Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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  • no correct answer

    584. Choose varieties toxicoderma:

    1. Fixed erythema*

    2. Psoriasis

    3. Perfrigeration

    4. Pellagrosis dermatitis

    5. no correct answer

    585. What medications often cause erythema fixed:

    1. Tavegil

    2. Tetracycline

    3. Analginum

    4. Sulfadimetoksin*

    5. no correct answer

    586. What disease should be differentiated common toxicoderma:

    1. Exfoliative dermatitis*

    2. Pyoderma

    3. Rosacea

    4. Disease Borowski

    5. no correct answer

    587. Choose the typical localization exudative erythema multiforme at:

    1. Scalp

    2. Interdigital spaces of hands

    3. Mucosa*

    4. The neck

    5. no correct answer

    588. What factors are important in the development of exudative erythema multiforme:

    1. Hypersensitivity to fluoride

    2. Foci of chronic infection*

    3. Hypersensitivity to iodine

    4. Photosensitivity

    5. no correct answer

    589. What dermatoses differentiate erythema multiforme:

    1. Pemphigus vulgaris*

    2. Strofulyus

    3. Skrofuloderma

    4. Induratum erythema Bazin

    5. no correct answer

    590. Specify the pathogenetic factors of pink lichen Gibert:

    1. Yeasts

    2. Hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands

    3. Viral infection*

    4. Idiosyncrasy to iodine

    5. no correct answer

    591. Specify the species of microbial eczema:

    1. Varicose*

    2. Adult

    3. Idiopathic

    4. Horn

    5. no correct answer

    592. What clinical sign is characterized by a rash in true eczema:

    1. Sign "serous wells"*

    2. Tubercles

    3. Monomorphic papules

    4. Ephemeral blisters

    5. no correct answer

    593. What are the symptoms seen with discoid lupus:

    1. Collar Biett

    2. Sign "ladies' heel"*

    3. Net Uithema

    4. Silvery white, easily removable scales

    5. no correct answer

    594. Choose varieties of scleroderma:

    1. Vulgar

    2. Erythematous

    3. Infiltrative

    4. White spot disease*

    5. no correct answer

    595. Lichen planus is characterized by:

    1. Polymorphism

    2. Absence of pruritus

    3. Mesh Wickham*

    4. Urticaria rashes

    5. no correct answer

    596. For planus is characterized by:

    1. Parakeratosis

    2. interdermal mikroabcsess

    3. Irregular thickening of the granular layer of the epidermis*

    4. Akantolizis

    5. no correct answer

    597. What are the clinical symptoms pathognomonic planus:

    1. Grain Trela

    2. A symptom auspices

    3. Umbilicated*

    4. "Honeycomb Celsus"

    5. no correct answer

    598. What diseases do not belong to a group of viral dermatoses:

    1. Molluscum Contagiosum

    2. shingles

    3. Simple herpes

    4. Psoriasis*

    5. no correct answer

    599. The vascular patch is:

    1. Erythema *

    2. Lentigo

    3. Leucoderma

    4. Nevus

    5. no correct answer

    600. Primary morphological elements:

    1. Lichenification

    2. atrophy

    3. ulcer

    4. Bubble*

    5. no correct answer

    601. Secondary morphological features:

    1. bubble

    2. Crust*

    3. blister

    4. Bundle

    5. no correct answer

    602. The bubble is formed by:

    1. Psoriasis

    2. CPL

    3. Multicolored shingles

    4. Simple herpes*

    5. no correct answer

    603. The outcome of the node is:

    1. scar

    2. Scale*

    3. atrophy

    4. crust

    5. no correct answer

    604. exudative morphological elements are:

    1. Abscess*

    2. Node

    3. papule

    4. Tubercle

    5. no correct answer

    605. The layers of the epidermis:

    1. reticulate

    2. Papillary

    3. fatty

    4. Granular*

    5. no correct answer

    606. Have cavity morphological elements:

    1. Bubble*

    2. papule

    3. Node

    4. Blister

    5. no correct answer

    607. The rash polymorphic at:

    1. Warts

    2. Eczema*

    3. Lichen planus

    4. Molluscum Contagiosum

    5. no correct answer

    608. monomorphic rash when dermatoses:

