Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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A. Inguinal athlete*

B. psoriasis

C. Lichen planus

D. Pink zoster

E. No correct answer

118. What are the clinical forms rubromikoza distinguished:

A. Rubromicosys oral mucosa

B. Rubromicosys scalp

C. Rubromicosys palms and soles*

D. Zoonotic rubromicosys

E. No correct answer

119. At what diseases may occur as a symptom of alopecia:

A. Rubromikoz

B. Leishmaniasis

C. Psoriasis

D. Microsporia*

E. No correct answer

120. What are the factors leading to activation of Candida infections:

A. Longterm antibiotic therapy*

B. Status of hypersensitivity

C. Autonomic dysfunction

D. Cholesterolemia

E. No correct answer

121. Find what the disease does not correspond to the designated


  1. Trihofitii griseofulvin

  2. Candidiasis

  3. Metronizadol*

  4. Pemphigus – polkortolon

  5. Pediculosis benzylon

122. What are hemorrhagic spots:

A. Leucoderma

B. Erythema

C. Petechiae*


E. No correct answer
123. What symptoms characteristic of a blister:

  1. Ephemeral rashes*

  2. Deep pleural primary element

  3. Accompanied by a feeling of pain

  4. Characteristic of viral diseases

  5. E. No correct answer

124. Specify pustules varieties:

  1. Folliculitis*

  2. Granuloma

  3. Comedones

  4. Gumma

  5. E. No correct answer

125. Specify piznaki characteristic papules:

  1. Ephemeral element fugitive

  2. Leaving behind scar atrophy

  3. Protruding above the skin*

  4. Contains purulent serous exudate

  5. E. No correct answer

126. Which histopathological changes in the skin may lead to

papule formation:

  1. Akantoliz

  2. Acanthosis *

  3. Disgidroz

  4. Anaplaziya

  5. E. No correct answer

127. What papules vary in size:

  1. Skutulyarnye

  2. Miliary *

  3. Hypertrophic

  4. Dwarf

  5. E. No correct answer

128. Which histopathological changes in the skin underlying

  1. bubble formation and bubble:

  2. Anaplasia

  3. Gidrotsitoz

  4. Acantholysis*

  5. Profileratsiya

129. Choose the signs typical for the site and hillocks:

  1. There are secondary syphilis

  2. Is characterized by ephemerality

  3. Has a soft consistency

  4. Bespolostnoy, proliferative elements*

  5. E. No correct answer

130. At what diseases occur roseola:

  1. Secondary syphilis *

  2. Erysipelas

  3. Hemorrhagic vasculitis

  4. The progressive stage of psoriasis

  5. E. No correct answer

131. At what diseases papule occurs:

  1. Erythrasma

  2. Leishmaniasis

  3. Red lichen planus*

  4. Hydradenitis

  5. E. No correct answer

132. At what diseases common node and bump:

  1. Leishmaniasis *

  2. Lichen planus

  3. Neurodermatitis

  4. Dermatitis Duhring

  5. E. No correct answer

133. For what diseases clinic characteristic bubble and bubbles:

  1. Leishmaniasis

  2. Genital herpes*

  3. Exudative psoriasis

  4. Lichen planus

  5. E. No correct answer

134. Specify the correct instructions, where histopathological changes

correspond to the element:

  1. Bubble papillomatosis

  2. Abscess specific granulomatous inflammation

  3. Bump spongiosa

  4. Blister intracellular edema of the papillary dermis*

  5. E. No correct answer

135. Find morfologicheskie secondary elements:

  1. Abscess

  2. A bottle

  3. Erosion *

  4. Node

  5. E. No correct answer

136. For any clinic diseases characterized by excoriations:

  1. Pink zoster Gibert

  2. Scabies*

  3. Colorful lichen

  4. Leishmaniasis

  5. E. No correct answer

137. Specify the secondary morphological elements:

  1. Bubble

  2. Abscess

  3. Node

  4. Ulcer *

  5. E. No correct answer

138. What types of crusts are distinguished:

  1. Purulent *

  2. Atrophic

  3. Scar

  4. Scale

  5. No correct answer

139. Specify the characteristic signs of the hearth lihenifikatsii:

  1. Atrophic scars

  2. Infiltration and roughness of the skin on the hearth*

  3. Easy to scrape off the silverwhite scales

  4. Secondary vegetation on the hearth

  5. No correct answer

140. Specify signs of vegetation:

  1. Localized in the extensor surface of the forearm

  2. Solid of consistency of The Center has umbilicated

  3. Soft texture, reminiscent of cauliflower*

  4. surface and hypo giperpigmentnyh spots

  5. No correct answer

141. Find the right indicate where the primary element matches


  1. Bubble scar atrophy

  2. Hemorrhagic spot hemorrhagic crusts

  3. Nodule ulceration with the outcome of atrophy

  4. A bottle – Erosion*

  5. No correct answer

142. Specify the primary and corresponding secondary element:

  1. Blister vegetation

  2. Pustules erosion and ulcerative defect*

  3. A bottle atrophy

  4. Lace scar atrophy

  5. No correct answer

143. pathogens which cause purulent inflammation of the skin (piodermity):

