28-BILET 1 Tashkent, Uzbek Toshkent, capital of Uzbekistan and the largest city in Central Asia. Tashkent lies in the northeastern part of the country. It is situated at an elevation of 1,475 to 1,575 feet (450 to 480 metres) in the Chirchiq River valley west of the Chatkal Mountains and is intersected by a series of canals from the Chirchiq River. The city probably dates from the 2nd or the 1st century BCE and was variously known as Dzhadzh, Chachkent, Shashkent, and Binkent; the name Tashkent, which means “Stone Village” in Uzbek, was first mentioned in the 11th century. Today Tashkent is the main economic and cultural centre of Central Asia. Cotton is the chief crop of the region in which it is situated. Wheat, rice, jute, vegetables, and melons are also grown, and silkworms are bred. The city lies in the most industrially developed part of Uzbekistan, and much of its industry is in some way connected with cotton—the manufacture of agricultural and textile machinery and of cotton textiles. It also has various food-processing industries. The city’s numerous institutions of higher education and research establishments include the university, founded in 1920, and various institutes of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, set up in 1943. Also notable is the Navoi Public Library. The city’s numerous theatres, Uzbek and Russian, include the Navoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet. There are also a Palace of the Arts and several museums, parks, and stadiums.
TARJIMASI- Toshkent, Oʻzbekiston Toshkent, Oʻzbekiston poytaxti va Markaziy Osiyodagi eng yirik shahar. Toshkent mamlakatning shimoli-sharqiy qismida joylashgan. U Chotqol togʻlarining gʻarbida Chirchiq daryosi vodiysida 1475–1575 fut (450–480 m) balandlikda joylashgan boʻlib, Chirchiq daryosining qator kanallari bilan kesishadi. Shahar, ehtimol, miloddan avvalgi 2-1-asrlarga mansub boʻlib, u turlicha Jadj, Chochkent, Shashkent va Binkent nomi bilan mashhur boʻlgan; Toshkent nomi oʻzbekcha “Tosh qishloq” degan maʼnoni anglatuvchi birinchi marta XI asrda tilga olingan. Bugungi kunda Toshkent Markaziy Osiyoning asosiy iqtisodiy va madaniy markazi hisoblanadi. Oʻzi joylashgan hududda paxta asosiy ekin hisoblanadi. Bugʻdoy, sholi, jut, sabzavot, poliz ekinlari ham yetishtiriladi, ipak qurti yetishtiriladi. Shahar Oʻzbekistonning sanoati rivojlangan qismida joylashgan boʻlib, sanoatning koʻp qismi qaysidir maʼnoda paxta bilan – qishloq xoʻjaligi va toʻqimachilik mashinalari va paxta toʻqimachilik sanoati bilan bogʻliq. Bundan tashqari, turli xil oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini qayta ishlash sanoati mavjud. Shahardagi koʻplab oliy oʻquv yurtlari va ilmiy-tadqiqot muassasalari qatoriga 1920-yilda tashkil etilgan universitet va 1943-yilda tashkil etilgan Oʻzbekiston Fanlar akademiyasining turli institutlari kiradi. Navoiy nomidagi xalq kutubxonasi ham diqqatga sazovordir. Shahardagi koʻplab oʻzbek va rus teatrlari qatoriga Navoiy nomidagi opera va balet teatri ham kiradi. Shuningdek, San'at saroyi va bir qancha muzeylar, bog'lar va stadionlar mavjud. 2- SAVOL PRESENT SIMPLE Sizlar bilan biz oldingi darsimizda Present Continuous – Hozirgi davomli zamon haqida gaplashgan edik. Bugungi mavzuimiz Present Simple – Hozirgi oddiy zamon.
Biz Present Simple zamonini doimiy yoki qaytarilib turadigan ish harakatga nisbatan ishlatamiz.
Masalan: I go to school everyday. Men har kuni maktabga boraman.
You work at the hospital. Siz shifoxonada ishlaysiz.
Biz Present Simple zamonida 3-shaxs birlik (he, she, it)dan keyin keladigan fe’llar uchun -s yoki -es qo’shimchalarini qo’shamiz.
He goesto school everyday
My mother (she) works at the hospital.
Present simple yasash uchun quyidagi formuladan foydalanamiz:Subject + Verb (III+es) + Object I + work + at the hospital He + goes + to school everyday
Inkor gap yasaganimizda egadan keyin do not (do’nt) yoki does not (doesn’t) qo’yamiz.
I don’t like ice cream
Tom (he) doesn’t work at school
So’roq gap yasaganimizda esa biz doim egadan oldinga Do yoki III-shaxs birlik uchun Does ni qo’yamiz.
Do you work at the hospital?
Does she speak English? III shaxs birlikka s yoki es qo’shamiz deb aytdik. Agar fe’limiz ss, sh, ch, x, o bilan tugasa es qo’shamiz.rushes
brush – brushes
do – does undosh harf + y bilan tugasa ies qo’shamiz.
cry – cries fly – flies qolgan undosh harflar bilan tugasa s qo’shamiz.