    1. Hives*

    2. Dermatitis Duhring

    3. Tertiary syphilis

    4. Eczema

    5. no correct answer

    609. Clinical features of psoriasis:

    1. Koebner phenomenon*

    2. Bubbles

    3. Haemorrhagic spots

    4. Blisters

    5. no correct answer

    610. Clinical signs of lichen planus:

    1. Vorotnichek Biett

    2. Blisters

    3. Umblicuous depressions in the center*

    4. Bumps

    5. no correct answer

    611. Means, used locally for the treatment of psoriasis:

    1. Paint Castellani

    2. Naftalan ointment

    3. Benzyl benzoate ointment

    4. Salicylic ointment*

    5. no correct answer

    612. The phenomena characteristic of psoriasis:

    1. Stearin spots*

    2. Paired elements

    3. Wickham

    4. Ladies' Heel

    5. no correct answer

    613. Signs of true polymorphism rash when dermatitis Dühring:

    1. Bubbles*

    2. blister

    3. Tubercle

    4. Node

    5. no correct answer

    614. Clinical varieties of pemphigus:

    1. Pustular

    2. Vulgar*

    3. Exudative

    4. Papular

    5. no correct answer

    615. For the characteristic symptoms of lupus:

    1. Erythema +

    2. Net Wickham

    3. Peeling mukovinos

    4. A symptom Kebnera

    5. no correct answer

    616. For the characteristic symptoms of lupus:

    1. Net Wickham

    2. Follicular hyperkeratosis*

    3. A symptom Kebnera

    4. Triad auspices

    5. no correct answer

    617. Clinical forms of athlete's foot:

    1. Psoriasifor

    2. Erased

    3. Dyshydrotic*

    4. Common

    5. no correct answer

    618. Diseases related to dermatophytes:

    1. Trichophytosis*

    2. Erythrasma

    3. Chromomycosis

    4. Impetigo

    5. no correct answer

    619. Antibiotics are used to treat candidiasis:

    1. Macrolides

    2. Flunol*

    3. Doxycycline

    4. Kanamycin

    5. no correct answer

    620. When artropaticheskom advisable to appoint all of the above, krome

    1. Essentiale

    2. Antioxidants

    3. Mineralocorticoid drugs

    4. Nizoral *

    5. no correct answer

    621. Typical sprinkler elements planus have the following features, besides

    1. Preferential localization in the flexor surface of the lower extremities

    2. Symptom Pilnova*

    3. Waxy luster

    4. Wickham grid on the surface of papules

    5. no correct answer

    622. Monomorphic rash may be at:

    1. Psoriasis*

    2. Erythema multiforme exudative

    3. Microbial eczema

    4. Dermatitis Duhring

    5. no correct answer

    623. Hyperkeratosis is typical for:

    1. Ichthyosis*

    2. Bullous impetigo

    3. sycosis

    4. Folliculitis

    5. no correct answer

    624. A woman 25 years old, married 3 year The examination revealed chronic endocervicitis, adnexitis. In smears leukocytosis. Gonorrhea and trichomonas are not found. The daughter of 1.5 years of acute vulvovaginal gonorrheal etiology. The correct tactics of the doctor:

    1. Designation combined provocations followed by bacteriological and bacterioscopic*

    2. research

    3. The appointment of antihistamines

    4. Antifungals

    5. vaccination

    625. What type of treatment should be external

    choose when moist skin inflammation:

    1. ointment

    2. Aniline dyes*

    3. cream

    4. Varnishes

    5. no correct answer

    626. The patient was diagnosed with anterior urethritis chlamydial infection. Antibiotic a group

    assign the patient:

    1. Aminoglycosides*

    2. Malaria

    3. Fluorinated quinolones

    4. Ingeneration cephalosporins

    5. no correct answer

    627. Girls vulvovaginitises trichomonas etiology characterized by all of the above

    symptoms besides

    1. Cheesy discharge from the genital slit*

    2. Infiltrative foci

    3. Frequent and painful urination

    4. Itching in the vulva

    5. no correct answer

    628. What type of lotions should choose

    for weeping infected surfaces

    minute skin:

