(continued) Company Feedstock/Input, Requirements Product/Output Description or Process Aquafil 131 (Italy)
̽ demonstrated, reference to patent application: WO2013032408A1
Clothing or fabrics
(knit and woven)
containing Nylon
(Polyamide) 6 or 6,6
fibres blended with
Spandex (elastomer)
fibres -varied
composition levels
Two separate material
streams: Degraded
spandex, and nylon fibres
Controlled thermal
degradation and solvent
washing treatment of
spandex, resulting in its
removal from the blended
material, followed by the
removal of excess solvent
from the remaining nylon
fibres. The solvent is
recoverable. Portions of the
separated material waste
streams can be recycled,
disposed of, or repurposed
*Biocellection 132,133 (USA)
Mixed post-consumer
plastic waste from
municipal recovery
Regenerated virgin
chemical intermediates for
plastic or textile
Chemical catalyst is used to
decompose plastic waste.
Chemicals can be used as
feedstock for plastic/polymer
materials such as apparel,
footwear, or automotive
parts. Colour and impurities
can be separated and
removed. Current conversion
efficiency of developed
process: 70%
*CARBIOS 134 (France)
Single-use plastic
materials -PET
100% bio-recycled PET
granule for various
biodegradable products
Biological recycling through
an enzyme-based
biodegradation process.
Various enzymes to treat
waste of different polymers
to regenerate new polymers
for reuse.