  1. Stafilllococci*

  2. Spirochetes

  3. Herpes viruses

  4. Sticks Hansen

  5. No correct answer

144. Specify pustules varieties:

  1. Comedones

  2. Leproma

  3. Ecchymosis

  4. Impetigo*

  5. No correct answer

145. Find the incorrect information:

  1. Acne purulent inflammation of the sebaceous glands

  2. Ecthyma superficial pustule*

  3. Furunkul Inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissue

  4. Rupee deep pustule

  5. No correct answer

146. Choose the signs stafillokokkovogo abscess:

  1. Abscess with sluggish tire

  2. The fluid abscess serous

  3. Relationships with hair follicles*

  4. It occurs mostly in women and children

  5. No correct answer

147. Specify which piodermity characteristic of childhood:

  1. Sycosis

  2. Hydradenitis

  3. Acne vulgaris

  4. Pseudofuruncullosys Finger*

  5. No correct answer

148. Specify the types of deep abscesses:

  1. Furuncle*

  2. Ostiofollicullit

  3. Conflict

  4. Impetigo

  5. No correct answer

149. Specify superficial abscesses:

  1. Furuncle

  2. Ecthyma

  3. Conflict*

  4. Hydradenitis

  5. No correct answer

150. Specify streptococcal species:

  1. Dishydrotic form

  2. Zayed*

  3. Discoid Form

  4. hyperceratotic form

  5. No correct answer

151. Specify the characteristic signs of sycosis:

  1. The causative agents are Streptococcus

  2. In general ill children

  3. Sprinkler elements are phlyctenas

  4. It occurs mainly in men*

  5. No correct answer

152. With what diseases it is necessary to differentiate the boil:

  1. Pemphigus

  2. Hives

  3. Carbuncle*

  4. Syphilitic papules

  5. No correct answer

153. What are the signs correspond to the clinic pseudofuruculosys:

  1. The causative agents are staphylococci

  2. The causative agents are Streptococcus

  3. It occurs mostly in women

  4. There is a purulent inflammation of the sweat glands eksocrine

  5. No correct answer

154. What is the characteristic signs of scabies mites for biology:

  1. In an environment viable 30 days

  2. Propagate by division and sporulation

  3. Parasites in the dermis and hypodermis

  4. Multiply by laying eggs*

  5. No correct answer

155. In what ways can be infected with scabies:

  1. Transmissible by

  2. Direct contact*

  3. Alimentar

  4. Airborne

  5. No correct answer

156. Where lesions are localized mainly in scabies:

  1. The skin of the scalp

  2. On the skin of the soles

  3. On the face

  4. On the skin interdigital folds*

  5. No correct answer

157. Specify the characteristic clinical signs of scabies:

  1. Itching amplified at night*

  2. The rash consisting of small blisters pair

  3. Paroxysmal itching associated with nervous stress

  4. Finding nits and lice

  5. No correct answer

158. Specify the medicines used to treat


  1. Mixture solution of kerosene or vegetable oil

  2. 33% sulfuric ointment

  3. Liquid Castellani*

  4. Net sulfuric ointment

  5. No correct answer

159. What distinguishes types of lice agents pediculosis

  1. Intertriginosys

  2. Hair

  3. Head*

  4. Axillary

  5. No correct answer

160. Specify the clinical signs of pediculosis

  1. Finding nits*

  2. Finding ticks

  3. Itching worsens at night

  4. Symptom Gorchakov Hardy

  5. E. No correct answer

161. What purpose are recommended for the treatment of lice:

  1. A solution of chlorhexidine

  2. A solution of formaldehyde

  3. Liquid Castellani

  4. vinegar hair combing and fine scallops*

  5. No correct answer

162. Specify the complication of scabies:

  1. State toxicoderma

  2. Pyoderma*

  3. Skin atrophy

  4. Keloids

  5. No correct answer

163. What medications are used to treat scabies in children:

  1. 20% sulfuric ointment

  2. Simple sulfuric ointment

  3. Zinc paste

  4. White mercury ointment*

  5. No correct answer

164. Specify the current stage of psoriasis:

  1. Recurrent

  2. Latent

  3. Progressive*

  4. Infiltrative

  5. No correct answer

165. Which of the following are contagious dermatosis:

  1. Psoriasis

  2. Microbial eczema

  3. Lupus erythematosus

  4. Streptoderma*

  5. No correct answer

166. Specify the characteristic localization of lesions in scabies:

  1. The skin of the scalp

  2. Extensor surfaces of the forearms*

  3. On the skin surface of the forearm bending

  4. At the oral mucosa

  5. No correct answer

167. What are the clinical forms of psoriasis are distinguished:

  1. Remittent

  2. Infiltrativesuppurative

  3. Papillomatosys

  4. Arthropathic*

  5. No correct answer

168. Specify the characteristic features of psoriatic plaques:

  1. Silver white scales on the surface of papules*

  2. If there is soreness papules

  3. umblicuous impression in the center of papules

  4. Papules conical shape without the tendency to peripheral growth

  5. No correct answer

169. What are the symptoms of the triad is Auspittsa:

  1. "Hidden peeling"

  2. "Grid Wickham"

