesions in lichen planus:

    1. yellowish brown

    2. red with violet hue *

    3. pinkred

    4. dark brown

    5. No correct answer

    796. At the 2yearold child on the face with a loose tire phlyctenas, seropurulent exudate, erosion, crusts. Diagnosis:

    1. strep impetigo *

    2. vulgar sycosis

    3. hydradenitis

    4. psevdofurunkulez Finger.

    5. No correct answer

    797. When strep impetigo affected:

    1. smooth leather *

    2. apocrine sweat glands

    3. eccrine sweat glands

    4. hair follicles

    5. No correct answer

    798. strep impetigo is more common:

    1. male

    2. elderly

    3. Children *

    4. Women

    5. No correct answer

    799. A patient of 22 years on the forearm painful knot the size of a hazelnut coneshaped with a necrotic cor A presumptive diagnosis:

    1. Gunma

    2. carbuncle

    3. furunkul *

    4. turniol

    5. No correct answer

    800. The causative agent is furunkula:

    1. aureus *

    2. mushroom

    3. virus

    4. pallidum

    5. No correct answer

    801. The child in the skin of the cheeks, legs whitish spots, rounded, with abundant melkoplastinchatym peeling. The scraping the surface of foci of fungi were foun Sample Balzer negativ Your presumptive diagnosis:

    1. simple zoster*

    2. surface trichophytosis

    3. microsporia

    4. multicolored lichen

    5. No correct answer

    802. Those who often suffer from lichen simplex:

    1. Adults

    2. Women

    3. male

    4. Children *

    5. No correct answer

    803. Specify the pathogen simply depriving:

    1. mite

    2. aureus

    3. Streptococcus*

    4. Virus

    5. No correct answer

    804. With what diseases must be differentiated lichen simplex:

    1. Vitiligo

    2. strofulyus

    3. versicolor otrubevidpy*

    4. simple herpes

    5. No correct answer

    805. Newborn week after birth appeared on the skin of the chest bubbles with serouspurulent exudate, located on a slightly erythematous background, erosion, crusts.

    1. presumptive diagnosis:

    2. epidemic pemphigus *

    3. acantholytic pemphigus

    4. syphilitic pemphigus

    5. strep impetigo

    6. No correct answer

    806. The causative agent of epidemic pemphigus is:

    1. hemolytic streptococcus

    2. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    3. Staphylococcus aureus*

    4. Virus

    5. No correct answer

    807.Pri epidemic pemphigus source of infection are:

    1. medical staff *

    2. fathers of newborn

    3. domestic cats

    4. domestic dog

    5. No correct answer

    808. epidemic pemphigus often suffer

    1. Adults

    2. Women

    3. male

    4. newborns *

    5. No correct answer

    809. A newborn skin on the neck, back multiple nodes reddishbluish color, the size of a pea, palpation determined fluctuation. From penetrated nodes semiliquid purulenthemorrhagic content.

    A presumptive diagnosis:

    1. psevdofurunkulez Finger*

    2. hydradenitis

    3. infant eczema

    4. Bullous impetigo

    810. What factors contribute to the development psevdofurunkuleza Finger:

    1. overeating

    2. breast feeding

    3. frequent bathing

    4. overheating *

    5. No correct answer

    811. The patient in the left axilla painful, tight, welded assemblies undulating skin, reddishbluish color, with a fluctuation. Necrotic core is missing. A presumptive diagnosis:

    1. hydradenitis *

    2. kollikvativnyytuberkulez

    3. erythrasma

    4. abrasions

    5. No correct answer

    812. Which group of diseases is hidradenitis:

    1. streptococcal

    2. tinea

    3. stafilodermia*

    4. Collagen

    5. No correct answer

    813. When gidradenitis injured:

    1. hair follicle

    2. sebaceous glands

    3. smooth skin

    4. apocrine sweat glands*

    5. No correct answer

    814. The average time flow gidradenita:

    1. 1015 days *

    2. 23 months

    3. b months

    4. 57nedel

    5. No correct answer

    815. The patient on the skin of the penis size of the ulcer 2x2 cm, round shape, with dense edges, purulent discharge, painful infiltrate the base beyond the borders of ulcers. Wasserman negativ

    1. presumptive diagnosis:

    2. genital herpes

    3. gonorrhea

    4. shankriform pyoderma*

    5. chancre

    6. No correct answer

    816. The causative agent is shankriformnoy pyoderma:

    1. pale treponema

    2. lichenification

    3. Staphylococcus aureus *

    4. Mite

    5. No correct answer

    817. When shankriformnoy pyoderma in place allowed the element remains:

    1. atrophic scar *

    2. vegetation

    3. lichenification

    4. mosaic scar

    5. No correct answer

    818. A woman of 40 years on the skin of the chin, nasolabial folds against the backdrop of reddened skin are infiltrated pustules, telangiectasi Hypoacid suffers from gastritis. A presumptive diagnosis:

    1. photodermatitis

    2. shancriform pyoderma

    3. rosacea *

    4. erythematosus

    5. No correct answer

    819. What factors are important in the etiology of rozovyx ugrey:

    1. angioneurosis lowered vascular tone*

    2. streptococci

    3. itch mites

    4. fungus

    5. No correct answer

    820. Distinguish following clinical variants rozovyx ugrey:

    1. lichenoid

    2. papulespustular

    3. erythematous *

    4. warty

    5. No correct answer

    821. With what diseases is carried diff. Diagnosis rozovyx ugrey:

    1. perioral dermatitis

    2. psoriasis

    3. simple herpes

    4. discoid lupus erythematosus *

    5. No correct answer

    822. The patient 30 years on the skin of the chin, cheeks multiple folliculitis, sycosis, clusters of offyellow purulent crusts. The process recurs. A presumptive diagnosis:

    1. vulgar sycosis *

    2. acne vulgaris

    3. Chronic ulcerative pyoderma

    4. Psoriasis

    823. Which group No correct answer of diseases is vulgar sycosis:

    1. streptoderma

    2. ringworm

    3. stafilodermiya *

    4. collagen

    5. No correct answer

    824. The etiopathogenesis vulgar sycosis matters:

    1. neuroendocrine disorders

    2. pyogenic staphylococci*

    3. chesotochnye mites

    4. overheating

    5. No correct answer

    825. The woman on the skin of the chest, abdomen, multiple excoriations, paired nodules, pustules, linear scratching, intense itching, worse at night.

    1. presumptive diagnosis:

    2. scabies *

    3. eczema

    4. nodular pruritus

    5. strofulyus

    826. Specify the most common complication of scabies:

    1. regional adenitis

    2. neuralgia

    3. pyoderma*

    4. psychosis

    5. No correct answer

    827. A man 23 years in the pubic area, the penis, the inner thighs papules, pustules, purulent crust erosion. Worried itching noted symptom GorchakovHard

    1. presumptive diagnosis:

    2. chancroid

    3. scabies *

    4. Lipschutz's disease

    5. vulgar impetigo

    6. No correct answer

    828. Some other symptoms can be symptoms of scabies:

    1. itchy skin only during the day

    2. linear layout

    3. bunching rash

    4. pairing elements*

    5. No correct answer

    829. What are the laboratory methods should be carried out with scabies:

    1. scraping on the itch mite*

    2. blood tests eozonophili

    3. urinalysis

    4. Research on blood sugar

    5. No correct answer

    830. With what diseases is carried diff. diagnostics, scabies:

    1. Shingles

    2. lichen planus

    3. syndrom SenirAschner

    4. pruritus *

    5. No correct answer

    831. The patient was 25 years old, Single The diagnosis of scabies.

    What laboratory studies should be included in the plan of the survey:

    1. finding of scabies mite*

    2. research on LE cells

    3. Analysis on akantolys

    4. Analysis of a bullock Borowski

    5. No correct answer

    832. The female scabies mite gets:

    1. mesh layer in the dermis

    2. horny layer of the epidermis*

    3. in the subcutaneous fat

    4. in the basal layer of the epidermis

    5. No correct answer

    833. The incubation period for scabies is:

    1. 14 weeks *

    2. 23 months

    3. 2448 hours

    4. 6 8 months

    5. No correct answer

    834. The fertilized female scabies mite lays:

    1. B do100yaits

    2. 1000 eggs

    3. to 50 eggs *

    4. to 200yaits

    5. No correct answer

    835. A patient with scabies after application of 33% sulfur ointment on the skin of the trunk appeared :


    1. The contact allergic dermatitis. *

    2. atopic dermatitis

    3. toxicodermiya

    4. erythema multiforme exudative

    5. No correct answer

    836. Specify drugs for the treatment of contact allergic dermatitis:

    1. 1% ointment ichtiol

    2. 0.1% calcium gluconate

    3. Ampicillin

    4. suprastin *

    5. No correct answer

    837. Specify the term applying sulfur ointment in the treatment of scabies:

    1. 12 days

    2. 4 5 days *

    3. 8 days

    4. 7 days

    5. No correct answer

    838. The varieties of scabies include:

    1. dishydrotic

    2. Dutch

    3. Rural

    4. Norwegian*

    5. No correct answer

    839. The patient skin spots round shape the size of 56 mm with a slight small laminar peeling. When lubricating iodine stains darken.


    1. multicolored shingles*

    2. allergic dermatit

    3. Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring

    4. Iododerma

    5. No correct answer

    840 Multicolored zoster is more common in persons:

    1. pulmonary tuberculosis*

    2. podagra

    3. hypertensive disease

    4. On fat seborroea

    5. No correct answer

    841. What other symptoms are characteristic of multicolored lichen:

    1. true leucoderma

    2. no subjective sensations

    3. yellowishbrown spots *

    4. papulosus rash

    5. No correct answer

    842. Select the drugs to treat multicolored lichen:

    1. Nizoral *

    2. 20% benzyl benzoate

    3. tselestoderm

    4. erythromycin

    5. No correct answer

    843. A patient of 56 years on the skin in the groin creases clearly limited noninflammatory spot brickred color. There sweating.


    1. candidiasis

    2. limited neurodermatitis

    3. erythrasma*

    4. chromophytosis

    5. No correct answer

    844. What is important in the etiology of erythrasma:

    1. neurotropic virus

    2. Corynebacterium*

    3. Streptococcus

    4. Red trihofiton

    5. No correct answer

    845. The patient 23 years in the interdigital gaps feet maceration, fracture fragments of the epidermis around the edges. The nails of the thumbs of both feet are yellow, dim, crumbl


    1. mycosis fungoides

    2. aktinomikoz

    3. mycetoma of the foot

    4. athlete's foot, onychomycosis. *

    5. No correct answer

    846. Specify the clinical variety of tinea pedis, onychomycosis:

    1. intertriginosys *

    2. dishidrotic

    3. microbial

    4. exudative

    5. No correct answer

    847. What research is needed to confirm the diagnosis of tinea pedis, onychomycosis:

    1. microscopic examination of pathological material*

    2. crop on Wednesday Saburo

    3. CBC

    4. urinalysis.

    5. No correct answer

    848. The pathology is characterized by a nail in the tinea pedis, onychomycosis:

    1. 12 defeat of nail plastinoktolko toes*

    2. defeat nail plates 34, 45 toes

    3. lack of destruction of the nail plate brushes

    4. losing all nail plates

    5. No correct answer

    849. A patient with diabetes at the head of the penis itchy erythematous border erosion macerated epidermis Worried itching, burning


    1. esthiomenous chancre

    2. contact dermatitis

    3. candida balanoposthitis *

    4. genital herpes

    5. No correct answer

    850. What research is needed to confirm the diagnosis Candida balanoposthitis:

    1. study on cell acantholytic

    2. iodine sample Jadassohn

    3. Research on pale treponema

    4. microscopic study on yeasts*

    5. No correct answer

    851. What else could be affected by Candida balanoposthitis:

    1. The corners of the mouth

    2. interdigital folds

    3. oral mucosa *

    4. scalp

    5. No correct answer

    852. Select the drugs to treat Candida balanoposthitis:

    1. Nizoral

    2. kenolog

    3. Diflucan *

    4. Nystatin

    5. No correct answer

    853. The patient 10 years on the scalp rounded center 2x2 cm. Hair broken at 68 mm at the base ofmufflike Case consists.


    1. microsporia*

    2. alopecia baldness

    3. seborrhea

    4. syphilitic alopecia

    5. No correct answer

    854. What other symptoms characteristic of microsporia:

    1. BTE increase in lymph nodes

    2. emerald glow in the rays of the lamp Wood *

    3. Wood in the glow of the lamp is marked shining

    4. burning and painful lesions

    5. No correct answer

    855. Patient For 15 years on the scalp is clearly limited erythematoussquamous foci to be broken off hair at the level of 68 mm. Under Wood's lampgreen glow.