    1. C potassium permanganate*

    2. Zinc

    3. Lead

    4. Tannic

    5. no correct answer

    629. Diagnostic tests are tests of allergic dermatitis.

    1. Balzer

    2. Jadassohn

    3. Scarification*

    4. Minor

    5. no correct answer

    630. By the frequent complications of atopic dermatitis are all listed, except

    1. Hyperthyroidism +

    2. A secondary infection in the outbreak of atopic dermatitis

    3. Skin atrophy during prolonged treatment

    4. Poor sleep, irritability

    5. no correct answer

    631. Diagnosis of acute prostatitis is based on the results of these studies krome

    1. Palpation of the prostate

    2. Ultrasound of the prostate

    3. Blood chemistry*

    4. Analysis of urine 3 servings

    5. no correct answer

    632. Examination of children with atopic dermatitis is to find out all of the above, except

    1. Identify the state immunodeficiency

    2. Identify the source of microbial sensitization*

    3. Identify other allergenic factors

    4. Assessment of endogenous intoxication

    5. no correct answer

    633. What are the exogenous factors contribute to the development of pyoderma:

    1. Gene mutations

    2. Hypervitaminosis

    3. Hypothermia and hyperthermia*

    4. Worm infestation

    5. no correct answer

    634. What are the endogenous factors contribute to the development of pyoderma:

    1. Gipovitaminoz*

    2. Eosinophilia

    3. hemophilia

    4. Violation of the mechanism of division epidermotitis

    5. no correct answer

    635. In acute and subacute uncomplicated gonorrhea in men and women in the complex

    Treatment includes all of the above, krome

    1. Antispasmodic

    2. Gonovaccine*

    3. Sulfonamides

    4. Antigoncoccus antibiotics

    5. no correct answer

    636. Choose the correct tactics of treatment of chronic and torpid gonorrhea infektsii

    1. Antihistamines

    2. Calcium supplements

    3. Detoxification drugs

    4. Antibacterial*

    5. no correct answer

    637. Choose the correct tactics of treatment of chronic and torpid gonorrhea infektsii

    1. Antihistamines

    2. Calcium supplements

    3. Local treatment*

    4. Antifungal

    5. no correct answer

    638. To stafilodermiyam include:

    1. Carbuncle*

    2. Bullous impetigo

    3. Impetigo nail ridges

    4. Lichen simplex

    5. no correct answer

    639. Clinical symptoms of discoid lupus eritomatosis

    1. Bubbles

    2. Bubbles

    3. Atrophy*

    4. Pustules

    5. no correct answer

    640. Koebner phenomenon is observed in the following diseases:

    1. leprosy

    2. Folliculitis

    3. Planus*

    4. Allergic dermatitis

    5. no correct answer

    641. Under what dermatoses rash element is the bubble:

    1. psoriasis

    2. Pink zoster Gibert

    3. pemphigus

    4. Herpes zoster*

    5. no correct answer

    642. The true characteristic of polymorphism:

    1. Eczema*

    2. Psoriasis

    3. Planus

    4. Tinea versicolor

    5. no correct answer

    643. Find the appropriate answers: proliferative morphological Changes

    1. Spongiosa,

    2. Hyperkeratosis*

    3. Vacuolar degeneration

    4. Balloon degeneration

    5. no correct answer

    644. Diffuse hyperkeratosis characteristic of:

    1. Pemphigus

    2. Ichthyosis*

    3. Atopic dermatitis

    4. Vitiligo

    5. no correct answer

    645. What factors contribute to the development of pyoderma:

    1. Carbohydrate metabolism*

    2. Increased blood clotting

    3. Hypervitaminosis

    4. exercise stress

    5. no correct answer

    646. For scabies is characterized by:

    1. Polygonal papules with central retraction

    2. Follicular hyperkeratosis

    3. Paired papules vesicular elements*

    4. A symptom of "apple jelly"

    5. no correct answer

    647. From the ectoderm develop:

    1. Hair muscles

    2. Vessels of the skin

    3. Cover the epidermis*

    4. Dermis

    5. no correct answer

    648. For hidradenitis sup characterized by:

    1. Rupioidnye pustules

    2. Favourite localization in the armpits*

    3. Papules

    4. Paired elements

    5. no correct answer

    649. Specify the kind of clinical mange (form):

    1. Erythematous

    2. Squamous

    3. Chronic

    4. Norwegian *

    5. no correct answer

    650. For mixed pyoderma include:

    1. Vulgar impetigo*

    2. Ostiofollikulit

    3. carbuncle

    4. furuncle

    5. no correct answer

    651. Specify the clinical varieties akantolicheskoy pemphigus:

    1. The leaf *

    2. Annular

    3. Stevens Johnson

    4. Epidemic pemphigus newborns

    5. no correct answer

    652. At what dermatosis morphological element is the primary node:

    1. psoriasis