  3. "Stearin spot"*

  4. Symptom "thimble"

  5. No correct answer

170. Specify the pathognomonic symptoms of psoriasis:

  1. Grid Wickham

  2. Triad Auspittsa*

  3. Symptom Jadassohn

  4. Symptom "falling through the probe"

  5. No correct answer

171. What symptoms characteristic of the progressive stage of psoriasis:

  1. Secondary hyper and hypopigment spots

  2. Positive symptom GorchakovHardy

  3. Pseudoatrophic rim around papules

  4. Red halo around papules without peeling *

  5. E. No correct answer

172. By the simple dermatitis do not lead:

  1. Oral medication*

  2. Friction pressure

  3. Action rays

  4. High and low temperature

  5. No correct answer

173. Genital warts are transmitted:

  1. Blood transfusion

  2. After kissing

  3. Sexual transmission*

  4. Airborne droplets

  5. No correct answer

174. Symptom negative Nikolsky

  1. Vegetating pemphigus

  2. Limited neurodermatitis*

  3. True pemphigus

  4. Pemphigus foliaceous

  5. No correct answer

175. What drugs can cause skin reaction fototoksicheskuyu:

  1. Nizoral

  2. Delagil

  3. Tetracycline

  4. Puvalen*

  5. No correct answer

176. Which drugs contribute to the emergence of fixed erythema

  1. Sulfadimetoksin*

  2. Kanamycin

  3. Penicillin

  4. Tetracycline

  5. No correct answer

177. Local treatment of a simple contact dermatitis

  1. Cryosurgery

  2. PUVA therapy

  3. Ointments*

  4. Laser

  5. No correct answer

178. What is included in the professional dermatosis of chemical factors

  1. Lichen planus

  2. Contact dermatitis

  3. Psoriasis

  4. Neurodermatitis*

  5. No correct answer

179. Specify the clinical varieties of psoriasis

  1. Tuberculoid

  2. Glandular

  3. Arthropathic*

  4. System

  5. No correct answer

180. The diagnosis of leprosy helps

  1. RIT, RIF

  2. Research on the tubercle bacillus

  3. IFA

  4. Scraping of leprosy *

  5. No correct answer

181. specific morphological element in leprosy is

  1. Bumps*

  2. Polygonal papules

  3. Grouped vesicles

  4. Urticaria

  5. No correct answer

182. In some material from the patient often obaruzhivayutsya mycobacteria

  1. Leprosy

  2. Secret sweat glands

  3. B scrapings from leprosy*

  4. In urine

  5. Semen

183. What are the rash characteristic of the artificial dermatitis

  1. Bugorkova

  2. Vesicular

  3. Erythema with sharp edges

  4. Urticaria*

  5. No correct answer

184. With what diseases should be differentiated leishmaniasis skin

  1. Colorful lichen

  2. Fixed erythema

  3. Hives

  4. Leprosy*

  5. No correct answer

185. In the case of evidence of the patient the nature of trichomonas urethritis

  1. Treatment sldeuet conduct the following medications

  2. Tetracycline

  3. Nystatin

  4. Plus metronidazole*

  5. Acyclovir

186. When gonorrheal urethritis effective drugs listed groups

  1. Besides

  2. Desensitizing*

  3. Tetracycline

  4. Macrolides

  5. Cephalosporins

187. Indicate preparations which can be used in the treatment of

  1. a patient suffering from Trichomonas urethritis

  2. Trichopolum*

  3. Doxycycline

  4. Nystatin

  5. Suprastin

188. pathogens infections, sexually transmitted diseases are

  1. Wand Hansen

  2. Treponema pallidum *

  3. Bacillus

  4. Rickettsia

  5. E. No correct answer

189. Drugs used for individual STI

  1. Potassium Premanganat

  2. Potassium Premanganat

  3. Miramistin*

  4. Potassium Premanganat

  5. E. No correct answer

190. What antibiotics to applicable treponema


  1. Penicillin *

  2. Orungal

  3. Nystatin

  4. No correct answer

191. Absolute symptoms of late congenital syphilis

  1. Symptom fish eggs

  2. Symptom rosary

  3. Getchin teeth*

  4. Symptom apple jelly

  5. No correct answer

192. What rash characteristic of atopic dermatitis:

  1. Erythema *

  2. Ulcerative elements

  3. Vegetation

  4. Bumps

  5. No correct answer

193. Lyell's syndrome is characterized by:

  1. Hereditary diseases

  2. Positive iodine sample Balzer

  3. Only the defeat of the mucous membranes

  4. Positive sign of Nikolsky*

  5. No correct answer

194. What forms of eczema are distinguished according to the classification:

  1. Viral

  2. Microbial*

  3. Arthropathic

  4. Intertriginosys

  5. No correct answer

195. What kinds of eczema are distinguished according to the classification:

  1. Urticaria

  2. Infiltrative

  3. True*

  4. Squamous

  5. No correct answer

196. What distinguishes the stage for eczema:

  1. weeping*

  2. Bullous

  3. Infiltrative

  4. Allergic

  5. No correct answer

197. What are the characteristics of microbial eczema clinic:

  1. Centers of the fuzzy border

  2. Soak is not observed

  3. Monomorphic rash consisting of pustules

  4. Developed on the site of the centers of pyoderma or venous ulcers*

  5. No correct answer

198. Which solutions can be used for the topical treatment lotions


  1. salicylic alcohol

  2. weak solution of potassium permanganate*

  3. Hypertonic solution

  4. 1% iodine solution

  5. No correct answer

199. Pri late congenital syphilis may have the following

  1. dystrophic changes

  2. Wide warts

  3. simptom ladies heel

  4. sign Avsitidi*

  5. triada psoriatic

200. Signs of late congenital syphilis

  1. Absolute*

  2. Stigmy

  3. Wide Warts

  4. Vegetatsii

  5. No correct answer

201. for syphiloma characteristic

  1. test consistency

  2. stellate scar*

  3. kaseosys necrosis

  4. stamped scars

  5. No correct answer

202. sing of early congenital syphilis in infants are

  1. Pemphigus *

  2. Chancre

  3. tuberculi

  4. Gummy

  5. No correct answer

203. for the manifestation of tertiary syphilis is characterized by:

  1. The tendency to decay symptoms with extensive destruction*

  2. Limitation Defeats

  3. Only at persons of the same sex

  4. Only children

  5. No correct answer

204. The special features of the manifestations of tertiary syphilis include

  1. From certain professions

  2. An insignificant infectiousness*

  3. Only in men

  4. The defining large number treponem

  5. E. No correct answer

205. Evaluation of patients with tertiary syphilis must include

  1. sureon

  2. ophthalmolog

  3. Pediatrician

  4. Therapist*

  5. No correct answer

206. The factors preventing syphilis include:

  1. Overalls

  2. Use of condoms*

  3. Application Antihistamines

  4. injection

  5. No correct answer

207. syphilitic tubercles characteristic:

  1. Pink Yellow

  2. Bluishred color*

  3. eliminated Completely

  4. Test Consistency

  5. No correct answer

208. The clinical picture of secondary syphilis may occur

  1. Papuly

  2. Leykoderma

  3. Bumps*

  4. Rozeoly

  5. No correct answer

209. The special features of tertiary syphilis should include

  1. prone To fix lesions at the site of injury

  2. Low tension immunity*

  3. In Men only

  4. Hurt Only a certain age

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