The Significance of Study of Terminological Systems in the Uzbek Language: The Contribution of Uzbek Linguists in Terminology of Turkic Languages

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Muxtarova Nozima maqola

The Significance of Study of Terminological Systems in the Uzbek Language: The Contribution of Uzbek Linguists in Terminology of Turkic Languages

Muxtarova Nozima Kuchkarovna

The first year MA student, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulug’bek,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent

tel. 99 803 91 71

Scientific adviser:

Kayumova Munavvar Sanakulovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philology


This article deals with the importance of study of terminological systems in the Uzbek language. It includes the role of particular Asian linguists and their works in the development of Uzbek terminology within and beyond the independence years of Uzbekistan.

Key words: term, terminology, terminological system, term formation, lexicon of language.

The study of terminological systems in the Uzbek language is now of great importance. Due to the fact that our native language has been given the status of the state language and is beginning to appear on the world stage, the international prestige of our language is growing. In general, terminological systems, unlike other language systems, occur in the process of classifying, systematizing, and defining scientific concepts. The systematic nature of terminology cannot be justified without going beyond language. Systematicity in terminology is primarily due to the fact that scientific knowledge itself is systematic and hierarchically structured. Based on the above, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “terminology” and “terminalogical system”. Indeed, it would be useful for experts and terminologists to work together on terms to ensure that the terms being modified or replaced are simple, concise and, most importantly, understandable to the public. Preserving the linguistic features of the native language, which embodies the centuries-old experience of each nation, their scientific analysis and transmission to future generations, is one of the most important tasks facing modern science, especially linguistics. From this point of view, as I.A.Karimov said, the study of words and phrases, terms and lexical units contained in the “Uzbek language as a means of expressing the national culture and identity of the people” [1] and as a linguistic heritage conducting scientific analysis is one of the most pressing issues today. A.A.Potebnya called the term “the next meaning” and stated that “it is not the object of study of linguistics, it is studied by other disciplines” [11]. For a long time the study of linguistics as a separate nominative unit, a term was not done. In relation to terms, it is very important to update, change and improve the terminological system in accordance with the laws of language development, the specific objective requirements of the standardization of its lexical system, criteria, scientific criteria and principles. Doctor of Philological Sciences, G’.Abdurahmanov writes: “The clearness and stability of the terms show the level of science, education and culture of this nation. The development and regulation of terms vary in different areas of science and depend on the development of a particular science. As this development progresses, so will the emergence and regulation of new terms. In general, the elaboration and arrangement of terms in the mother tongue is a necessary resource for both textbooks and manuals, as well as for teaching in the mother tongue. The fact that the terms are not developed and arranged also affects the style of speech." So, the regulation of terminology is an important issue not only in the scientific field, but also in social life. H. Bektemirov and E. Begmatov wrote in their book “Mustaqillik davri atamalari”: Knowing the place, norms, and extent of interference in language life and speech practice, and acting on that basis, is the best way to regulate and improve scientific terminology. ” The current level and scientific value of the Uzbek language in the field of terminology is directly related to the work of Russian and other terminologists. In this regard, the work of dozens of terminologists, such as N.A.Baskakov, L.A.Bulakhovsky, G.O.Vinokur, V.V.Vinogradov, A.A.Reformatsky, D.S.Lotte, S.A.Chapligina, T.L.Kandelaki, V.P.Danilenko, made a significant contribution to the formation of Uzbek terminology. The work of Turkic linguists, including M.S. Gasimov, B.U. Oruzbaeva, R.A. Urekenova, F.S. Faseev, also made a great contribution to the development of Uzbek terminology. As we know, the most relevant, very complex field of linguistics, both theoretical and practical, is terminology. Many terminological dictionaries of the Uzbek language were compiled and published in the 1930s. In the process, theoretical issues on the history of terms, meaning and subject groups of terms, grammatical structure and construction, the path of development and sources of enrichment were also developed. Ulug’ Tursunov was one of the first to try to clarify the issues of Uzbek language terminology and wrote about them in the following books: “Til-terminologiyada burjuaziya intilishlariga qarshi”, “O‘zbek terminologiyasi masalalari”, “Terminologiya masalalari”, “O‘zbek adabiy tilida o‘z-terminlar tanlash prinsiplari”. These works reflect on different perspectives and concepts in the field of term formation, collection, arrangement, unification, and publication. It is also worth noting that the confusion in the field of terminology is becoming more and more apparent. For example, the beginning of a concept in different terms and spellings; long explanations instead of clear and concise terms; underutilization of the native language in the creation of the term; One of the sources of enrichment of Uzbek terminology is the fact that there are different approaches to external factors. Prof. U. Tursunov's works on terminology focus on two issues:

1. Use of terms.

2. Sources of enrichment of terminology.

Thinking about the use of terms, Prof. U. Tursunov analyzes them into three groups:

a) Terms used in one field

b) Terms used in various fields

c) Terms used as synonyms

Prof. on Uzbek terminology U. Tursunov's ideas are also important for our modern linguistics. K. Musayev compares terminology as a lexicon of language as if it were a city. In his view, although the terminology is built on a single plan, it is not built all at once. It is formed on the basis of historical conditions, with the participation of various architects, designers and inventors of different generations. They build every building under careful study. This determines the complexity of the terminology.[9] In addition, the works of N.A.Baskakov[6], N.K.Dmitriyev [8], F.S.Faseyev, and later B.U.Oruzbayeva[10], R.A.Urekenova[12], M.Sh.Gasimov[7] on the study of terms on the basis of materials of Turkic languages ​​can be shown. Professor Renat Doniyorov is one of the scholars who made a significant contribution to the development of the terminology of the Uzbek language. His book “O`zbek tili texnik terminologiyasining ayrim masalalari” (1977) deals with the regulation of technical terminology of the Uzbek language, the prevention of a number of confusions in it. It can be said that this work made a significant contribution to the study of technical terminology. In her work “O`zbek taomlari leksikasi” N. Ikramova speaks about the linguistic features of the names of Uzbek cuisine. At the same time, the issues of lexicon of the Uzbek language can be seen in her following books: “Hozirgi zamon o`zbek tili” [5], “Hozirgi o`zbek adabiy tili” [4]. In 1981, a group of linguists from the Institute of Language and Literature of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences made a great work writing “O`zbek tili leksikologiyasi”. Much work has been done in Uzbek linguistics on the comparative study of lexical layers. Ismailov's monograph, published in 1966, is one of the most important works in this regard [3]. It should be noted that D.H.Bazarova and K. Sharipova conducted a large-scale study entitled “O`rta Osiyo va Qozog`iston turkiy tillari leksikasining taraqqiyoti” The object of that study is the zoological terms used in the Turkic languages ​​in Central Asia. H. Dadaboyev's research on “O`rta Osiyo va Qozog`iston turkiy tillari leksikasining taraqqiyoti” [2] comprehensively explores the emergence of socio-political and socio-economic terminology in the Uzbek language, including Turkic languages, and the problems of language in use. In particular, in the languages ​​of the Turkic people of Central Asia, hundreds of socio-political terms were used. Works of Mahmud Kashgari's “Devonu lug'otit turk”, Yusuf Khas Hajib's “Qutadugu bilig”, Ahmad Yugnaki's “Hibat al-haqayiq”, and Zamakhshari's “Muhaddimat. al adab”, “Gulistan bi-t-turkiy” by Sayfi Sarayi, “Khisrav and Shirin” by Qutb, “Rabguzi's story” by Rabguzi. At the same time, special attention is paid to the history of the origin of terms, the laws of their formation, as well as the enrichment of terms from other languages. Of course, such changes have expanded the scope of the Uzbek language and enriched its lexical content with new scientific and technical terms. Besides the the works of Uzbek linguists played a great role in the development of terminology in Turkic languages.


1 Karimov I.A. O‘zbekiston–kelajagi buyuk davlat. Toshkent: O‘zbekiston, 1999.p19. 2 Dadaboyev H. XI-XI U asrlar turkiy tillar yozma yodgorliklaridagi ijtimoiy-siyosiy va sotsial-iqtisodiy terminologiya . –Toshkent, 1991. 3 Ismoilov I. Turkiy tillarda qavm-qarindoshlik terminlari .-Toshkent, 1966. 4 Shoabdurahmanov Sh., Asqarova M., Hojiyev A., Rasulov I., Doniyarov X. Hozirgi o`zbek adabiy tili. – Toshkent, 1980. 5 Tursunov U., Muxtorov J., Rahmatullayev S. Hozirgi o`zbek tili (morfologiya, leksika). – Toshkent, 1971. 6 Баскаков Н.А. Современное состояние терминологии в языках народов СССР.1959. –p.27 7 Гасымов М.Ш. Основы терминологии азербайджанского языка: Автореферат диссертация. – Баку, 1972; 8 Дмитриев Н.К. Грамматическая терминология в учебниках родного языка.1955. 9 Мусаев К. М. Формирование, развитие и современные проблемы терминологии. 1986. p.163. 10 Орузбаева Б.У. Словообразование в кыргызском языке. – Фрунзе, 1964. 11 Потебня А. А. Из записок по русской грамматике 1958. – p.19 12 Урекенова Р. А. Образование терминов в казахском языке. Алмата. p.980
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