Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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  1. A symptom of a thimble

  2. A symptom of apple jelly

  3. A symptom of the oil spot

  4. Symptom of terminal films*

  5. No correct answer

394. Specify the pathognomonic symptoms of psoriasis:

  1. A symptom of Jadassohn

  2. A symptom of "butterfly"

  3. Triad Auspittsa*

  4. Grid Wickham

  5. No correct answer

395. Which nail changes observed in the defeat of their

psoriatic process:

  1. Sign "thimble"*

  2. Purulent inflammation of the nail ridges

  3. Cyanotic nail plate

  4. Affects only the nail plate brushes

  5. No correct answer

396. List the clinical manifestations common to psoriasis and lichen planus:

  1. Acantholysis

  2. Papules*

  3. The formation of infectious granuloma Langhans cells

  4. Spongiosa

  5. No correct answer

397. With what diseases it is necessary to differentiate psoriasis:

  1. Papular syphilis*

  2. Syphilitic roseola

  3. Herpes simplex

  4. Dermatitis Duhring

  5. No correct answer

398. What diseases are characterized by monomorphic eruptions:

  1. Psoriasis*

  2. eczema

  3. Dermatitis Duhring

  4. Erythema multiforme ekssudativeya

  5. No correct answer

399. What drugs are used to treat psoriasis:

  1. Sulfuric simple ointment

  2. Griseofulvin

  3. Hormonal ointments*

  4. Anticoagulants

  5. No correct answer

400. What rash characteristic of a simple contact dermatitis:

  1. tuberculous

  2. Vesicular

  3. Urticaria

  4. Erythema with sharp edges*

  5. No correct answer

401. By the proliferative histomorphological changes include:

  1. Karyorrhexis

  2. Spongiosa

  3. Akantolizis

  4. Hyperkeratosis*

  5. No correct answer

402. There are no sweat glands in the skin;

  1. Red border*

  2. Armpits

  3. Palms

  4. Soles

  5. No correct answer

403. There are no sebaceous glands in the skin;

  1. Nasolabial triangle

  2. Palms, soles*

  3. Scalp

  4. Interscapulum

  5. No correct answer

404. Which element is a kind of blisters:

  1. Conflict*

  2. Telangiectasia

  3. excoriation

  4. Bull

  5. No correct answer

405. What kind of spots:

  1. Acne

  2. rupee

  3. Roseola*

  4. Conflict

  5. No correct answer

406. What morphological element is characterized by the ephemeral:

  1. pustule

  2. papule

  3. Tuberkulum

  4. Blister*

  5. No correct answer

407. Where are the "sebaceous glands":

  1. Internal piece of the foreskin*

  2. Red border

  3. The skin of breast

  4. Interscapulum

  5. No correct answer

408. "Meibomian" sebaceous glands are located:

  1. On derma of thorax

  2. On the edge of the eyelids*

  3. On the skin of the ears

  4. On the red border of lips

  5. No correct answer

409. Which areas of the skin sebaceous glands open directly into the epidermis:

  1. Glans penis*

  2. Scalp

  3. The skin of the nose

  4. Breast skin

  5. No correct answer

410. Akantolizis (acantholysis) is:

  1. Increased cell proliferation thorny layer

  2. Dysfunction of keratinization

  3. Loss of communication between the cells of the thorny layer*

  4. Atypical nuclei of epithelial cells

  5. No correct answer

411. parakeratosis is incomplete keratinization epidermotsitov accompanied by dystrophy:

  1. Granular layer*

  2. The basal layer

  3. The papillary layer

  4. Mesh layer

  5. No correct answer

412. granulosa is:

  1. Thickening of the granular layer*

  2. Thinning of the granular layer

  3. Structural changes in squamous cell carcinomas

  4. Intracellular edema

  5. No correct answer

413. anaplasia is:

  1. Epithelial nuclei atypia in tumors*

  2. Graincytoplasmatic cells

  3. Loss of communication between the cells of the thorny layer

  4. Vacuolization of the cytoplasm

  5. No correct answer

414. Spongiosis is:

  1. Intercellular edema vMalpigievom layer*

  2. Cheesy disintegration of tissues

  3. Vacuolar degeneration in the Malpighian layer

  4. Degenerative changes in the dermis

  5. No correct answer

415. Acanthosis not properties:

  1. Scleroderma*

  2. Lichen planus

  3. Neurodermatitis

  4. Psoriasis

  5. No correct answer

416. Under what dermatoses marked acantholysis:

  1. eczema

  2. Contact dermatitis

  3. Ecthyma vulgar

  4. Pemphigus vulgaris*

  5. No correct answer

417. Under what dermatoses granulosa notes:

  1. Planus*

  2. Turniol

  3. Lichen simplex

  4. Genital warts

  5. No correct answer

418. Which function is not peculiar to the skin:

  1. suction

  2. Education toxins*

  3. Thermoregulation

  4. sense organ

  5. No correct answer

419. Angular stomatitis is a variation:

  1. Streptoderma*

  2. Stafilodermii

  3. Candidiasis

  4. Pemphigus

  5. No correct answer

420. Chankriform pyoderma most often begins:

  1. C erosion*

  2. With spots

  3. With bubbles

  4. With a bundle

  5. No correct answer

421. Which group of dermatoses is shankriform pyoderma:

  1. Diseases transmitted sexually

  2. Pyoderma*

  3. Cystic dermatosis

  4. Dermatitis

  5. No correct answer

422. Ritter exfoliative dermatitis is a type of:

  1. Streptoderma

  2. Contact dermatitis

  3. Toxicoderma

  4. Stafilodermii*

  5. No correct answer

423. When exfoliative dermatitis Ritter can be detected positive symptom:

  1. Nikolsky *

  2. GorchakovHardy

  3. Sisto

  4. Kebnera

  5. No correct answer

424. Who is more common psevdofurunkulosys Finger:

  1. Y newborns and infants*

  2. Old people

  3. Teenagers

  4. among women

  5. No correct answer

425. What factors contribute to the development of acne:

  1. Hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands*

  2. Frequent colds

  3. Breach of thermoregulation

  4. physical exercise

  5. No correct answer

426. With a variety of acne supporting factor are mites Zheleznitsa:

  1. Acne vulgaris

  2. Rosacea*

  3. Spherical acne

  4. Necrotic acne

  5. No correct answer

427. What kind of spots characteristic of the erythematous stage demodekoza:

  1. Telangiectasia*

  2. Petechiae

  3. Ecchymosis

  4. Vibitsess

  5. No correct answer

428. For Rosacea is characterized by the absence of:

  1. Komedonov*

  2. Follicular papules

  3. Pustule

  4. Rhinophyma

  5. No correct answer

429. What are the morphological features characteristic of hidradenitis sup:

  1. Thick, welded to the skin painful nodes*

  2. Compact, mobile, painless nodes

  3. Blisters

  4. Lenticular papules

  5. No correct answer

430. The autopsy units hidradenitis stands at:

  1. Gummy exudate opalescent

  2. Creamy pus mixed with blood*

  3. Serous fluid

  4. Purulent necrotic core

  5. No correct answer

431. favus called:

  1. Virus Filter

  2. Corynebacteria

  3. Chlamydia

  4. Antropofilnymi fungus*

  5. No correct answer

432. The typical localization at erythrasma:

A.Inguinal folds*


C.nearnail roller

D.Interdigital gaps feet

E.No correct answer
433. Which symptom characteristic of infiltrativesuppurative trihofitii:

