The … is the element which serves as the point of departure of the message, it is that with which the clause is concerned.
a) theme b) rheme c) form d) substitution
Find the meaning of modality: ‘John might be at home’
a) certainty b) probability c) capability d) prediction
How many types of discourse we have?
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
…is broadly defined as the omission of one or more sounds in a word or phrase.
a) subsitution b) ellipsis c) elision d) conjunction
….. is the replacement of a part of a sentence with a word or phrase in the same grammatical slot. What is it?
ellipsis b) rheme c) substitution d) rheme
Phrases as ‘expect so, think so’ are used in…
replacement of a clause b) omission of a verb
He sat down at the table and took a small box from his pocket. The object felt heavy in his hands. Inside it was the key to his future. a) anaphoric b) cataphoric
c) exophoric d) both a and b
Find the type of reference:
The book was there on the table. I’d never read Moby Dick and I didn’t intend to do so now. a) anaphoric b) cataphoric
c) exophoric d) both b and c
How many syllables does the word ‘deforestation’ have?
a) 5 b) 6 c) 4 d) 3
What is discourse? Explain the difference between spoken and written discourse.
Write the types of conjunctions and give examples.
What is ellipsis? Give examples.
Discuss the types of discourse.
Discuss the theme and rheme. Give examples.
What do you understand about tense and aspect. Give examples.
Discuss the definition of reference and support your ideas with examples.
What is substitution? Give examples.
Write your understanding about lexical creativity and give examples.
What is deixis? Give examples for each type of deixis.