The role of new methods in teaching foreign languages

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The role of new methods in teaching foreign languages
Fergana region Fergana State University Faculty of English Language and Literature 4th year student Rakhimova Gulshanoy Sharobidin kizi
Annotation:Nowadays, there is a need to fit into a world increasingly globalized, in which communication and foreign languages have more importance than some years ago. The English language is the language of international communication.Present day English is the simplest adaptation of a very old language and yet it is still difficult to teach this language effectively, especially to those who speak English as a second or even third language.Teaching only the rules is found to be boring by most students and it is because of this that they lose interest in learning the language. Although there is no way other than the traditional one to teach the basics of the language these approaches must be tweaked a bit so as to appeal to the students. When it comes to teaching English to students of higher classes who already know the basics the traditional methods generally tend to yield poorer results that modern and innovative methods. These methods help the students learn the language better without them actually realizing and also it keeps their interest. This paper will provide useful approaches and methods to teach English Language.
Keywords: method of teaching, teaching language, methodology, learning english, traditional methods, approaches, teachers, education, study.
The traditional «chalk and talk» method of teaching that’s persisted for hundreds of years is now acquiring inferior results when compared with the more modern and revolutionary teaching methods that are available for use in schools today. Greater student interaction is encouraged, the boundaries of authority are being broken down, and a focus on enjoyment over grades is emphasized.Sometimes using same styles in teaching language may let go down interests of student to language. Some types of teaching in use, not to go down interest to foreign language.[1]
1. Dialogical speech – in this way students have a talk each other by creative approach. «Modern Methodology of Teaching English puts Speaking in Dialogues in the first place for developing speaking skills. These skills can be trained with various teaching aids, including texts of fiction. Such dialogues give an opportunity to avoid traditional rendering of the texts and turn them into living English speech». More than that, all the vocabulary is remembered much better. In dialogues, students train in fluency, quick reaction, acting skills and, of course, grammatical correctness.
2. Student reads the text himself and tells the meaning. Reading is interactive. Reading short stories, novels and other literary works written by famous Uzbek, English and American writers is very important in language learning. As a teacher of English you may apply a variety of reading strategies, analyze literary elements use a variety of strategies to read unfamiliar words and build vocabulary, prepare, organize, and present literary interpretations.

3. Understanding by listening– by these way students can improve speech skills. Listening is a receptive form of speech activity. Comprehension of speech while listening mainly based on auditory feelings. By perceiving, reproduce what we hear, in the form of inwardly speech. Listening comprehension is impossible without working of speech motor analyzer. Of course internal speaking requires ability to speak in this language. Understanding of sounding speech, in the moment of comprehension, is accompanied by intellectual activity, which includes recognizing of speech means and interpretation of the content.

4. Learning English through the watching movies. Nowadays, teachers take into consideration students’ demands for watching real movie stories together with reading books, magazines and newspapers. Because, as it is known not only printed materials can serve as a great source of teaching but also songs and movies play a key role in learning foreign languages.
5. The importance of teaching Vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the aspects of the language to be taught in the institutes. In addition to learn new vocabulary, learner need to able to use strategies to cope with unknown vocabulary met in listening or reading text, to make up for gaps in productive vocabulary in speaking and writing to gain fluency in using known vocabulary and to learn new words in isolation. Vocabulary learning is not on end in itself. A rich vocabulary makes to perform the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing easier [1, p. 116].By the type of teaching in traditional style is divided into several aspects such as speaking, analytic reading, reading at home, practice grammar, practical phonetics. As a result 3-4 teachers teach students in variety styles and as a result the connection of aspects is not provided.Some students learn grammar well, but in speech they meet difficulties to pronounce words. On this way we meet some questions. May be it is right, but in the course all aspects of teaching by new style are carrying out parallel. The theory is given, strengthens with different exercises, games, discussions in one class. We’ve spoken about groups which are got good results in following methods:
– the level of knowledge of students and assimilating possibilities are learned and then tasks are given by this way;
– attracting students’ attentions is put into practice fully and none student is never stayed out of attention;
– students speak mainly in foreign language during the lesson, translation of unclear words aren’t told instantly, but they try to realize them with mimics;
– students are divided into small groups and they use these methods: «work out discussions», «speak own opinion», «realize together»;

– make opportunities to students to think and speak minds freely, and their mistakes aren’t corrected instantly, but after student speaking they are discussed together;

