10. [
] a) Mother just come from the market.
b) For every evil under the sun
There is a remedy or there is none.
If there is one, try to find it,
If there is none, never mind it.
11. [ ə
:] a) A journalist made a journey over Japan.
b) Early to bed and early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
12. [ ə
] a) Spades for digging, pens for writing.
Ears for hearing, teeth for biting.
Eyes for seeing, legs for walking.
Tongues for tasting and talking.
b) You can think better after a night’s sleep.
13. [e ɪ
] a) David, Jane and Kate came late.
b) Rain, rain, go away.
Come again another day,
Little Johnny wants to play.
14. [ ə
u] a) Oh, no, don’t go home alone. Nobody knows how lonely the road is.
b) Soames never boasts of what he knows.
15. [a ɪ
] a) Beauty lies in lovers` eyes.
b) Stop piping the eye like the crocodile.
16. [au] a) What have you found out about it?
b) Out of sight out of mind.
17. [
] a) Her naughty boy destroyed all his toys.
b) The noise is annoying.
18. [ ɪə
] a) Without a tongue, without an ear
I can speak and sing and hear.
b) Steer clear of him.
19. [e ə
] a) Take care of minutes and the hours will take care of themselves.
b) Mary wears her hair long.
20. [u ə
] a) The air is fresh and pure here.
b) Curiosity is incurable.
c) He is a doer for sure.