That's an unusual view! Language: Naming and describing objects (It’s a…) or expressing ignorance (I don’t know or I’ve no idea or It could be). In variation 1, the phrase It’s part of … is used.
Skills: Listening and speaking.
Control: Guided.
Level: Beginners.
Time: 10-15 minutes.
Materials: Blackboard or OHP. In the variations, magazine pictures.
Preparation: Prepare a few drawings of unusual views of common objects on sheets of paper or for the OHP. (See illustration.)
the OHP. Ask what they are and, once identified, draw or show a picture of the same object from a more familiar angle.
Teacher: What's this?
Learner I: It's a woman's face.
Teacher: She hasn't got any eyes or a nose!
Learner 1: It's a beef burger.
Teacher: Yes. It's a beef burger from above.
Ask the learners to prepare ideas of their own for a few minutes and then to challenge the rest of the class or group. If the learners cannot answer, they must say 'I don't know' or 'I've no idea'.
Variation 1 Class work, optionally leading to group work.
Use pictures from magazines, etc. These may be unusual views of objects or parts of objects which you have cut out.
If you show parts of objects the learners should say 'part of, e.g.
Learner 1: It's part of a wheel.
Variation 2 Class work, optionally leading to group work.
Show a small part of a picture as you pull it from an envelope. Let the class guess what it might be. Alternatively, you may show a small part of a picture on the OHP by covering it with a piece of paper that has a hole cut in it. The hole may be a slid, a circle, a square - or shaped like a keyhole.