The protestation returns for st albans

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Transcribed by the Seventeenth Century Population Research Group

of the St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society
The Protestation was initiated by the House of Commons during the reign of Charles I as an oath of loyalty at the time of political crises prior to the outbreak of the Civil War. The aim of the Protestation was to drum up loyalty first to the Church of England, secondly to the King, thirdly to Parliament and fourthly, to the lawful rights and liberties of subjects.(1) It was requested that all males over the age of eighteen take the oath and returns were made to Parliament.
Organisation of the swearing was in the hands of local dignatories and parish officers. The return for St Albans is now in the House of Lords Record Office and has been transcribed by the St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society Seventeenth Century Research Group. The return is introduced in the following way:
Comitatus Hertfordiensis

The Burrough of St Albans

and part of the Liberty thereof

in the County Afforesaid

To the Right Honorable the House of Commons

now assembled in Parliament

The certificate of William New Maior of the Burrough

aforesaid and John Robotham Esq two of His Majesty’s Justices

for the Burrough and Liberty aforesaid as followeth
That according to the letters from the said house unto us directed under the hands of the right worshipful William Lenthall Esq Speaker of the said house we our selves have taken the protestacon and have called before us the Ministers Churchwardens and Overseers for the poore and Constables of every parish within our said division who have likewise taken the protestacon aforesaid in our presence videlicet.
After this introduction the names of the vicars of each parish, the churchwardens, overseers of the poor and the constables are given and these have been included in the accompanying lists.
The return is organised by wards. Six hundred and eighty names are listed on the return for the three parishes which form the Borough of St Albans, the Abbey, St Michael’s and St Peter’s. The spelling of names has been standardised, using the extensive data accumulated by this Research Group. Further information about the individuals listed regarding their status, families and occupation, if known, may be obtained from the Society.

