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Government Agencies

Office of Ethnic Affairs: Action on Diversity

Toward freedom from violence: New Zealand family violence statistics disaggregated by ethnicity

This report examines the nature and extent of family violence among ethnic groups in New Zealand, including refugees, long-term settlers and people born in New Zealand who identify their ethnic heritage as Asian, Continental European, Middle Eastern, Latin American or African. It also highlights gaps and limitations in ethnicity data collection and encourages agencies to use the Statistics New Zealand Statistical Standard for Ethnicity 2005. The report confirms that while there are significant gaps in the statistics related to family violence in New Zealand, there is sufficient data to be certain that it remains one of our most pressing social problems, with a high prevalence in the population as a whole.

Available at: http://ethnicaffairs.govt.nz/story/family-violence-new-zealand-what-it-and-what-government-doing-about-it#How

Contact: ethnicaffairs@dia.govt.nz

Ministry of Education

PISA 2012: New Zealand summary report

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) assesses 15 year old students from 34 nations to compare how well countries prepare their students. This report provides summary statistics of New Zealand student achievement in mathematics, reading, and science scores on the international test. On average, the scores for Māori students were below both the New Zealand and OECD average and immigrant students who speak in English at home performed better than those that speak in another language.

Available at: http://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/144872/1015_PISA-Summary_2012.pdf

Researchers: Steve May, Saila Cowles and Michelle Lamy

Contact: Research.Info@minedu.govt.nz

Auckland Council

We All Get Along”: Social cohesion in three Auckland suburbs

This project explores social cohesion in the Auckland suburbs of Albany, Papatoetoe and New Lynn. It examines the factors that promote social cohesion, particularly in relation to ethnicity and disability. It also considers what Auckland Council could do to further promote social cohesion, particularly between different ethnic groups and for disabled people.

Available at: www.knowledgeauckland.org.nz.

Researchers: Carina Meares and Amanda Gilbertson

Contact: Carina Meares (carina.meares@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz)

Ethnic Precincts in Auckland

This mixed method study of ethnic precincts in Auckland will be conducted between December 2013 and August 2014. The study aims to better understand the role of ethnic precincts in Auckland communities, the experiences of business operators in ethnic precincts and extent to which these business operators are engaged with their local and international networks. Research will be focused on Dominion Road with some additional analysis of Northcote as a comparison.

Researchers: Carina Meares, Susan Fairgray, Hadyn Hitchens, Amanda Gilbertson and Jesse Allpress; Research, Investigations and Monitoring Unit, Auckland Council

Contact: Carina Meares carina.meares@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Non-governmental, independent and non-profit organisations

Independent Māori Statutory Board

The Independent Māori Statutory Board (IMSB) issued a discussion paper on Māori employment within Auckland Council. It called for increased employment numbers among Māori, and improved support and responsiveness for Māori employees. The paper also examined factors that may contribute to building the Māori workforce within the council and set out suggestions and policy recommendations.

Available at: www.imsb.maori.nz

Contact: Wayne Knox (wayne.knox@imsb.Māori.nz)

The Asia New Zealand Foundation

New Zealanders’ perceptions of Asia and Asian peoples 1997−2011 

This report found that New Zealanders’ attitudes to Asian immigration and immigrants have become more positive over time, driven largely by increased contact between New Zealanders and Asians. The report uses the Foundation’s “Perceptions of Asia” tracking surveys and other research to analyse changes in public opinion towards Asia over time.

 Researchers: Emeritus Prof. Phil Gendall, Distinguished Prof. Paul Spoonley, and Asia New Zealand Foundation Director of Research Andrew Butcher

Available at: asianz.org.nz/sites/asianz.org.nz/files/04382_ANZF_NZ_Perception_of_Asia_1997-2011_E_Publ_FA3.pdf

Contact: Dr. Andrew Butcher AButcher@asianz.org.nz

New Zealand Red Cross Refugee Services

Refugee Services refugee health and wellbeing project summary

This project was a pilot, household-based, health education programme, to address some of the health challenges and disadvantages experienced by former refugees resettling in New Zealand

One hundred and sixty-seven families from the Colombian, Myanmar and Bhutanese former refugee communities in Greater Wellington and Manawatū participated. The report offers numerous recommendations for agencies working with people from refugee-background communities, and includes key changes and the factors contributing to these changes.