    2. Leprosy*

    3. Angioedema

    4. Hives

    5. no correct answer

    653. Under what dermatoses main element of the rash is pimple:

    1. pemphigus

    2. Planus*

    3. Pink zoster Gibert

    4. Shingles

    5. no correct answer

    654. Clinical symptoms of discoid lupus erythematosus:

    1. Atrophy*

    2. Bubbles

    3. Bubbles

    4. Blister

    5. no correct answer

    655. Koebner phenomenon is observed in the following diseases:

    1. leprosy

    2. Folliculitis

    3. Psoriasis*

    4. Allergic dermatitis

    5. no correct answer

    656. Under what dermatoses main element of the rash is pimple:

    1. Psoriasis*

    2. pemphigus

    3. shingles

    4. Erythrasma

    5. no correct answer

    657. Under what dermatoses rash element is the bubble:

    1. psoriasis

    2. Eczema*

    3. pemphigus

    4. Erythematosus

    5. no correct answer

    658. At what dermatosis morphological element is the primary node:

    1. psoriasis

    2. Leishmaniasis skin*

    3. Angioedema

    4. Hives

    5. no correct answer

    659. True polymorphism characteristic for

    1. Dermatitis Duhring*

    2. Psoriasis

    3. Planus

    4. Tinea versicolor

    5. no correct answer

    660. Name the atypical form of primary syphiloma:

    1. Chancreamygdala*

    2. Diffuse pigmentation

    3. Fagedenizm

    4. Phimosis

    5. no correct answer

    661. Specify the secondary elements that are the result of transformation of the node:

    1. Scar atrophy

    2. Complete disappearance*

    3. ulcer

    4. scar

    5. no correct answer

    662. Complication chancre:

    1. Balanopostitis*

    2. impetigo

    3. Stafilodermia Bockhart

    4. Osteofolliculit

    5. no correct answer

    663. What drugs are used for photochemotherapy in psoriasis:

    1. Acyclovir

    2. Puvalen*

    3. Nystatin

    4. Lamisil

    5. no correct answer

    664. What type of external therapy is prescribed for the progressive stage of psoriasis

    1. corticosteroid ointment*

    2. 20% benzyl benzoate

    3. Ointment "psoriasin"

    4. Method Dem'yanovich

    5. no correct answer

    665. For secondary syphilis is characterized by:

    1. Bumps

    2. Roseolous rash*

    3. Chancre and polyadenylation

    4. Infiltration Gohzingera

    5. no correct answer

    666. What preparation is effective for genital herpes:

    A. Lamisil

    B.Trichopolum *



    E.no correct answer
    667. The clinical picture of the acute form of athlete's foot:

    1. Redness*

    2. Bumps

    3. Peel

    4. Lichenification

    5. no correct answer

    668. The clinical picture of infiltrativesuppurative trihofitii:

    1. Lichenification

    2. Blisters

    3. Inflammatory infiltrate*

    4. Units

    5. no correct answer

    669. Clinical symptoms of jock itch:

    1. Blisters

    2. Units

    3. Bumps

    4. Red spots*

    5. no correct answer

    670. The most frequent localization of the surface of the skin candidiasis:

    1. Corners of the mouth*

    2. Flexor surfaces of the wrists

    3. vulva

    4. Cuticles

    5. no correct answer

    671. Fungal diseases of the skin causing:

    1. Trihofiton*

    2. Corynebacterium

    3. Mycobacterium Hansen

    4. Mycobacterium Koch

    5. no correct answer

    672. The main clinical signs of mucosal candidiasis:

    1. Mucous papules

    2. Bumps

    3. White films*

    4. Units

    5. no correct answer

    673. The antibiotics used in the treatment of fungal infections:

    1. Linkomitsin

    2. penicillin

    3. Nizoral *

    4. Lindamitsin

    5. no correct answer

    674. The localization of lesions in scabies:

    1. Scalp

    2. Nails

    3. Palm

    4. Interdigital folds of brushes*

    5. no correct answer

    675. The main clinical signs of scabies:

    1. Itching in the evening and at night*

    2. Units

    3. Acantholysis

    4. Blisters

    5. no correct answer

    676. Drugs used to treat scabies:

    1. Iodine tincture

    2. Prednisolone ointment

    3. Nistatyn ointment

    4. 60% sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid 6%*

    5. no correct answer

    677. morphological elements specific to the clinic uncomplicated scabies:

    1. spot

    2. Tubercle

    3. Abscess

    4. Knot*

    5. no correct answer

    678. In the typical symptom of scabies:

    1. Gorchakov Hardy*

    2. Besnier Meshcherskiy

    3. Nikolsky

    4. Of asbestos Hensen

    5. no correct answer

    679. Pathogens pustular skin diseases:

    1. Proteus

    2. Tubercle bacillus

    3. Aureus*

    4. Corynebacterium

    5. no correct answer

    680. Streptococcus causes of the disease:

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