Timsollarni tanib olish tizimlari fanidan 7-amaliy mashg’ulot Mavzu: Rangli tasvirni qayta ishlash asoslari
Ishdan maqsad: Rangli tasvirni qayta ishlash asoslarini o’rganish
Kerakli johozlar: kompyuter hamda internet.
Amaliy qism: Code: #import the libraries import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
#read the image
img = cv.imread("D://medium_blogs//red_coat.jpg")
#convert the BGR image to HSV colour space
hsv = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
#obtain the grayscale image of the original image
gray = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
#set the bounds for the red hue
lower_red = np.array([160,100,50])
upper_red = np.array([180,255,255])
#create a mask using the bounds set
mask = cv.inRange(hsv, lower_red, upper_red)
#create an inverse of the mask
mask_inv = cv.bitwise_not(mask)
#Filter only the red colour from the original image using the mask(foreground)
res = cv.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=mask)
#Filter the regions containing colours other than red from the grayscale image(background)
background = cv.bitwise_and(gray, gray, mask = mask_inv)
#convert the one channelled grayscale background to a three channelled image
background = np.stack((background,)*3, axis=-1)
#add the foreground and the background
added_img = cv.add(res, background)
#create resizable windows for the images
cv.namedWindow("res", cv.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv.namedWindow("hsv", cv.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv.namedWindow("mask", cv.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv.namedWindow("added", cv.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv.namedWindow("back", cv.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv.namedWindow("mask_inv", cv.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv.namedWindow("gray", cv.WINDOW_NORMAL)