Xususiy uy yoki ko’p qavatli bino uchun ishlatiladigan poydevor turini tanlash ko’plab omillar bilan belgilanadi:
qurilish maydonchasidagi tuproq tuzilishi. Loy, loy, torf va qumtoshda qurilish o’ziga xosdir. Tuproq, salbiy harorat ta’sirida, sayoz poydevorni siqib chiqarib, hajmini
kengaytiradigan holatlar mavjud. Qum, toshloq toshlarni o’z ichiga olgan ko’tarilishga moyil bo’lmagan tuproqlar qurilish uchun ishonchli asosdir;
suvli qatlamlarning tekis joylashuvi. Yaqin atrofdagi er osti suvlari turli substratlarga salbiy ta’sir qiladi;
binoning massasi, shuningdek, devorlarni qurish uchun ishlatiladigan materiallar. Binoning og’irligi oshishi bilan uning poydevoridagi yuk kuchayadi, uning mustahkamligi
tuproqqa va ishlatiladigan strukturaviy momentlarga bog’liq;
binolarni loyihalash xususiyatlari. Barcha turdagi poydevorlar podval yoki podvalni qurishga ruxsat bermaydi;
landshaft xususiyatlari. Nishabli er sharoitida qurilish poydevorni tekis maydonda qurishdan tubdan farq qiladi;
qurilishni moliyalashtirish imkoniyatlari. Binoning poydevorini qurish uchun xarajatlar hajmi binoni qurishning smeta qiymatining chorak qismidan oshadi. Har xil turdagi poydevorlarni qurish narxi har xil. Biroq, poydevorning mustahkamligi binoning mustahkamligiga ta’sirini hisobga olgan holda, ushbu xarajat elementini tejash uchun arzon variantni tanlash tavsiya etilmaydi.
Types and use of foundations
Types and use of foundations
The choice of the type of foundation used for a private house or multi-storey building is determined by many factors:
soil structure at the construction site. Construction in clay, silt, peat and sandstone is unique. The soil, under the influence of negative temperature, compresses the shallow foundation and increases its volume
there are cases that expand. Soils that are not inclined to heave, including sand and rocky stones, are a reliable basis for construction;
flat arrangement of aquifers. Nearby groundwater has a negative impact on various substrates;
the mass of the building, as well as the materials used to build the walls. As the weight of the building increases, the load on its foundation increases, its strength increases
depends on the soil and the used structural moments;
design features of buildings. All types of foundations do not allow the construction of a basement or basement;
landscape features. Construction on sloping land is fundamentally different from building a foundation on a flat area;
construction financing options. The amount of expenses for the construction of the foundation of the building exceeds a quarter of the estimated cost of the construction of the building. The cost of building different types of foundations is different. However, taking into account the influence of the strength of the foundation on the strength of the building, it is not recommended to choose a cheap option to save this cost element.