– different grammar, phonetic and other types of games are organized. In this way roles are shared with students due to their knowledge;
– retell the text, variety pictures and watching short films and discussing them together, listening to news about theme and trying to realize them.Moreover there are some methods to improve learning foreign language.[2]
Lessons are fully taught in English language based on all experiences, which are needed for lessons. That is to say students begin to understand by reading, by listening, practice of writing, improve speech and others. Students are become focal point of lessons, not teachers. The teacher only helps student to get knowledge. In this way the possibility of self-studying is got well [2, p. 156].When lessons aren’t traditional, tasks are divided into couple or small group of students due to the type of it, students work in groups or individually. For instance, at the beginning of lesson teacher makes plan and shares news with students. Each student participates in this plan and shares news with each other’s. As a result mutual exchanging of knowledge is appeared and all students get to know the theme. Some exercises are done by couple or group of students.For working in the group students are given such tasks: organize debates, debate the theme with playing roles and work with high techs. To work in couple they are given dialogues, grammar materials, and also reading. By these methods we can make all students to participate in lesson and teacher can help every student due to his or her demands [2, p. 83].We wanted to speak that the main thing in learning language is attracting students, that is to say they need motivation. It is necessary to keep activeness of student during and after lessons. The teachers around the world are always in searching about how to teach foreign languages successfully to students.There are a lot of effective methods of teaching. Among the major differences between the traditional methods and the modern one’s is that the modern teaching refers to «Students Centered is teaching», raising the process of teaching on such a scale that it would be not only beneficial but also interesting for learn-ers. Good doses of such activities as Project Work, Development of Dialogues, Speech skills, Group / Pair work, Whole – Class Activities, Motivating Learners, Different Games, Role-play and Physical Activities become essential in Modern Teaching.Today teachers are facing to the following fact: The language teachers need both models and tools. In addition to the essential theory, aims and goals – the vision or pattern of what is to be created – they must gain through study, reflection, trial and error, and experience, the necessary expertise in using the tools essential to success in their craft.They must give serious thought to how they may lift their work to higher levels of usefulness and joy. Teachers who study and use Modern Methods of Teaching English are those who care about their own value – to self, to family, to society, to a larger community of the world. Finally, these individuals are doers –practical achievers in their chosen profession. That’s why we are sure that our work will be of a great value and help the teachers who want to become modern and up – to date professionals [3, p. 146].Modern Methods of Teaching English can be both challenging and demanding for teachers and students; they can also be very stimulating and rewarding. The degree to which we can adopt these approaches in our institute may well depend on willingness of our students, the proficiency of our teachers and their willingness to accept these Modern Methods, and the availability of resources within our environment. Moreover, the necessity to improve the level of education at high institutional levels is obvious nowadays. We are deeply convinced that creating collaborative atmosphere in the classroom, intellectual and informational approaches in teaching, teaching students to derive generalizations, deductive conclusion as well as developing debating abilities and individual study [4, p. 184].It’s important to provide every opportunity to expand and enhance the range of activities throughout life. Good teaching strategies and techniques include the planning and stating of carefully balances, varied learning sequences with clear achievable objectives, so that students know what is expected from them. They also include project work (class magazines, group wall displays) involving students in deciding together what they to do themselves, cooperation, Students selfassessment, Role – play, Group work, Pair work, Dialogues. All these will help to develop students’ ability to work more effectively.More than that, all the vocabulary is remembered much better. In dialogues, students train in fluency, quick reaction, acting skills and, of course, grammatical correctness. Group and Pair work are so much a part of our everyday teaching routine that we can hardly pause to think before partitioning the class to tackle some particular communicative task. Group work made it possible for the teacher to devote more time to the students’ oral production, which perhaps before had not been a priority of the foreign language classroom.Another great point is Motivation. It is widely agreed that motivation has a great effect on a student’s capacity to learn. Motivation can be broken down into extrinsic and intrinsic forms. An intrinsic form comes from within the learner, who wants to learn for the sake of learning. The good news for teachers is that there are many things we can do in the classroom to increase the levels of extrinsic motivation. Circle games are very useful activities that involve the whole class, sitting in a circle. Many of the games recycle vocabulary and involve an element of fun. Nowadays pair work and work in small groups is very much in fashion [4, p. 69].The communicative approach encourages teachers to use a lot of pair work and therefore increase «student talking time». We believe for a group to gel and for a good group dynamic to prevail there times when the class should work together as a whole. Circle games are good opportunity to bring the group together.It is generally recognized today that individual learners have different learning styles, strategies and preferences. It is also generally accepted that to be effective lessons need a change of pace and focus to maintain the concentration of the learners. For both these reasons it is important that we teachers have as wide and flexible repertoire [3, p. 110-112].As teachers, it’s necessary to be able to teach and remain engaging. It puts a greater level of responsibility on creating lesson plans that truly work. Here are several teaching methods that are making an impact.Spaced Learning. Teachers have reported amazing results when it came to spaced learning. Spaced Learning is a learning method in which the condensed learning content is repeated three times, with two 10-minute breaks during which activities such as physical activities are performed by the students – I think, that PE and lessons can be combined.Spaced learning involves encouraging students to quickly switch through activities. For example, providing ten minutes of knowledge on the nervous system with a PowerPoint presentation and then having 15 minutes