  1. Glow in the lamplight Wood

  2. Bee combs*

  3. A symptom Pincus

  4. A symptom Nikolsky

  5. No correct answer

434. In the laboratory diagnosis of fungal infections is used:

  1. Microsporia damaged hair and flakes*

  2. Histological examination

  3. Fluorescent Diagnostics

  4. Smears from lesions

  5. No correct answer

435. What is characteristic of psoriasis:

  1. Net Wickham

  2. Symptom falling through probe

  3. Triad Auspittsa*

  4. Trial Balzer

  5. No correct answer

436. The source of infection with the disease Borowski is urban:

  1. Rodents

  2. Hymenoptera

  3. People*

  4. Artiodactyls

  5. No correct answer

437. The source of infection with the disease Borowski rural type is:

  1. human

  2. Rodents*

  3. wild animals

  4. cattle

  5. No correct answer

438. Indicate the average length of the current urban cutaneous leishmaniasis:

  1. 2 weeks

  2. 34 months

  3. Plus about a year

  4. a few days

  5. No correct answer

439. Indicate the average length of the current cutaneous leishmaniasis rural type:

  1. 26 months*

  2. About a year

  3. some years

  4. a few days

  5. No correct answer

440. The source of infection of leprosy is:

  1. wild animals

  2. People*

  3. Rodents

  4. Insects

  5. No correct answer

441. In some material from the patient is most often found Mycobacterium leprae:

  1. Secret sweat glands

  2. In urine

  3. In sebum

  4. B scrapings from leprosy and nasal mucosa*

  5. No correct answer

442. Which viruses cause genital warts:

  1. Filter viruses*

  2. Herpesviruses

  3. Herpes simplex virus

  4. CMV

  5. No correct answer

443. Molluscum contagiosum is ...

  1. erythema

  2. pustule

  3. vesicle

  4. Papule*

  5. No correct answer

444. Indicate the true variety of eczema:

  1. Pruriginous*

  2. Nummular

  3. Seborrheic

  4. Varicose

  5. No correct answer

445. Which symptom seen with pink zoster Gibert:

  1. A symptom of chips

  2. Sign "parent" plaque*

  3. A symptom of ladies' Heel

  4. Koebner phenomenon

  5. No correct answer

446. Monomorphic rash may be at:

  1. Erythema multiforme exudative

  2. Microbial eczema

  3. Dermatitis Duhring

  4. Psoriasis*

  5. No correct answer

447. Akantolysis observed at:

  1. Herpes simplex

  2. True pemphigus*

  3. Shingles

  4. Atopic dermatitis

  5. No correct answer

448. Monomorphic papular rash occurs when:

  1. Planus*

  2. hives

  3. eczema

  4. lupus erythematosus

  5. No correct answer

449. Acanthosis typical for:

  1. Planus*

  2. Turniol

  3. Lichen simplex

  4. Simple herpes

  5. No correct answer

450. Hyperkeratosis is typical for:

  1. Bullous impetigo

  2. Warts *

  3. Folliculitis

  4. Demodekosys

  5. No correct answer

451. The most superficial skin are:

  1. ointment

  2. paste

  3. patch

  4. Gadgets*

  5. No correct answer

452. What type of treatment should be external

choose when moist skin inflammation:

  1. ointment

  2. Chatterbox

  3. Gadgets*

  4. Varnishes

  5. No correct answer

453. What type of lotions should be selected for the weeping of the infected skin surface:

  1. Zinc

  2. Rivanolous*

  3. Tannic

  4. Boric acid

  5. No correct answer

454. What type of external therapy to choose in chronic infiltrative inflammation of the skin:

  1. Zinc paste

  2. The oil mash

  3. 5% Naftalan ointment

  4. Drying up wet bandag*

  5. No correct answer

455. What kind of external agents have antipruritic property:

  1. tar

  2. Menthol *

  3. salicylic acid

  4. zinc

  5. No correct answer

456. Which means external treatment has cauterizing property:

  1. A solution of sodium giposulfata

  2. A solution of podofillina

  3. Solution furatsillina

  4. Methylene blue solution*

  5. No correct answer

457. For the destruction of the skin are used:

  1. Liquid nitrogen*

  2. Zinc oxide

  3. Potassium permanganate

  4. Paint Castellane

  5. No correct answer

458. The method is suitable for cryoablation treatment:

  1. Extensive warts

  2. Plaque psoriasis

  3. Limited neurodermatitis

  4. For warts*

  5. No correct answer

459. In the study of skin biopsy revealed fusion of epithelial intercellular bridges in the spinous layer of cells detected epidermis Ttsanka. Specify the nature of the disease process:

