The four seasons 1

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1 –SAVOL SEASONS-The four seasons 1 .The four seasons are spring, summer, fall, and winter, and although various areas of the United States experience drastically different weather during these times, all portions of the country recognize the seasons; winter in California may bring heat, and winter in New York may bring blizzards, but both periods are nevertheless winter.Following winter, spring begins on 20 March and ends on either 20 June or 21 June, in the United States (this date may vary slightly from year to year and hemisphere to hemisphere). For most, spring is a time of "thawing," when the cold and snow of the winter are replaced by sunshine, reasonable temperatures, green grass, and more. It is also the season wherein previously dormant bees and butterflies reemerge, and when birds become more active.Summer follows spring and spans from about 21 June to 22 September, in America. Summer is the warmest, the longest, and (arguably) the liveliest of the four seasons; students from kindergarten to college are given two or so summer months off from class, and to be sure, there are more young individuals out and about during this season than any other. It's not uncommon to see shorts, t-shirts, and sunglasses worn by those who're soaking up the summer's hot sun, and to stay cool, many individuals crank the air conditioning, take a dip in a swimming pool, and/or explore the ever-comforting ocean waves.Autumn (or fall), more than being a simple precursor to winter, is one of the most beautiful and exciting seasons. Spanning from 22 September to 21 December (technically, that is; snow will begin to fall long before this latter date, in most parts of the country, leading many to classify the period as winter) in the US, autumn is characterized by falling leaves, Halloween (on 31 October), and Thanksgiving. During fall, traditional farmers harvest their produce, and the aforementioned falling leaves change to gorgeous orange, red, and yellow colors; these colors are generally associated with autumn itself, in turn.In the US, winter spans from 21 December to 20 March, and is, as one would expect, the coldest of the four seasons. In the eastern, northern, and central portions of the country, winter snowfall can be considerable; in the western and southern portions of the country, winter snowfall is highly unlikely, but temperatures nevertheless drop from their usual. Winter is most widely known for its snow and the Christmas holiday, but it also boasts New Year's Eve (on December 31, in recognition of the start of a new year) and other special days. Ice skating, sledding, ice hockey, and snowball fights are commonly enjoyed winter activities. TARJIMASI-FAVSLAR - To'rt fasl 1 .To'rt fasl bahor, yoz, kuz va qishdir va Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlarining turli hududlarida bu vaqtlarda keskin farq qiladigan ob-havo bo'lsa-da, mamlakatning barcha qismlari fasllarni taniydi; Kaliforniyada qish issiq, Nyu-Yorkda qish esa qor bo'ronlarini olib kelishi mumkin, ammo har ikkala davr ham qishdir. Qishdan keyin bahor 20 martda boshlanadi va AQShda 20 iyun yoki 21 iyunda tugaydi (bu sana har xil bo'lishi mumkin) yildan yilga bir oz va yarim shardan yarim sharga). Ko'pchilik uchun bahor "erish" vaqti bo'lib, qishning sovuq va qorlari quyosh nuri, maqbul harorat, yashil o'tlar va boshqalar bilan almashtiriladi. Bu, shuningdek, ilgari uxlab yotgan asalarilar va kapalaklar qaytadan paydo bo'ladigan va qushlar faollashgan mavsumdir. Amerikada yoz bahordan keyin keladi va taxminan 21 iyundan 22 sentyabrgacha davom etadi. Yoz to'rt fasl ichida eng issiq, eng uzun va (balki) eng jonlisi; bog'chadan kollejgacha bo'lgan o'quvchilarga ikki yoki undan ko'p yoz oylari darsdan ta'til beriladi va ishonch hosil qilish uchun bu mavsumda boshqa har qanday yoshdan ko'ra ko'proq yoshlar bor. Yozning jazirama quyoshini ho'llaganlar va salqin bo'lish uchun ko'p odamlar konditsionerni yoqadi, basseynda cho'miladi va/yoki kashfiyot qilayotganlar tomonidan taqib yurgan shortilar, futbolkalar va ko'zoynaklarni ko'rish odatiy hol emas. doimo taskin beruvchi okean to'lqinlari. Kuz (yoki kuz), qishning oddiy kashshofi bo'lishdan ko'ra, eng go'zal va hayajonli fasllardan biridir. 22 sentyabrdan 21 dekabrgacha (texnik jihatdan, ya'ni qor ushbu sanadan ancha oldin yog'a boshlaydi, mamlakatning aksariyat qismlarida bu davrni qish deb tasniflashga olib keladi) AQShda kuz barglarning tushishi bilan tavsiflanadi. , Xellouin (31 oktyabr) va Shukrona kuni. Kuzda an'anaviy dehqonlar o'z mahsulotlarini yig'ib olishadi va yuqorida aytib o'tilgan tushgan barglar ajoyib to'q sariq, qizil va sariq ranglarga o'zgaradi; Bu ranglar, odatda, o'z navbatida, kuzning o'zi bilan bog'liq. AQShda qish 21 dekabrdan 20 martgacha davom etadi va kutilgandek, to'rt faslning eng sovuqidir. Mamlakatning sharqiy, shimoliy va markaziy qismlarida qishki qor sezilarli darajada bo'lishi mumkin; mamlakatning g'arbiy va janubiy qismlarida qishda qor yog'ishi ehtimoldan yiroq, lekin shunga qaramay harorat odatdagidan tushadi. Qish eng ko'p qor va Rojdestvo bayrami bilan mashhur, ammo u yangi yil kechasi (yangi yil boshlanishini e'tirof etish uchun 31 dekabr) va boshqa maxsus kunlar bilan ham faxrlanadi. Konkida uchish, chanada uchish, xokkey va qor to'pi bilan kurashish odatda qishki mashg'ulotlardan zavqlanadi. 2-SAVOL . PRONOUNS POSSESIVE The independent possessive pronouns are mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs. The possessive adjectives, also called possessive determiners, are my, our, your, his, her, its, and their. Possessive Pronouns - egalik olmoshlari
Ingliz tilida egalik olmoshlari biror-bir narsaga egalikni bildirib, ularning 2 xil turi mavjud: Hamisha Ot oldidan qo'llanilib, egalikni bildiradi.
I — my – mening You — your - sening/sizning He — his – uning She — her – uning It — its – uning We — our – bizning They — their – ularning I have a car. My car is red. - Menda mashina bor. Mening mashinam qizil. You have a house. Your house is beautiful. - Senda uy bor. Sening uying chiroyli. He is married. His wife’s name is Carol. - U uylangan. Uning rafiqasining ismi Carol. She is married. Her husband is a chef. - U turmush qurgan. 2. Hech qachon ot oldidan qo'llanilmaydi, yolg'iz o'zi egalikni ifodalaydi. my — mine – meniki your — yours - seniki/sizniki his — his – uniki her — hers – uniki our — ours – bizniki their — theirs – ularniki Your house is small. My house is bigger than yours. (= bigger than your house)- Sizning uyingiz kichik. mening uyim siznikidan kattaroq.

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