Every night after outings and dates, seduction students and masters post online breakdowns of their experiences, called field reports. The goals in chronicling their adventures vary: Some want help with mistakes, others want to share new techniques, and a few just want to brag. The day after my misadventure with the stinky-footed comedian, Extramask posted afield report online. Evidently, he had experienced his own odd adventure that same night. His time in the seduction community had already paid off. He could pee in toilet stalls next to other men; he could masturbate without hurting himself, and, now, at the age of twenty-six, he had finally lost his virginity—
though not in the way he expected. MSN GROUP Mystery's Lounge
SUBJECT: Field Report—I F-closed a Girl!
AUTHOR: Extramask
I, Extramask, have f-closed a girl for the first time—eliminating my virgin status
(even though I didn't blow my load). I'll start from the beginning.
On Monday, I went sarging with Vision. We went to this three-story club
that had about fifteen rooms, each with its own individual bar. We pretty much
sarged the whole place.
Overall for the night, I was feeling out of state, and it was reflecting in my
sarges. I wasn't doing as well as I normally do. I went to the second floor and
found Vision. Some girl was wearing his scarf and he couldn't find her. So I
was talking to him about this, and then this girl, WideFace, walked by and
gave me serious eye contact. She said, "Hi."
Chicks rarely open me, so I said to her, "Hey, have you seen this guy's
I just talked bullshit. I knew it didn't matter what I said by the look on her
wide face.
After scarf chat: