30-BILET 1-SAVOL My favorite holiday is New Year’s Day. New Year’s Day comes once in a year and is a special day throughout the world. All people in the universe recognize this day because it is the beginning day of the year, which is the first day of January. The weather is usually cold by that period. On the 31st of December, I usually gather my family together to give praises to God starting at 11:00 pm until 1:00 am. At 10:00 am, I usually go to church with my family. After arriving home from church, my family and friends usually have a get together party with various kinds of food that would have been prepared to eat, such as pounded yam, rice and beans, and turkey. After eating, I used to give out some gifts to my friends. TARJIMASI-Mening sevimli bayramim - Yangi yil kuni. Yangi yil yilida bir marta keladi va butun dunyoda alohida kun hisoblanadi. Koinotdagi barcha odamlar bu kunni taniydilar, chunki bu yil boshlanish kuni, ya'ni yanvar oyining birinchi kuni. Bu davrda ob-havo odatda sovuq bo'ladi. 31-dekabr kuni men odatda soat 23:00 dan 01:00 gacha Xudoga hamd aytish uchun oilamni yig'aman. Soat 10:00 da men odatda oilam bilan cherkovga boraman. Jamoatdan uyga qaytganimdan so'ng, mening oilam va do'stlarim odatda eyishga tayyorlangan turli xil taomlar, masalan, maydalangan yam, guruch va loviya, kurka go'shti bilan yig'ilishadi. Ovqatlanib bo'lgach, do'stlarimga sovg'alar tarqatardim. 2-SAVOL PRESENT SIMPLE Sizlar bilan biz oldingi darsimizda Present Continuous – Hozirgi davomli zamon haqida gaplashgan edik. Bugungi mavzuimiz Present Simple – Hozirgi oddiy zamon.
Biz Present Simple zamonini doimiy yoki qaytarilib turadigan ish harakatga nisbatan ishlatamiz.
Masalan: I go to school everyday. Men har kuni maktabga boraman.
You work at the hospital. Siz shifoxonada ishlaysiz. Biz Present Simple zamonida 3-shaxs birlik (he, she, it)dan keyin keladigan fe’llar uchun -s yoki -es qo’shimchalarini qo’shamiz.
He goes to school everyday
My mother (she) works at the hospital.Present simple yasash uchun quyidagi formuladan foydalanamiz:Subject + Verb (III+es) + Object I + work + at the hospital He + goes + to school everyday
Inkor gap yasaganimizda egadan keyin do not (do’nt) yoki does not (doesn’t) qo’yamiz.
I don’t like ice cream
Tom (he) doesn’t work at school
So’roq gap yasaganimizda esa biz doim egadan oldinga Do yoki III-shaxs birlik uchun Does ni qo’yamiz.
Do you work at the hospital?
Does she speak English? III shaxs birlikka s yoki es qo’shamiz deb aytdik. Agar fe’limiz ss, sh, ch, x, o bilan tugasa es qo’shamiz.rushesbrush – brushes