  1. A Whiteman, The Protestation Returns of 1641-1642 in Local Population Studies No.55 Autumn 1995.

St Peter's Ward

Phillip Adams

Thomas Adams

Richard Alway

William Arnold

John Asson

Phillip Axtell

Samuel Axtell

Thomas Ayleward

William Ayleward

Edward Ballinger

William Barber

Edward Barnes

John Barnes

William Beastney

Richard Blackburn

George Bockett

John Branch

James Briggins

Francis Brocke

William Brookley

John Burton

John Carter

William Carter

John Catlin

Thomas Catlin

Robert Chalkely

William Chalkley

Richard Chamberlaine

William Chamberlaine

Richard Chappell

Thomas Clare

Edmund Clarke

Joseph Clarke

Thjomas Clarke

Christopher Clifford

Robert Coningsby

John Cooper

Thomas Copcott

Richard Covington

Alban Coxe

Pigott Deacon

Richard Deacon

John Dewes

John Dixon

Henry Dixon

Michael Dixon

Robert Dolt

William Downing

Leonard Eaton

Nathaniel Eaton

Samuel Element

Nathaniel Ellis

Thomas Emsley

George Ewer

Joseph Ewer

Edward Feild

James Feild

Robert Finch

William Fitch

John Fley

William Fuller

William Gill

Edward Goldstone

William Gould


Daniel Griffin

Thomas Griffin

William Griffin

William Grover

John Grubb

Isaac Hall

John Hall

Phillip Hampton

William Hannell

James Harding

William Harding

William Harlow

Thomas Harris

William Harris

Robert Hasker

James Hawgood

William Hayward

Thomas Hickes

William Hickman

Francis Hill

Joseph Hine

William Holdgate

Thomas Hopkins

Edmund How

George Hurst

Robert Hurst

Richard Jewett

Nicholas Jordan

Mathew Joyner

Richard Joyner

Thomas Joyner

Robert Kenton

Thomas Knowlton

William Knowlton

William Lamb

Jeremy Latimer

John Lawrence

Phillip Lawrence

Richard Lawrence

Robert Lawrence

Thomas Lawrence

Henry Lemon

Henry Lewis

John Lowen

John Man

Joseph Marshall

John Marston

Thomas Marston

John Mead

Thomas Mead

Robert Mickley

George Middleton

James Middleton

Edward Mitchell

James Morley

Hugh Morton

William Munn

John Munt

William Munt

Symon Musgrave

Roger Nicholls

William Nicholls

John Oxton

Phillip Oxton

John Parker

John Parott

John Pembertopn

Raphe Pemberton

Robert Pemberton

John Perry

Robert Proctor

Richard Prudden

William Randall

Barnaby Richmond

Henry Richmond

William Richmond

John Roberts

William Roberts

Robert Robotham

Nicholas Rowe

John Rowney

Phillip Rowney

William Rowney

Charles Rugesby

Richard Russell

Thomas Russell

John Rylands

Richard Sadleir

Thomas Salter

Richard Sanders

John Savage

Edmund Scott

Edward Seabrooke

Thomas Seer

Gilbert Sheatthill

Richard Shepard

Robert Siggins

Williamson Siggins

John Simkin

William Sleape

Henry Smale

Symond Smale

Francis Smeedon

Daniel Smith

Edward Smith

Henry Smith

John Smith

Raph Smith

Richard Smith

Thomas Smith

Gilbert Spinkes

William Stepney

Francis Stone

John Taylor

Robert Trott

Thomas Turner

William Wadlow

William Warner

Gabriell Waterton

John Watts

Thomas Wayman

Edward Weedon

John Wheatley

John White

Thomas White

Thomas Wilshire

Robert Winn

John With

William Wood

John Woodward

Richard Woodward

Robert Woolley

Middle Ward

William Adams

George Aglington

James Aglington

Humphrey Aldwin

William Aldwin

John Allcock

Henry Andrew

William Andrew

John Archer

James Arnold

Richard Ashton

John Atkins

John Alyleward

Thomas Bates

George Bottom

Ralph Bradbury

Thomas Brewer

Thomas Broomer

Richard Bull

Thomas Bullwer

Walter Burton

Thomas Bush

Mathew Butterworth

James Campion

Lionell Campion

George Carpenter

John Carter

Thomas Cartwright

John Charnock

James Clarke

Peirce Clarke

Richard Clarke

William Clarke

John Clemson

Nicholas Cochet

Ralphe Cochet

Everett Cook

Barthrum Combes

Francis Combes

William Combes

Ralphe Cooper

Abraham Cowley

Thomas Cowley

Walter Cowley

John Crow

Thomas Dalton

Robert Davie

William Day

Francis Deane

Isaac Dobson

John Dobson

Richard Dollomore

Edward Eames

Richard Eaton

Robart Eaton

Leonard Edgcombe

John Edwards

Matthew Edwards

Martin Element

Thomas Eliott

George Ellis

William Ellis

George Ewer

Edward Fawcett

Thomas Field

Jeremie Fitch

Thomas Floyd

William Forrest

Edward Fowke

Peter Fullwood

Henry Gaines

Job Gibson

William Gibson

John Gilbert

Ralph Gladman

Edward Gladwin

Henry Godley

Robert Graves

William Graves

John Guy

James Haile

William Harvey

John Hatton

Thomas Hayward

John Heltone

William Hickman

Robart Higden

William Hine

Edward Holland

Stephen Holland

James Hopkins

Anthony How

Leonard How

Robart How

John Howland

Edward Huddell

George Hughes

Roger Hunt

Anthony Jackson

Samuel Jewell

Edward Jones

William Jones

Anthony Kent

Thomas Kinder

Anthony Langford

Henry Lawrence

Edmund Lee

Richard Lee

William Lemon

John Linton

John Long

Abraham Lowe

James Marshall

William Marston

Moses Martin

Richard Martin

John May

William Mew

Tobitt Michell

Thomas Millard

John Morris

John Mott

John Nash

Thomas Nash

Robert Neaves

