Sonora Graphics grants You a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license,
under Sonora Graphics Copyrights, to download, install and use the Application(s) and any revisions thereto made
available by Sonora Graphics according to the terms set forth below.
For the purpose of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
"Application" means the computer software program products of Sonora Graphics. "You(r)" means the company,
entity or individual who submits the registration form at the end of this Software License Agreement, or on whose
behalf such registration form is submitted.
"Unregistered" means the software as distributed by Sonora Graphics
a license key.
"Sonora Graphics Copyrights" means Sonora Graphics' copyrights in and to the Application(s).
You may:
(a) reproduce the Application(s) for legitimate backup purposes;
(b) reproduce the Application(s) to provide the unregistered software to others for evaluation.
You may not, and may not permit others to:
(a) reproduce the Application(s) except as permitted above;
(b) create derivative works of or otherwise alter, adapt, modify or translate the Application(s) in any way for any
purpose except the purposes expressly permitted above;
(c) distribute, deploy, provide copies of, rent, loan, lease, transfer, or grant any rights in the Application(s) or
derivative works thereof in any form to any person.