How many syllables does the word ‘butterfly’ have?
a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 2
…. is used to convey background information about something in a neutral way.
a) exposition b) narration c) description d) expressive
This mode of discourse uses persuasive language to support or convict.
a) exposition b) argumentation c) description d) narration
She has a nose that at least is three inches too long like my thumb. meronym b) hyponym c) synonym d) antonym
I closed my eyes, smelling the sun-shine-in-the-breakfast-room and feeling it warm in my face.
a) hyponym b) meronym c) synonym d) antonym
These are features of grammatical cohesion, but there are lexical clues too: go for is a synonym of ……….
make b) pass c) choose d) turn
…………….items in English include pronouns (e.g: he, she, it, him they, etc.) demonstratives (this, that, these, those), the article the, and items like such a.
a) substitution b) rheme c) ellipsis d) reference
Referents for him and his can be confirmed by looking back in the text; this is called …reference.
a) no one is correct b) exophoric c) cataphoric d) anaphoric
References to assumed, shared worlds outside of the text are …….. . Because they are not text-internal, they are not truly cohesive, but because they are an equally important part of the reader/listener's active role in creating coherence, they will be included in our general discussion of factors which contribute to 'textuality'.
a) cataphoric b) anaphoric c) exophoric d) no one is correct