Word Matching Objective: To practice high -frequency combinations of synonyms and antonyms.
Language level: intermediate and advanced.
Equipment and material: pencil and paper.
For some reason we have the habit of thinking of objects in pairs; we hear one word and immediately think of another. This association is significant to psychologists. It is also interesting to teachers of English as a Second or Foreign Language and can be entertaining as well as useful.
Prepare a list of items for which there are many associations. You may wish to use things of a similar type, synonyms, or opposites, antonyms, or half of an easily identifiable pair. Many combinations are possible.
Begin the game by reading the first half of the list of words. The students should write the second word as quickly as they can, putting down the first association that comes to mind. Afterwards, reread your list of pairs and have the students check to see how close they have come to the conventional associations. Make it a point to tell the students that there are no right or wrong associations in this game; therefore there can be no winner. A good discussion often results.
Example associations;
hot—cold rich—poor wet—dry pass—fail
big—little right—-wrong noisy—quiet hungry—thirsty
tall—short happy—sad girl—boy sharp—dull
fat—thin sick—well aunt—uncle fast—slow
knife—fork high—low sell—buy clean—dirty
SPELLING GAMES English being the diverse language that it is, spelling is often difficult for native speakers, and can he even more challenging to foreign students of the language.
The following games may ease this situation and hopefully in an enjoyable way.
Spelling Bee Alphabet Race Which Is Which? Spy Code Scrambled Words the Alphabet Game Initial Sentences Ghosts
Alphabet with Doubles Hidden Words
The Short and the Long of It
Geographical Spelling Bee
Spelling by Turns
Where Are the Vowels?
Word Chain
What's Wrong?
Scrambled Words
Objective: To improve spelling by having students correct scrambled words.
Language level: elementary and intermediate
Equipment and material: A prepared list of scrambled words.
This is a spelling game in which the students are given lists of words, but with the letters scrambled. It is the job of the students to rearrange them. This could also be assigned as a homework exercise.
If the class has been working on a certain category of vocabulary items, such as food, furniture, or parts of the body, you may want to concentrate on this area for review purposes.
Example: Parts of the body.
An extension of this is scrambled sentences in which the words are spelled correctly but are not in the correct order.
me the in works shop girl for flower.
The girl in the flower shop works for me.
Word Chain
Objective: To provide spelling practice and vocabulary development through (he use of alphabetically related items. Language level: advanced Equipment and material: paper and pencil
The first student calls out a word which he then writes down on paper. The person to his right must follow with another word beginning with the last letter of the word just named. Similarly, the third person produces a word beginning with the final letter of the second word, and so on around the class. It is a good idea for each student to write down the word he calls out.
When all the students have contributed one word the game continues on with the first player giving a word dependent on the last letter of the preceding word. The object of the game is for each student to try and repeat his original word in the second round of the word chain. The first person able to do so wins the game.
It is also important that students avoid words that will be helpful to their neighbor and all the more reason to write down his words as well as their own.