Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer
1. What medications often cause erythema fixed

 A. Sulfadimetoksin*

 B. Analginum

 C. aspirin

D. Ampicillin

 E. No correct answer

2. What should be differentiated disease spread


 A. herpes

 B. Pyoderma

 C. Pemphigus vulgaris*

 D. Disease Borowski

E. No correct answer
3. Enter the typical localization at multiforme exudative


 A. Scalp

B. Rear feet*

C. The neck

 D. Interdigital spaces of hands

E. No correct answer


4. What factors are important in the development multiforme

exudative erythema

A. Hereditary


C.Foci of chronic infection*

D. Hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands

E. No correct answer

5. What dermatoses differentiate erythema multiforme

 A. Lyell's syndrome*

 B. Strofulyus

C. Scrapie


E. No correct answer


6. Specify the pathogenetic factors of pink lichen Gibert

A.The introduction into the skin mites


C. Idiosyncrasy to iodine

D.Viral infection*

E. No correct answer
7. What kinds of microbial eczema

 A. Adult



D.  Horn

E. No correct answer

8. How is a clinical sign is characterized by a rash in true


B. Symptom *

C. Tubercles asymmetry

D.Induratum edema

E. No correct answer

9. What are the symptoms seen with discoid lupus

A. Net Wickham

B. Collar Biett

C. Sign "ladies' heel"*

D. Paired elements

E. No correct answer

10. Specify the variety of scleroderma

A. Vulgar

B. White spot disease*

C. Infiltrative


E. No correct answer

11. Lichen planus is characterized by

A. Absence of pruritus

B. Tubercles

C. Mesh Wickham*

D. Urticaria rashes

E. No correct answer

12. planus characterized by

A. Swelling of the spinous layer of intercellular

B. Akantolizis

C. Vacuolar degeneration

D. Irregular thickening of the granular layer of the epidermis*

E. No correct answer

13. What are the clinical symptom pathognomonic for red

A.lichen planus "honeycomb Celsus*

B.Net Wickham

C.Cells Ttsanka

D. A symptom auspices

E. No correct answer

14. What diseases do not belong to a group of viral dermatoses

A. Warts

B. Genital warts

C. Psoriasis*

D. shingles

E. No correct answer

15. The vascular patch is


B. Chloasma

C. Nevus

D. Leucoderma

E. No correct answer

16. Primary morphological elements

A. scar

B. Bubble*

C. erosion

D. ulcer

E. No correct answer

17. Secondary morphological elements

A. Roseola

B. Lace

 C. Node

D.Ulcer *

E. No correct answer

18. The bubble is formed at



C. Herpes simplex*

D. Psoriasis

E. No correct answer

19. The outcome of the node is

A. Spot*

B. Atrophy

C. Ulcer

D. Scar

E. No correct answer

20. exudative morphological element is

A. Node

B. Tubercle

C. Vesicle*

D. Papule

E. No correct answer

21. Specify dosage forms for topical treatment in accordance with step


A. Weeping – gadgets*

B. The stage of secondary pyoderma gadgets

C. Bubble stage ointments

D. Exudation powders

E. No correct answer
22. What diseases are at neyrodermatozov:

A. Pink zoster Gibert

B. Dermatitis Duhring

C. Lichen planus

D. Scrapie*

E. No correct answer

23.Specify the reasons that may be the cause of localized


A. Itch mites

B. Violation of the endocrine glands

C. Hemorrhoids*

D. Ketoacidosis

E. No correct answer
24. What preparations have antipruritic effect:

A. Anesthetics*


C. Antibiotics

D. Cytostatics

E. No correct answer

25. What comorbidities are common in

atopic dermatitis:

 A. hepatitis

B. Toxoplasmosis

C. tuberculosis

D. Vasomotor rhinitis*

E. No correct answer
26. In what diseases there is white dermographism:

A. scabies

B. Allergic dermatitis

C. Scrapie*

D. psoriasis

E. No correct answer

27. Describe the main pathogenetic mechanisms of development of children


A. Hereditary fermentopathy*

B. Center focal infection

C. Endocrine disorders

D.Immune deficiency

E. No correct answer
28. What are the rash characteristic of psoriasis:

A. Vegetating

B. Erosive and ulcerative

C. Monomorphic pustular

D. Papular

E. No correct answer

29. What areas are distinguished in focal neurodermatitis:

A. Peripheral zone pustular rash

B. Center Zone lihenifikatsii*

C. Central erythematoussquamous

D. Average a zone of depigmentation

E. No correct answer

30. What are the signs characteristic of urticaria:

A. Secondary atrophic changes in the skin

B. Monomorphic papules

C. Monomorphic blisters*

D. White dermographism

E. No correct answer

31 patients with acute angioedema starting asphyxia. What preparations

Rata be appointed to help:

A. Korglikon 0.5 / m

B. Gemodez 200.0 drip into a vein

C. Bronholitin

D. Prednisone 6080 mg into a vein*

E. No correct answer
32. What diseases are at bullous dermatosis:

 A. Stafilodermiya

 B. Pemphigus vulgaris*

 C. shingles

 D. chickenpox

E. No correct answer


33. Under what bullous dermatosis observed eruptions:

A. herpes

B. Stafilodermiya

C. Lyell's syndrome*

D. Rosacea

E. No correct answer
34. The classification of true pemphigus include:

A. Pemphigus vulgaris*

B. Exudative

C. Handfoot

D. Disgidroticheskaya

E. No correct answer

35. What are the symptoms characteristic of true pemphigus:

A. Symptom GorchakovHardy

B. A symptom of "apple jelly"

C. Symptom Nikolsky*

D. Symptom Pospelov

E. No correct answer

36. In what diseases there is a positive sign


A. Contact dermatitis bullous stage

B. Pemphigus vulgarisB*

C. Dermatitis Duhring

D. Bullous streptoderma

E. No correct answer
37. What are the basic rules of corticosteroids in the treatment of hormone


A. Hormones are prescribed only for external treatment

B. Treatment is initiated with a bolus

C. Treatment start with a gradual increase in the dose until the shock

D. Taking hormones administered in the evening

E. No correct answer
38. What are the complications observed in the treatment of pemphigus:

A. The development of hypersensitivity

B. Oppression of the hematopoietic system

C. cirrhosis of the liver

D. Cushing's syndrome*

E. No correct answer

39. What are the typical clinical signs of dermatitis Dühring:

A. The defeat of the oral mucosa

B. A positive sign of Nikolsky

C. Bunching rash*

D. Infiltrative lesions are composed of elements

E. No correct answer

40. What are the morphological features are characteristic rash

dermatitis Dühring:


B. Units

C. Bumps

D. Papular*

E. No correct answer
41. What are the laboratory findings are characteristic of dermatitis Dühring:

A. Eosinophils in the cystic fluid*

B. Lymphocytosis

C. Leykotsitozv cystic fluid

  D. Histomorphological acantholysis

E. No correct answer

42. Which dermatosis characterized by the appearance of rashes on

oral cavity:

