Tez özetleri Astronomi ve Uzay Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı

Petrography Of Southwest Part Of Goynukbelen Granıtoıd And Its Relatıon Wıth Orhanelı Ophıolıte (Bursa)

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Petrography Of Southwest Part Of Goynukbelen Granıtoıd And Its Relatıon Wıth Orhanelı Ophıolıte (Bursa)

Detailed petrogenic explorations in the area north of Orhaneli (Bursa) have revealed significant results concerning the geological evolution of the region. The aim of this research was the investigation of the relation and interaction between Orhaneli Ophiolite and Sırıl Metamorphics both of border with the Göynükbelen Granitoid.

Sırıl Metamorphics are composed of metabasite, metapelite and metagraywacke rocks which reflect the arrangement of blueschists-greenschists-blueschists facies in approximately north-south direction. Moreover during this exploration Belenoluk Member has been identified in the southwest of Belenoluk Village. This member has a thick paragenesis of jadeit and quartz and according to the investigation of its fabric relation has probable similarities with metagraywacke rocks. The existance of bedrock conglomera consisting of limestone and quartz pebbles between the calcschists which form the uppermost level of metamorphics and Çatalca Marble covering up metamorfics as discordant, increases the discordancy. Çatalca Marble which resides over paleozoic aged Sırıl Metamorphics is considered to be Mesozoic aged (Lisenbee 1972).

Orhaneli Ophiolite which emplaced on the metamorphics and marble in Upper Cretaceus is placed on the west part of the ophiolithes. This ophiolites are located in Ankara- Erzincan Suture Zone as slices. The ophiolites consists of dunite, harzburgite, serpantinite which have tectonical relationship with each other and piroksenite- gabro blocks and intrusions.

Eocene aged Göynükbelen Granitoide located in the North of study area intruded the older units. Contact metamorphism has evolved at the boundary between metamorphics and ophiolites. It has been observed distinctly in the serpantinits which is situated in the north slope of the Küçükkır Hill. The inner contact metamorphism zone represented by enstatite- cummingtonite paragenes give the highest temperature value of the contact meyamorphism of the Göynükbelen Pluton. It has been revealed that the temperature arrived 650–700 0C and the pressure reached 2,5-3 Kbar base on occurence of enstatite.

Hedenbergite-diopside, hornblend paragenesis have been evolved in the Sırıl Metamorphics boundary at the highest contact metamorphism conditions.

Danışman :Prof. Dr. Sinan ÖNGEN

Anabilim Dalı :Jeoloji Mühendisliği

Mezuniyet Yılı :2009

Tez Savunma Jürisi :Prof. Dr. Sinan ÖNGEN (Danışman)

Prof. Dr. Mefail YENİYOL

Prof. Dr. Timur USTAÖMER

Prof. Dr. Fahri ESENLİ

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Mehmet KESKİN

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