Glossary Technological revolution - it is a period in which one or more technologies is replaced by another, novel technology in a short amount of time. It is an era of accelerated technological progress characterized by new innovations whose rapid application and diffusion typically cause an abrupt change in society
Digital technologies- they are electronic tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store or process data. Well known examples include social media, online games, multimedia and mobile phones. Digital learning is any type of learning that uses technology.
Sociocultural competence – the concept involves the ability to use specific information about nation, speech etiquette knowledge and communication technology in order to achieve mutual understanding with other culture bearers.
Oral skills - are speech enhancers that are used to produce clear sentences that are intelligible to an audience. Oral skills are used to enhance the clarity of speech for effective communication.
Communication skills - the ability to convey or share ideas and feelings effectively.
Educational technology—The practice of using technology in instructional settings in support of teaching, learning and academic achievement.
Performance-based learning—A set of strategies for the acquisition, application and practice of content knowledge, acquired skills, and work habits in "real world" situations that are meaningful and engaging to students.
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