communicative competence (ibid). Moreover, conduct of role-play activities can provide a stress free learning
environment where students enjoy using the language.
The learning of vocabulary is important because of the relationship between vocabulary and overall learning
development. A number of studies have shown that vocabulary size in bilinguals is a strong predictor for success in the
future because they have access to and participate in communication events in two language communities (Fernandez et
al. 1992, Umbel, 1992 and Allman, 2005).
Sadeghi & Sharifi (2013) investigate the effect of four post-teaching activities, namely games, narrative writing, role-
play, and speaking tasks on vocabulary gain of 111 elementary Iranian EFL learners across gender. The results show
statistically significant main effects for vocabulary learning across different activity types, with role-play leading to the
highest vocabulary compared to other strategies. Moreover, the impact was more significant
for female than male
Nair, Yusof, & Arumugam (2014) studied the effects of using the role-play method and the conventional method to
teach the Malay Language to preschool children. The sample was 100 pupils from government preschools. The
experimental group was taught using the play method and the control group was taught using the conventional method
for a period of six weeks. The findings indicate that the utilization of the role-play method significantly enhances the
mastery of vocabulary and interest in learning the Malay Language among the pupils.
Toumpaniari, Loyens, Mavilidi, & Paas (2015) investigated whether incorporating physical activities and gestures
could improve foreign language vocabulary learning in preschool children. The results after a 4-week intervention
programme showed that learning by embodying words through task-relevant gestures and physical activities holds great
promise as an enhancer of children’s learning.
Altun (2015) conducted a case study on the implementation of role-play activities to explore the benefits of such
activities in developing language. It was found that conduct of role-play activities can provide a stress free learning
environment where students enjoy using the language. Findings show that role-play activities
enable students to gain
self-confidence enhance, motivation and promote the speaking skills of foreign language learners.
Reasons for choosing role-play strategy
There are several broad reasons for using role play as a teaching strategy for learning vocabulary. It is a major
strategy in the communicative approach and has many advantages, as it can encourage forms of social interaction that
provide an important stimulus to use the language in real life and challenge learners' existing beliefs. Also it is
suggested by many researchers that effective learning takes place when teachers challenge students with problems and
facilitate the process of finding the solution (Vincent & Shepherd, 1998; Piaget. 1972). Most importantly,
role play
engages learners in activities that bring realism to their learning and help them to apply it in real situations. Vocabulary
should be learned in such a way that learners will be able to communicate effectively, successfully and appropriately.
Students should capable to recall vocabulary easily, recognizing how to use and when to use the appropriate words. Al-
Jabri (2005) indicates that "learners of English have often faced communication barriers in various situations which
require control over a large variety of vocabulary items rather than a narrow range of syntactic structures" (p.1)
Role play can be used as a means of achieving a wide variety of outcomes, such as the acquisition of knowledge,
application of knowledge to develop further understanding and skills, and attitudinal change. It is a particularly useful
strategy in learning vocabulary, where learners are required to increase their knowledge of vocabulary and
by reading, researching, selecting and organizing relevant materials, analysing and synthesizing
information, and discussing/arguing/debating different issues.
Learning in a relaxed and playful environment lets learners know it is safe to play around with what they are learning,
and use their vocabulary in a real situation and in new creative ways. Afdillah (2015) indicates, "Many students will be
more creative and active to play their role because the teacher gives opportunities to students to explore their actions"
(p.20). Also, according to Ladousse, “Perhaps the most important reason for using Role Play is that it is fun” (2004,
p.29). Role-play gives students the chance to practise the language in real life situations in an interesting and fun way
and at the same time stimulates unmotivated students to share and use the language when they play their roles in front
of the class.
Advantages of using role-play
Role-play strategies have proven their effectiveness in teaching English to learners,
as role-play can increase
students' enthusiasm, self-confidence, and empathy, and encourage critical thinking. Role-play is a teaching strategy
that models vocabulary learning in a cost-effective, controlled, and fun way for both students and teachers (Kuipers &
Clemens, 1998; Huang and Shan, 2008; Altun, 2015).
Aliakbari and Jamalvandi (2010) indicate that by using role play, L2 learners can experience
many kinds of real
situations in which they will use the language and words; and as they develop a sense of mastery in them, they should
be able to apply the language more easily to new situations. Acting out a situation encourages the students to use the
natural expressions and intonations of native speakers as well as gestures. Teaching of social skills increases motivation,
develops creativity, promotes interaction, encourages peer learning and helps learners to communicate more freely.
According to Sasaki (1998), role plays are regarded as simulating more authentic situations. Incorporating role-play into
the classroom adds variety, a change of pace and opportunities for a lot of language production and also a lot of fun.
Procedures of using role-play
Liu & Ding (2009) explain the procedures of role-play as an effective technique for teaching and learning a language.
They focus on how to apply role-play successfully, what are the procedures, what teachers will do if the situation is "out
of control", and how the teacher should respond to the errors made by students. They identify four vital factors for role-
play success: the topic chosen should be real and relevant; the teachers need to 'feed-in' the appropriate language; they
should correct errors in a proper way; and teachers'
roles are as facilitator, spectator or participant. Afdillah (2015)
indicates some steps for good use of role play: first, arrange or prepare scenarios to be performed by the students,
choose some students to learn about the scenario several days before, classify students into groups of five, explain
competence to be achieved, request a group to play the prepared scenario, while students in other groups observe, end
performance, each student is given work sheet for discussion of the performance, every group gives a conclusion about
scenario performed, the teacher gives a general conclusion, evaluation, and closing (p. 25).
For the current study the instructor used the following Steps and Procedures
The experimental group was taught vocabulary by using the following:
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