of basketball would be the way to get the better grades.The results don’t lie and the creators of the system at Monkseaton High School in Tyne and Wear have reported that it does work. They claim that it’s more effective than simply teaching students by utilizing traditional methods for four hours.The key is in the brain cells. It helps them to create the connections that they need to actually remember the knowledge. Furthermore, it has the additional benefit of allowing people to relax. If they are compressing sections of the syllabus into such small sections then there’s no time to worry. It’s all about the learning before moving on to another session of activity.Flexible Fridays. Sometimes conventional lesson blocks just don’t work as every student is different and they all have their problematic subjects. The concept of Flexible Fridays is that an in-depth session of a subject can be acquired by simply having a whole day of mathematics or some other subject. At Flexible Fridays lessons a teacher try to help each student to study and learn what is the most difficult for him / her personally. Somebody repeats, somebody learns. It makes it more convenient for students as now they can focus on one thing while in school. It means that students don’t have a breaking point by spending hours struggling with a subject along at home.Teachers also find it easier as they can keep their lesson plans and simply go over them again with a more personal touch. Flexible Friday lessons are more intouch with students and gives focused study time that can help students grasp difficult concepts [5, p. 89].Teachers are also able to aid students by simply having fast-track weeks. Having a whole week of mathematics or English can help students to get through the subjects in a shorter amount of time.It’s good news for teachers and students alike because even though a lesson lasts an hour it could actually lose up to 25 percent of its designated time. There’s the preparing for class and packing away to take into account, and students are not always the quickest at performing these tasks.Teacher should choose what method is more appropriate for his / her students: spaced learning or Flexible Fridays.Engagement. Under a new teaching method called «engagement» students are urged to engage with the real world, analyse everything that happens in different life spheres (not only internship but also economical, business, social spheres, etc.). Business studies are where this new focus of engagement occurred at the Leasowes Community College in Dudley [2, p. 38-42].Instead of conventional teaching methods, students were taken to visit local businesses where they were able to witness how the knowledge that they were learning applied to the real world.Multiple days were set aside for this practice and all students were required to wear business suits in order to attend. [6]
The idea is to get students engaged and to connect their learning to the real world. If teachers can show them how what they are teaching connects to the real world then their own brain cells are going to connect them and associate them.Hip-Hop Education (HipHopEd) is an approach to teaching and learning that focuses on the use of hip-hop culture and its elements in teaching and learning both within and outside of traditional schools. #HipHopEd is also a Twitter chat where educators convene every Tuesday night at 9 p.m. EST to discuss this approach to teaching. HipHopEd involves the use of hip-hop music, art and culture to create philosophies for teaching. It also uses hip-hop to develop and implement teaching tools and helps to create contexts for teaching and learning that youth are comfortable in. In its simplest form, HipHopEd involves the use of rap lyrics as text to be used in the classroom. In a more complex form, it involves raps created by students as classroom assignments that are used to measure knowledge. In its most advanced form, it uses the elements of hip-hop as ways to describe / explain content, develop classroom activities, and create tools for empowering youth.Most recently, the use of hip-hop in education has included elements of hiphop culture like the rap battle to enhance learning and create competitions that spur on learning. This approach has been used to increase student attendance, motivation and content knowledge [5, p. 55].Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Lessons (POGIL) are part of a learning strategy that has both a constructivist and social component. In other words, it focuses on using the real life experiences of the learner to create knowledge and considers how students relate to the environment where they are taught.When engaging in POGIL’s, the teacher assigns text to students, and then poses a set of questions that they can only answer by exploring the text that was given. In this process, the teacher has to fight the urge to give students any answers or facts to memorize. [6]
Their main role is to pose questions that provoke the students to look more deeply at the text they are given. In a POGIL classroom, students develop conclusions about the text they are interrogating that will increase their knowledge. As students answer questions, teachers «guide the inquiry» by asking supplemental questions that will eventually move the students towards thinking deeply and drawing more complex conclusions. This approach has resulted in increased student interest in the subject being taught and increased mastery of content in the science classes where it is mostly used.Flipped Classroom. One of the most popular new approaches to teaching is the flipped classroom. This approach involves a process where the typical lecture that happens in the classroom occurs at home. Students watch lectures on video, and then return to school to engage in the exercises they would traditionally have for homework, and to ask questions based on the lecture they watched on their own at home. When students watch videos at home, they can stop and go and at their own pace, and take notes a their leisure. When they return to school, they can work in groups to discuss what they watched, and / or have their questions answered by the teacher. In this process, students create, collaborate and learn at their own pace, and apply what they have learned at home in the classroom [6, p. 111].In all of these approaches, the most powerful thing to recognize is that they focus explicitly on engaging both the student and the teacher. When teachers are treated like the intelligent professionals that they are, and given the flexibility to engage in approaches to teaching and learning that go beyond archaic models that they are often bound to, students respond differently, and education is improved.


1. Rogova G.V. Methods of teaching English. – Leningrad, 1975.[1]
2. Elliott D.C. Teaching on Target: Models, Strategies, and Methods That Work. – California, 2005.[2]
3. Richards J.C., Rodgers T.S. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2001.[3]
4. Satya R.K. Modern Methods of Teaching English. – New Delhi, 2008.[4]
5. Dr. Mittal R., Dr. Rathore A. English Learning Made Easy – Strategies and Approaches. – Moradabad, 2015.[5]
6. Bergmann J., Sams A. Flipped Learning: Gateway to Student Engage-ment. – 2014[6]
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