Theme: Production 2

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Kokand branch of Toshkent State Technical University on the side of Islam Karimov

Theme: Production 2 1. Introduction 2. Main part 3. Information about computer networks 4. Conclusion

A production planning system is essential to ensure that a company's processes, machinery, equipment, labour skills and material are organized efficiently for better profitability. There are many factors that need to be considered in the planning system. For example, a firm may require a large number of different components. AIso demand can vary daily in this ever-changing world.
New sales orders corne in. Some get cancelled; there may be breakdowns in the workshop; backlogs build up; there may be late or early delivery from suppliers. It is difficult to keeptrack of all these changes manually. To handle these situations, many companies keep safety stock. However, if a company has an effective production planning system there is no need to keephigh safety stock. The money blocked in the excessive safety stock can be released. At the same time, opportunity costs due to stock-outs can be minimized.

All areas of management require careful planningand organizing.Planning and organizing production is essential for efficient operations.

All areas of management require careful planningand organizing.Planning and organizing production is essential for efficient operations.


  • Sausty-shiddatli
  • Run-yugur
  • Uncertainty-noaniqlik
  • Throughput-o’tkazish qobiliyati
  • Requirement-talab
  • Slack-sustlik
  • Capacity-sig’im
  • Cycle-tsikl


  • make-to-stock-zaxiraga
  • Prototype-prototip
  • Set-up time-xizmat ko’rsatish vaqti
  • Workload-ish yuki
  • make-to-order-buyurtma berish
  • Productivity-hosildorlik


  • Set up-sozlash
  • Bottleneck-to’siq
  • Workforce-ishchi kuchi
  • Lead time- bajarish vaqti
  • Idle-bo’sh
  • Output-chiqish
  • Shift-siljish


  • Back order-orqaga buyurtma
  • Aggregate-agregat
  • Flow forecast-oqim prognozi
  • Optimization-optimillashtirish
  • Schedule-jadval
  • Update-yangilash
  • Wequence-tartib
  • Work in progress-ish olib borilmoqda

Work organization

  • Lot-ko’p
  • Overtime-vaqt o’tishi bilan
  • Shift-siljish
  • Workforce-ishchi ko’chi
  • Workload-ish yuki

There are two principal aims of the Market Needs Analysis Model below:

To identify market needs for your product

To analyse the mar ket potential for new pro duets or services

Market needs
Product performance specifications
Product design
Production system technology
Production cost model
Production system design
Investment decision methods
Production system specifications





Choose the correct answer in the following

1. Recent faults with machines have cost the company great deal of______

a) maintenance

b) slack time

c) downtime

Believe in yourself

2. Once the mock-up of the new design has been tested, we can build the_____ a) prototype

b) update

c) set up

You will find

3. n's unprofitable to manufacture small quantities because of the machine____

a) lead time

b) set-up time

c) sequence

4. The production manager has to produce a production ____ for the next four weeks

4. The production manager has to produce a production ____ for the next four weeks

a) set up

b) schedule

c) output

5. Once the order has been agreed and production begun, the designer is still responsible for the_____.

5. Once the order has been agreed and production begun, the designer is still responsible for the_____.

a)work in progress

b) workload

c) back order

The last one

6. These items are produced together as one _____. a) cycle

b) delivery

c) lot


A new enterprise has been established in our country. production is increasing based on new modern technologies.

Thank you for your attention!

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