Hello, my name is Xusniddin. Today I want to tell you about my daily life. I get up at 7:00 am and wash my face and then have breakfast. I will prepare for D weekars. I will go to university at 8:00. My classes start at 8:30, the classes are very interesting, I like all the teachers at the university. I like Programming and English more. At 12:50, my textbooks at the university end. After classes, my friends and I do extra tutorials, then everyone goes home. And I go to the room to have lunch and do a little computer work. At 15:00 I will go to the "DATA" educational center. There I learn web programming and our class ends at 6:00 PM. I come to the room and cook and watch a little TV after I finish eating and washing the dishes. And then I do my classes and do a little reading and programming. Then at 22:00 I go to bed to rest. Here is me for a day in the life!!!
My first computer is acer core i3. I work on my computer in excel, word, code blocks. If I tell you about the computer, the computer is used in many areas of human life. It controls equipment, helps design spaceships, transport, buildings... The role of the computer in our life is huge. We can use it to get a lot of information, to communicate with people who live very far away. In addition, there are many training programs. People use computers to read books, listen to music, play games, watch movies, and participate in competitions.
So you can work and relax with its help. Playing computer games allows people to play the role of other people and even travel to various unusual places. However, if you spend a lot of time on the computer, your health will deteriorate. Vision and vision may deteriorate. Also, some people can become addicted to computers. They do not want to spend time without a computer, meet friends, go for a walk.Thus, the computer can become a friend or a foe. A computer is useful if you don't sit in front of it all day and take a break every hour. And don't forget that real life is more interesting than virtual.