  1. Granulosa

  2. Acantholysis*

  3. Parakeratosis

  4. Papillomatosis

  5. No correct answer

460. What factors contribute to the development of pyoderma:

  1. Gene mutations

  2. Irradiation of ultraviolet irradiation

  3. Microfracture*

  4. Worm infestation

  5. No correct answer

461. What factors contribute to the development of pyoderma:

  1. Diabetes*

  2. hemophilia

  3. Violation of the mechanism of division epidermocyt

  4. Violation of keratinization

  5. No correct answer

462. To stafilodermiyam include:

  1. Hydradenitis*

  2. Lichen simplex

  3. Slit impetigo

  4. Ecthyma vulgar

  5. No correct answer

463. What pyoderma found only in newborns and infants:

  1. Hydradenitis

  2. Pemphigus vulgaris

  3. Chronic ulcerative pyoderma

  4. Veziculopustulosys*

  5. No correct answer

464. What pustular skin diseases do not occur in the newborn:

  1. Epidemic pemphigus

  2. Hydradenitis*

  3. Finger psevdofurunculosys

  4. Dermatitis Ritter

  5. No correct answer

465. What pustular disease does not occur in adults:

  1. Boils

  2. Turniol

  3. Angular stomatitis

  4. Exfoliative dermatitis Ritter*

  5. No correct answer

466. What are the morphological features characteristic of dermatitis Ritter:

  1. Papules, blisters

  2. Bumps, crust

  3. Crust bubbles*

  4. Vesicles, papules

  5. No correct answer

467. What dermatoses in the first place should be differentiated eksfolliativny dermatitis Ritter:

  1. Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring

  2. Bullous form strofulyusa

  3. Epidermolysis bullosa*

  4. Herpes simplex

  5. No correct answer

468. Multiple abscesses in children causes:

  1. Streptobatsilla DyukreyaPetersen

  2. Staphylococcus aureus*

  3. Calf Donovan

  4. Streptococcus

  5. No correct answer

469. Psevdofurunculosys Finger refers to the group:

  1. Stafilodermy*

  2. Parasitic skin diseases

  3. Viral diseases

  4. Complications of scabies

  5. No correct answer

470. What factors contribute to the development psevdofurunkuleza Finger:

  1. Overheating newborn*

  2. Disruption of the sebaceous glands

  3. Endocrinopathies

  4. Pregnancy

  5. No correct answer

471. What factors contribute to the development of acne:

  1. Frequent colds

  2. Breach of thermoregulation

  3. Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands*

  4. Dysfunction of the sweat glands

  5. No correct answer

472. What kind of spots characteristic of the erythematous stage demodekoza:

  1. Telangiectasia, erythema*

  2. Ecchymosis, spots

  3. erythema

  4. Roseola, pustules

  5. No correct answer

473. pineal "the nose is typical for:

  1. Acne vulgaris

  2. Rosacea*

  3. Discoid lupus

  4. Leprosy

  5. No correct answer

474. What factors are important in the development of seborrhea:

  1. Sweat gland dysfunction ekkrinnyh

  2. Dysfunction of the apocrine sweat glands

  3. Thyroid dysfunction

  4. Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands*

  5. No correct answer

475. Choose varieties of oily seborrhea:

  1. Dry

  2. Mukovidous

  3. Liquid*

  4. The leaf

  5. No correct answer

476. The development of dermatosis facilitated by the presence of seborrhea:

  1. Trihofitii

  2. Baldnes*

  3. impetigo

  4. Pink lichen Gibert

  5. No correct answer

477. For a dermatosis characterized by the presence of comedones:

  1. Rosacea

  2. Limited neurodermatitis

  3. Psoriasis

  4. Acne vulgaris*

  5. No correct answer

478. At what diseases of the skin may experience alopecia:

  1. psoriasis

  2. Hydradenitis

  3. Planus*

  4. Erythema nodosum

  5. No correct answer

479. What factors contribute most to the development of alopecia areata:

  1. Neuroendocrine disorders*

  2. In beriberi

  3. With beriberi

  4. Increased insolation

  5. No correct answer

480. What factors contribute to the development of hidradenitis sup:

  1. Sweating*

  2. Professional skin contamination

  3. Hypersensitivity to iodine

  4. Micronutrient deficiencies

  5. No correct answer

481. Specify the location of nodes in the hydradenitis:

  1. Nasal bridge, sky

  2. Shin

  3. Armpits*

  4. Interscapulum

  5. No correct answer

482. Favourite localization rash scabies:

  1. Interdigital gaps feet

  2. Interdigital folds of brushes*

  3. Facial skin, neck

  4. Leather torso

  5. No correct answer

483. For scabies is characterized by:

  1. Paired papules vesicular elements*

  2. Polygonal papules

  3. grouped small bubbles

  4. Peeling

  5. No correct answer

484. Specify a rare localization of scabies rash in children:

  1. Scalp*

  2. The skin of the genitals

  3. The skin of breast

  4. The skin of the abdomen

  5. No correct answer

485. Specify the drug used in the pemphigus vulgaris:

  1. Prednisone*

  2. Dapsone

  3. Monomitsin

  4. Nystatin

  5. No correct answer

486. What is the primary morphological element is preceded by erosion:

  1. papule

  2. Vesicle*

  3. Urtica

  4. Macula

  5. No correct answer

487. What disease is not included in the group of dermatophytosis:

  1. Favus

  2. Rubrofitii

  3. Trichophytosis

  4. Chromomycosis*

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