Robert Nero

John New

Robert New

William Negus

Thomas Nodall

Richard Peake

Conon Rawlings

Robert Rawlings

Thomas Redding

William Redwood

George Robinson

John Robinson

Richard Robinson

Robert Robinson

Thomas Robinson

John Salter

Shydrack Seabrooke

Gilbert Selioke

Thomas Sewell

Nicholas Sparling

Alban Spencer

Gilbert Spencer

William Stepping

Robert Stopp

Richard Street

William Street

William Studman

Ralph Swindell

Timothie Theabridge

Edward Thomas

Jasper Thomas

Robert Thoroughgood

Gregory Tiballs

Peirce Tompson

William Toone

John Trott

James Turner

William Ward

William Watts

Andrew Whelpley

George Whitnell

Leonard Wilkes

Thomas Wilkes

Samuel Williams

Edward Wood

Thomas Woodmans

John Woolley

Andrew Young

Holywell Ward

John Altheridg

James Ashton

James Ayleward

James Babb

Robert Babb

Thomas Babb

Hugh Bradwin

Thomas Bradwin

John Browne

John Campion

Henry Capon

Jeremie Capon

Edward Clarke

Richard Clarke

Robert Clemson

Everard Cook

John Cooper

Hugh Cox

John Crawley

Thomas Crawley

Henry Cutlett


Pryor Dickenson

John Dunill

William Edge

Thomas Edwards

Robert Fletcher

Thomas Fletcher

Walter Fuller

Robert Godman

Nicholas Golding

William Haile

Robert Hasell

Edward Hatrell

John Hatrell

William Hayes

John Hayward

Roger Heason

William Henceman

John Hickman

William Hill

Thomas Hill

James Hopwood

Thomas How

Robert Johnson

William Johnson

Griffith Jones

Thomas Jones

Hugh Kent

Robert Kilbie

Richard Kingfrey

Ralph Loft

William Long

John MacToy

Thomas Marriot

Henry Mead

Frencis Mosse

Edward Ollin

Thomas Owen

Edward Packingham

Henry Paine

John Parott

Richard Rumford

John Ruth

Richard Ruth

Thomas Sadleir

Silvester Sanders

John Scott

Robert Shaw

Robert Sherer

John Shrimpton

John Simpson

Solomon Smith

Robert Stanton

Henry Stole

William Stone

John Street

James Tatnam

Humphrey Thomas

Thomas Tryant

John Turvaveile

John Tyler

William Waller

John Ware

Christopher Whelpley

Nicholas Whelpley

Thomas Whissone

Robert White

Thomas Wood

Libis Woolman

William Wright

St Michaels Ward

William Arnold

Williamson Arnold

Robert Arrowsmith

Roger Atkinson

Edward Bailey

John Ball

Richard Becon

John Berry

Thomas Birchmore

Hugh Bokenham

Humphrey Bowen

Robert Bradwin

John Bradwin

William Bradwin

Thomas Bray

William Briden

William Brock

John Browne

William Bull

Joseph Burgess

Thomas Burridge

Th.Adlin Capellany

Francis Carpenter

Thomas Carpenter

William Carpenter

John Carter

Joseph Carter

William Carter

John Catlin

Anthonie Cavell

Richard Cawthorne

Francis Chambers

James Cheatham

William Chopping

Francis Clare

Edward Clarke

William Clarke

Stephen Cock

John Cogdell

Thomas Cogdell

Joseph Constain

William Cowley

Thomas Darvell

John Darvell

Joseph Darvell

Charles Day

Joseph Day

Jacob Deare

James Dell

Thomas Dennis

Richard Duncombe

George Eaton

George Edlin

William Edmonds

Henry Eeles

John Eeles

William Evans

Richard Everett

Nathaniel Ewer

Nicholas Ewington

Edward Fawcett

Richard Feild

Thomas Feild

William Feild

Daniel Finch

William Finch

Jonathan Freeman

Daniel French

Francis Gape

Henry Gape

John Gape

Bartholomew Gates

John Godman

John Grunhill

John Grunwin

John Hallawaye

Richard Hannell

Thomas Harding

Henry Hare

Roger Harrod

William Harrop

Edward Hawkswell

Isaac Hayward

Joseph Hayward

Robert Hayward

Timothy Hayward

Phillip Hickman

William Hide

Daniel Hill

Nathaniel Hill

Thomas Hill

Ralfe Hodsden


John Hopwell

John Howell

Hugh Hunt

John Ireland

Edward Jay

Walter Jerome

John Josselin

Thomas Kentish

William Kentish

Francis King

Mathew Large

Robert Lasenby

Edward Lilborne

John Long

Robert Long

William Long

Henry Lovat

Thomas Marston

William Marston

Thomas Michell

Nathan Miles

Nicholas Mullford

Humphrey Newman

Richard Nicholls

George Osborne-Miles

Josias Osborne-Miles

John Page

James Paine

Enock Partridge

Mathew Partridge

Gamaliel Pasmore

Richard Peake

Robert Peirce

George Pepiat

William Pertington

John Piecroft

Richard Piecroft

John Pinder

Henrie Platt

Richard Platt

Joseph Pollin

Richard Pollin

Thomas Pollin

Tobie Pollin

Stephen Pope

John Powell

James Pratt

George Preston

Richard Preston

William Preston

John Prior

John Puddefoot

Alexander Redding

James Richardson

Richard Richardson

Robert Riman

Thomas Roberts

Thomas Robins

Edward Rowson

Richard Royse

Henry Sampson

Edward Seabooke

Henry Smith

John Smith

Richard Smith

Thomas Smith

Abraham Spencer

John Stanborough

Edward Stone

John Stone

Edward Sussex

Gabriel Swenston

Hugh Swindell

Robert Tappin

William Thodell

John Thomas

Samuel Trion

Henry Turner

Thomas Tyrell

John Waller

Henry Wellin

John Wellin

Henry Wells

Abner Wenlock

William Wetherne

Robert Willis

George Wilshire

John Woodward

Mathew Woodward

Thomas Woolley

Thomas Wright

Richard Young


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