A. psoriasis

B. Candidiasis*

C. Pink zoster Gibert

D. Hydradenitis

E. No correct answer
43. Name the rash with a clear viral etiology:

A. Dermatitis Duhring

B. Lichen planus

C. Herpes*

D. Pemphigoid

E. No correct answer

44. What are the characteristics of lesions in the herpes simplex:

A. Subjectively itching prevails over the soreness and burning

B. Polymorphism rash

C. Bubble elements of monomorphic*

D. Grouped cystic lesions

E. No correct answer

45. What are the features of genital herpes from a solid


A. No solid infiltrate the base

B. Positive PB

C. Painless erosions

D. Regional bubo

E. No correct answer
46. ​​What are the clinical forms of herpes zoster:

A. Disgidroticheskaya

B. Generalized*

C. Vegetating

D. Neuralgia

E. No correct answer

47. Specify the drug has an antiviral


A. Metatreksat

B. Sulphur cleared


D. Tsiklovir*

E. No correct answer
48. Assign the drug to patients with a diagnosis of herpes zoster:

A. Sodium bromo drops

B. Prednisolone ointment

C. Analgesics*

D. Ampicillin

E. No correct answer

49. Specify the characteristics of molluscum contagiosum:

A. Transmission transmissive

B. Nodules contained within the white curd*

C. Subjectively itching sensation

D. A symptom of "net Wickham" positive

E. No correct answer

50. What forms of lupus are distinguished according to the classification:

A. Discoid*

B. Vegetating

C. Squamous

D. Pustular

E. No correct answer

51. What are the cardinal symptoms of the rash of lupus erythematosus:

A. Lihenifikatsiya

B. Keloid scars

C. Pustular infiltration

D. Infiltrative erythema*

E. No correct answer

52. What are the symptoms observed in discoid lupus erythematosus:

A. "Grid" Wickham

B. "Butterfly"*

C. "Honeycomb" Celsus

D. A terminal film

E. No correct answer

53. In what diseases it is necessary to differentiate the red


A. Scleroderma

B.Dermatitis Duhring

C. Photodermatosis*

D. eczema

E. No correct answer
54. What are the stages are distinguished in the clinical course of scleroderma:

A. Hyperkeratosis


C. Ulceration

D. Pack*

E. No correct answer

55. What dermatoses included in the group of connective tissue:

A. Discoid lupus erythematosus*

B. Dermatitis Duhring

C. Genital warts

D. Leyshmanmoz

E. No correct answer

56. What are considered benign neoplasms of the skin:

A. carcinoma

B. Lipoma*

C. melanoma

D. sarcoma

E. No correct answer

57. Favourite localization of molluscum contagiosum:

A. Underarm area

B. Hands and feet

C. Person

D. Mucosas

E. No correct answer

58. What are the clinical varieties of acne vulgaris:

A. Spherical

B. Erythematoussquamous

C. Erosive and ulcerative

D. Pustular*

E. No correct answer

59. Enter the current stage of rosacea:

A. Papulespustular*

B.Follicular hyperkeratosis

C. The stage of atrophy

D. Stage seals

E. No correct answer

60. What are the exogenous factors that may cause abnormal

condition in the skin:

A. Disorders of the nervous system

B. Hypersensitization

C. Pathogenic fungi*


E. No correct answer
61. endogenous physiological factors that may cause

inflammatory changes in the skin include:

A. Viruses

B. Chemical

C. Physical

D. Metabolic disorders*

E. No correct answer
62. The primary morphological elements can be:

A. Proliferative*

B. Induratum

C. Serous

D. Follicular

E. No correct answer

63. Which of the following applies to exudative lesions:

A. roseola

B. papule


D. Blister*

E. No correct answer

64. What are the primary proliferative elements:

A. Knot*

B. blister

C. vesicle

D. Bull

E. No correct answer

65. Stain a primary element, resulting from:

A. As a result of hyperkeratosis

B. As a result of accumulation of melanocytes at a certain area of ​​the skin*

C. Changes in skin color due to akantolizisa

D. It changes color as a result of hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands

E. No correct answer

66. What types of spots are distinguished:

A. Papillomatoznye

B. Iron deficiency

C. Melanocytic

D. Pigment*

E. No correct answer

67. What kinds of vascular spots:

A. Hyperpigmentation


C. Telangiectasia*

D. Tattoo

E. No correct answer

68. What kinds of hemorrhagic spots:

A. nevus

B. Petechiae*

C. lentigo

D. Chloasma

E. No correct answer

69. What are the characteristics of a blister:

A. Bespolostnoy element resulting from edema of the papillary layer


B. Is the result of akantolizisa

C. Characteristic of autoimmune diseases

D. Is not accompanied by subjective sensations

E. No correct answer
70. What are the characteristics of a bubble:

A. Formed as a result of edema papillary dermis

B. Is a proliferative element

C. Exudative primary element comprises a liquid*

D. Pitting with ulceration and atrophy

E. No correct answer

71. What is different from the bubble of the bubble:

 A. Localization of elements

 B. The contents of exudate

C. Subjective sensations

D. Size less than 0.5 cm bubble, the bubble more*

E. No correct answer

72. Name the layer of the epidermis:

A. Horn*

B. Papillary

C. reticulate

D. fatty

E. No correct answer

73. refers to the skin appendages:

A. Dermal papilla

B. epidermis

C. Hair*

D. Subcutaneous fat

E. No correct answer

74. What are the primary morphological elements:

A. atrophy

B. Papule*

C. Follicle

D. ulcer

E. No correct answer

75. What kinds of pustules, you know:

A. Ecchymosis

B. Petechiae

C. Impetigo*

D. Skrofuloderma

E. No correct answer

76. What types of papules vary in size:

A. Lichenoid

B. Dwarf

C. Tuberculoid

D. Miliary*

E. No correct answer

77. What are the characteristics of the nodule:

A. Bespolostnoy primary element*

B. It is ephemeral

C. It contains serous ekksudat

D. The involution leaves atrophic scar

E. No correct answer

78. What are the characteristic features of tubercle and assembly:

A. It refers to the elements of the exudative

B. Infiltrate located in the epidermis

C. Is a members bespolostnoy*

D.Are ephemeral formations

E. No correct answer

79. Write the primary element and the corresponding pathological process:

A. Vial atrophy

B. Tuberkulum secondary depigmentation

C.Node Erosion

D. Bubble – acantholysis*

E. No correct answer

80. Locate the secondary morphological elements:

A. papule

B. Erosion*

C. Conflict


E. No correct answer

81. What are the characteristic features of lihenifikatsii:

A. Atrophic changes

B. Rash on the hearth

C.Anesthesia on the hearth

D. Enhanced skin pattern*

E. No correct answer

82. What are the primary elements and their corresponding inverse

the development of secondary elements:

A. Node secondary depigmentation

B. Bubble – Erosion*

C. Papule scar atrophy

D.Spot flaking and crust

E. No correct answer
83. What pyoderma characteristic of childhood:

A. Hydradenitis

B.Basal cell carcinoma

C. Epidemic pemphigus newborns*

D. Genital herpes

E. No correct answer

84. What factors contribute to the development of pyoderma:

A. Diabetes*

B. Violation of the mechanism of division epidermotsitov

C. Akantolizis

D. Hyperactivity of the sweat glands

E. No correct answer

85. What are the main clinical signs of scabies:

A. A symptom of Pospelov

B. Sgruppirovannnye bubbles

C. Paired papular or vesicular papules elements*

D. Bites itch mites

E. No correct answer

86. What tools are used to treat scabies:

A.Solution Dimexidum

B. Method Dem'yanovich*

C. Gray mercurial ointment

D. Kerosene mixed with vegetable oil

E. No correct answer

87. What are the main clinical signs of lice:

A. Finding ticks

B. Paired papular elements

C.A symptom GorchakovHardy

D. Finding lice*

E. No correct answer

88. With what diseases differentiate scabies:

A. Pruritus*

B. shingles


D. Exudative erythema

E. No correct answer

89. What are the rash characteristic of the lepromatous type of leprosy:

A. Vesicular elements

B. Leproma*

C. Gummy

D. Vegetating papules

E. No correct answer

90. What are the symptoms are caused by a variety of motor

disorders in leprosy:

A. A symptom of "fish eggs"

B.A symptom of "butterfly"

C. "Mask of St. Anthony"*

D.shatayuschayasya gait

E. No correct answer
91. What laboratory and instrumental methods used to

diagnosis of leprosy:

A. Leprominovaya trial*

B.Mantoux test

C. Reaction Cana

D. Trial Jadassohn

E. No correct answer
92. Which of the provisions are considered to be correct when setting the sample:

A. Type of tuberculosis a negative test

B. Lepromatous positive test

C. Lepromatous type – negative*

D. Undifferentiated type resistant sample

E. No correct answer

93. Enter any skin diseases considered contagious:

A. psoriasis

B. Pink zoster Gibert

C. Dermatitis Duhring

D. Pedikulё*

E. No correct answer

94. Specify links in the epidemiological chain of the disease Borowski:

A. Wand Hansen

B. Ground Squirrel*

C. cattle

D. Ticks

E. No correct answer

95. Specify the reservoir of infection in leishmaniasis:

A. Poultry

B.Mosquitoes and fleas

C. Ground Squirrels*

D. cattle

E. No correct answer

96. List the basic preventive measures when


A. Deratization work in the centers*

B. Disinfection of the premises and linen

C. The destruction of stray dogs

D. Vaccination of cattle

E. No correct answer
97. What laboratory and instrumental methods of diagnosis

are used for the diagnosis of tuberculosis of the skin:

A. Trial Minor

B. Trial Jadassohn

C. Mantoux*

D. Research on the LEcells

E. No correct answer
98. Specify the localized forms of lupus:

A. Papulonecrotic

B. Ulcerative tuberculosis*

C. Indurative

D. Miliary

E. No correct answer

99. What dermatosis known as psoriasis:

A. Allergic dermatitis

B. Toxicoderma

C. Psoriasis*


E. No correct answer

100. Specify where indicated correctly matching the pathogen diagnosis:

A. Leprosy Hansen bacillus*

B. Nevi papillomatoznye viruses

C. Microsporia fungi genus Candida

D. Leishmaniasis leptospira

E. No correct answer

101. Indicate where indicated correctly matching the pathogen diagnosis:

A. Microsporia mycoplasma

B. Pink eels genus Demodex mites*

C.Trihofitii Trichomonas

D. Leprosy Leishmania

E. No correct answer

102. Identifying the factors causing exogenous

histopathological changes in the skin:

A.Immune deficiency

B. Autoimmunnization

C.Status of hypersensitivity

D. Acid*

E. No correct answer
103. Identifying the factors causing endogenous nature

histopathological changes in the skin:

A.Parazitar Mites

B. Dysbacteriosis*

C.Substance Oncogenic action

D.Patologic Mushrooms

E. No correct answer
104. What segments are distinguished in the epidermis:

A. Reticulate

B. Papillary

C. Grainy*


E. No correct answer

105. As relates to the skin appendages:

A. Melanocytes

B. Keratinocytes

C. The connective tissue of the dermis

D. Nails*

E. No correct answer

106. Specify where the skin of the human body is most located

apocrine sweat glands:

A. The skin of the palms and soles of the skin

B. axilla*

C. On the face

D. The extensor surfaces of the forearms

E. No correct answer
107. What are the physiological functions of the skin are performed:

A. Participation in the synthesis of sex hormones

B.The function of the depot steroids

C. Protective*

D. Enzyme

E. No correct answer

108. Specify morphologic primary elements:

A. Vesicle*

B. Erosion


D. Crust

E. No correct answer

109. Specify the morphological elements which do not belong to the primary:

A. Abscess

B. Hemorrhagic spot

C. Tubercle

D. Excoriation*

E. No correct answer

110. Specify the pericardial primary element:



C. Vesicle*

D. Lace

E. No correct answer

111. Specify the primary proliferative element:


B. Lace*

C. Excoriation

D. Atrophic scar

E. No correct answer

112. What kind of spots are distinguished:

A. PU*

B. Exudative

C. Hypertrophic

D. Dishydrotic

E. No correct answer

113. Which of the following refers to vascular spots:

A. Secondary pigmentation

B. Roseola*

C. Vibitsess

B. Leucoderma

E. No correct answer

114. With what diseases must be differentiated leishmaniasis:

A. Disease Borowski

B. Duhring Dermatitis

C. Warts simple

D. Leprosy*

E. No correct answer

115. What tests should be appointed to confirm the diagnosis


A. Biopsy

B. Lepra trial

C. Mantoux*

D. Sample Minor

E. No correct answer
116. What types of fungal infections are classified according to the classification Arievicha


A. Warts

B. Sporamikosys

C. Dermatomycoses*

D. Blastomycosis

E. No correct answer
117. What diseases are at dermatomycoses:

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