Available at: www.redcross.org.nz/yk-files/1294c47b69c75e44393c8af4edbc6473/Red%20Cross%20Health%20and%20Wellbeing%20Project%20Report%20-%20November%202013.pdf

Contact: Miranda Pittaway (miranda.pittaway@redcross.org.nz) and Margaret Sheridan margaret.sheridan@midcentraldhb.org.nz


hapū : sub-tribe(s) that share a common ancestor

hauora : health

iwi : tribal kinship group; nation

kaitiaki : guardian, minder; custodian over natural resources

kaitiakitanga : guardianship; cultural and financial stewardship; accountability

kapa haka : Māori performance group; a team/group performing haka/waiata/poi

kaumātua: elder(s)

kōhanga reo : preschool based on Māori language and culture

kuia : female elder

kura : school

mātauranga Māori : Māori knowledge

papa kainga : home base, village

pōwhiri : to welcome; welcome ceremony

rangatahi : youth, younger generation

rangatira : leader, chief

rangatiratanga : self determination, autonomy, leadership, the right of Māori to be self-determining

rohe : area, region

Tangata Whenua : indigenous people of the land, first people of the land

taonga : treasure, an heirloom to be passed down through the different generations; protected natural resource

tauiwi : non-Māori people

te reo Māori : the Māori language

tikanga Māori : Māori customs, protocols and practices

tūrangawaewae : a permanent place to stand, a place where one has the right to reside and belong

whakapapa : genealogy, lineage

whānau : family; nuclear/extended family


1 “2013 Census”, Statistics New Zealand: Tatauranga Aotearoa. Accessed at January 6, 2014. www.stats.govt.nz/Census/2013-census

2 “The Report”, Constitutional Advisory Panel: Te Ranga Kaupapa Ture. Accessed at

December, 10, 2013. www.ourconstitution.org.nz/The-Report

3 Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: New Zealand (Geneva: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2013) Accessed 20 November 2013 http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cerd/docs/co/CERD-C-NZL-CO-18-20_en.pdf

4 UPR 13/14: NZ’s second Universal Periodic Review (New Zealand Human Rights Commission, 2014) Accessed 14 February 2014. http://www.hrc.co.nz/international-human-rights-new/upr-1314-nzs-second-universal-periodic-review

5 Guiding principles on business and human rights: implementing the United Nations “protect, respect and remedy” framework. Geneva: United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, 2011. Available at: http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/GuidingPrinciplesBusinessHR_EN.pdf

6 ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Rights’ United Nations Global Impact. Accessed 17 February 2014. http://www.unglobalcompact.org/Issues/human_rights/indigenous_peoples_rights.html

7 Phil Gendall, Paul Spoonley and Andrew Butcher, New Zealanders’ perceptions of Asia and Asian peoples: 1997-2011, (Asia New Zealand Foundation, 2013). Accessed 6 January 2014. . http://asianz.org.nz/sites/asianz.org.nz/files/04382_ANZF_NZ_Perception_of_Asia_1997-2011_E_Publ_FA3.pdf

8 Pita Sharples, Taniwha & Dragon Festival 2013: Celebrating ancient and modern bonds (beehive.govt.nz, 2013). Accessed 20 April 2013. http://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/taniwha-amp-dragon-festival-2013-celebrating-ancient-and-modern-bonds

9 ‘New Zealand General Social Survey: 2012’, Statistics New Zealand: Tatauranga Aotearoa. Accessed at 10 December 2013.


10 Hill, Susie. “Asian 1.5 generation surprisingly resilient.” MindNet, no. 32 (Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand, 2013) Accessed at 10 December 2013 http://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/newsletters/view/article/32/485/2013/

11 Child Poverty Monitor, (Office of the Children’s Commissioner, JR McKenzie Trust and the University of Otago). Accessed 6 January 2014. http://www.childpoverty.co.nz/

12 Kids Missing Out, (unicef New Zealand, 2013). Accessed 6 January 2014. https://www.unicef.org.nz/store/doc/KidsMissingOutA4DocumentLR-FF.pdf

13 CPAG in the Court of Appeal, (Child Poverty Action Group, 2013). Accessed 6 January 2014.


14 Families’ Basic Needs Not Being Met, (New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services, 2013). Accessed 6 January 2014. http://www.nzccss.org.nz/site/news_details.php?id=169

15 Children’s Commissioner’s Expert Advisory Group (EAG) on Solutions to Child

Poverty “Good progress on child poverty but big task still ahead, Children’s Commissioner’s expert group says” (Office of the Children’s Commissioner, 2013) Accessed at 20 February 2014 http://www.occ.org.nz/assets/Childpovertyprogress291013MR.pdf

16 Draft report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: New Zealand (Geneva: United Nations Human Rights Council, 2014) Accessed 10 February 2014. http://www.upr-info.org/IMG/pdf/a_hrc_wg.6_18_l.1_newzealand.pdf

17 ‘Trends in Child and Youth Prosecutions: court statistics for 12-16 year olds for the year ended June 2013’ (Ministry of Justice, 2013). Accessed at 20 February 2014


18 New Zealand Police, The Turning of the Tide - a Whanau Ora Crime and Crash Prevention Strategy (Ministry of Justice, 2012) Accessed at 20 February 2014 http://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/resources/the-turning-of-the-tide-strategy.pdf

19 Lisa Davies and John Whaanga, Evaluation Of Ngā Kooti Rangatahi, (Kaipuke Limited for the Ministry of Justice, December 2012)