    1. trihofitya

    2. favus

    3. psoriasis

    4. microsporia *

    5. No correct answer

    856. Specify a possible source of contamination at mikrosporia:

    1. sick person

    2. cats and dogs *

    3. Cattle

    4. steppe rodents

    5. No correct answer

    857. What is striking when microsporia:

    1. smooth leather *

    2. organs

    3. bones

    4. nails

    5. No correct answer

    858 Select treatments for microsporia:

    1. 610% sulfurtar ointment

    2. griseofulvin forte*

    3. kloforan

    4. acyclovir

    5. No correct answer

    859. patient diagnosed as athlete's foot, dishydrotic form.

    What are the clinical signs are characteristic of this disease:

    1. localization in the arch of the foot*

    2. formation of bubbles and bubble multi

    3. the appearance of paired vesiclespapular elements

    4. groin limfadenit

    5. No correct answer

    860. Where infection occurs most often in the athlete's foot, disgidroticheskoy form:

    1. in the treatment room

    2. bedside

    3. At the beach

    4. in the pool, saun *

    5. No correct answer

    861. Who suffers most athlete's foot, dishydrotic form:

    1. athletes *

    2. sellers

    3. builders

    4. vets

    5. No correct answer

    862. With what diseases is carried diff. diagnosis of athlete's foot, dishydrotic form:

    1. palmoplantar pustular psoriasis

    2. lichen planus

    3. dishydrotic eczema*

    4. dermatitis Duhring

    5. No correct answer

    863. The child of 9 years at the head in the neck, there are two large pockets rezkoocherchennyh infiltrated the size of 5x6 cm, covered with a large number of purulent rich crusts. After removing the crusts noted pus from each follicle individuall The patient noted an increase in temperature headache, increase in cervical lymph nodes.

    1. presumptive diagnosis:

    2. abrasions

    3. infiltrative suppurative trichophytosis *

    4. microsporia

    5. pustular psoriasis

    864. Who is most often the source of infection at the infiltrativesuppurative trihofitia:

    1. cattle*

    2. cats, dogs

    3. steppe rodents

    4. Rat

    5. No correct answer

    865. Which symptom characteristic of infiltrativesuppurative trihofitia:

    1. fish eggs

    2. ladies heel

    3. honeycomb*

    4. apple jelly

    5. No correct answer

    866. What research is needed to infiltrativesuppurative trihofitiia

    1. microscopy of hair*

    2. crop on Wednesday Saburo

    3. Skin biopsy histology

    4. Research at Wood's lamp

    5. No correct answer

    867. A child 6 years of age on the skin in the shoulder, chest and back are eritematosquamous lesions proper size 2x2,3x3 cm roundshaped lesions with clear boundaries, the edges of which are raised roll shaped and they can see small papules vesicular rashes, scales and position crusts.

    1. presumptive diagnosis:

    2. focal neurodermatitis

    3. microbial eczema

    4. psoriasis

    5. microsporia smooth leather*

    868. What is striking when microsporia smooth skin:

    1. nails

    2. hair *

    3. internal organs

    4. mucous eye

    5. No correct answer

    869. In an infant with an inflammation of the oral mucosa diagnosed as candidiasis of the oral mucosa (thrush).

    What features are typical for this disease:

    1. superficial erosion in the lesions

    2. "cheesy" raid

    3. whitish film can be easily removed*

    4. ulcerated lesions

    5. No correct answer

    870. What can be combined lesion of the oral mucosa for candidiasis:

    1. defeat of the cornea

    2. defeat corners of the mouth

    3. defeat red border

    4. losing the language *

    5. No correct answer

    871. What are the allergic rashes with candidiasis of the oral mucosa (thrush):

    1. levurid *

    2. lentikulid

    3. mikrobid

    4. epidermofitid

    5. No correct answer

    872. Select drugs for the treatment of candidiasis of the oral mucosa:

    1. 1% solution of methylene blue*

    2. prednisolone

    3. Ampicillin

    4. Deksametozon

    5. No correct answer

    873. The patient on the body multiple yellowishbrown spot with defurfuration which subjectively did not bother the patient. Sample Balzer and symptom of "chips" are positiv


    1. pink zoster Gibert

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