20 “Judge Becroft editorial”. The Rangatahi Courts Newsletter, no. 3 (2013): 2-4

Accessed at 10 October http://www.justice.govt.nz/courts/youth/publications-and-media/principal-youth-court-newsletter/rangatahi-courts-newsletter-vol-3

21 ‘Participation in early childhood education’, Education Counts. Accessed 20 November 2013. http://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/statistics/ece2/ece-indicators/1923

22 Professor Michael G Baker, Dr Andrea McDonald, Jane Zhang and Professor Philippa Howden-Chapman, Infectious diseases attributable to household crowding in New Zealand: A systematic review and burden of disease estimate. (Wellington: He Kainga Oranga/ Housing and Health Research Programme, University of Otago, 2013).

23 Purdy S. C., Taylor S., Paterson J., Sundborn G., Ahmad Z., & Schluter, P. J. (18 April, 2012). ‘Hearing loss, middle ear disease and auditory processing in 11 year children in the Pacific Islands Families Study’. Presentation at HRC Pacific Health Research Fono: Pacific Edge: Transforming Knowledge into Innovative Practice, Auckland.

24 Sue Lim and Dr Annette Mortensen, Best Practice Principles: CALD Cultural Competency Standards and Framework (Waitematā District Health Board, 2013)


25 Bartholomew, Nadia. Culturally and linguistically diverse populations and health in Canterbury (Canterbury District Health Board and Pegasus Health Ltd, 2013)

26 “Communication in health care, research, Primary Health Care & General Practice.” (University of Otago, Wellington, 2013) Accessed at 18 January 2014: http://www.otago.ac.nz/wellington/departments/primaryhealthcaregeneralpractice/research/otago019127.html

27 Human Resource Capability Survey 2013 (Wellington: State Services Commission, 2013) http://www.ssc.govt.nz/sites/all/files/HRC2013.pdf

28 “Employer advice to migrants and expats”. (BNZ and Global Career Link, March 2013). Accessed 10 November 2013. .


29 Woodhouse, Michael. “New measures to combat migrant exploitation”. (Wellington: beehive.govt.nz, 2013) Accessed at 12 November 2013. http://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/new-measures-combat-migrant-exploitation

30 Rashbrooke, Max, ed. Inequality: A New Zealand Crisis. (Wellington: Bridget Williams Books, 2013)

31 A Treaty-based Multicultural New Zealand”, Federation of Multicultural Councils and Network Waitangi Otautahi. Accessed 6 January 2014. http://www.nzfmc.org.nz/assets/Uploads/Documents/Multicultural-NZFMC-broch-A4-print.pdf

32Dr Ganesh Nana, Fiona Stokes and Wilma Molano The Asset Base, Income, Expenditure and GDP of the 2010 Māori Economy (Wellington: Māori Economic Taskforce, 2010)

33 “Māori Economic Development.” Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment. Accessed 6 January 2014. . http://www.mbie.govt.nz/what-we-do/maori-economic-development

34 “2013 Census”, Statistics New Zealand: Tatauranga Aotearoa. Accessed at January 6, 2014. www.stats.govt.nz/Census/2013-census

35 Migration Trends Key Indicators Report: June 2013. (Wellington: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, 2013). http://www.dol.govt.nz/research/migration/monthly-migration-trends/13jun/index.asp

36 Immigration New Zealand: Supporting new migrants to settle and work (Wellington: Office of the Auditor-General, 2013)

37 The Refugee and Protection Unit Refugee Status Branch Statistics: December 2013 (Wellington: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, 2013).

38 Alia Bloom, Tim O’Donovan and Martine Udahemuka, Marking time: Experiences of successful asylum seekers in Aotearoa New Zealand, (ChangeMakers Refugee Forum, 2013).

39 The Refugee Health and Wellbeing Project: Changes in knowledge, attitude and practice of participants in the health and wellbeing programme. (New Zealand Red Cross Refugee Services, 2013). Accessed 6 January 2014: https://www.redcross.org.nz/yk-files/1294c47b69c75e44393c8af4edbc6473/Red%20Cross%20Health%20and%20Wellbeing%20Project%20Report%20-%20November%202013.pdf

40 “2013 Census”, Statistics New Zealand: Tatauranga Aotearoa. Accessed at January 6, 2014. www.stats.govt.nz/Census/2013-census

41 Inquiry into Pacific languages in early childhood education: report of the Education and Science Committee (Wellington: House of Representatives, 2013)

Accessed at 10 December 2013. http://www.parliament.nz/resource/0002030028

42 “Cartoonists question work that targets the vulnerable", Nga Reo Tangata: Media and Diversity Network. (Human Rights Commission, 2013) Accessed at 17 June 2013. http://www.hrc.co.nz/newsletters/diversity-action-programme/nga-reo-tangata/2013/06/cartoonists-question-work-that-targets-the-vulnerable/

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