24. The big cities of Great Britain.
T he biggest and the m ost im portant cities o f G reat B ritain are: L ondon.
B irm ingham . G lasgow and O x fo rd .
London is the capital o f E ngland. It is political econom ic and cultural centre. It
has 13 m ln people. T he m ost fam ous sights o f London are: W estm inster A bbey, th e
T ow er o f London and St. P au l’s C athedral, Big B en is also in L ondon.
London is
divided into 2 parts: T he W est End, The E ast End.
W est E nd is fashionable shopping centre but E ast End is a city o f w orking people.
B irm in g h am is the biggest tow n in the centre o f England. M achines,
cars and lorries
are m ad e here. T V - and radio - sets are also produced in B irm ingham .
M a n ch ester - is an industrial capital o f the N o rth o f England. It is a very old city.
It is the centre o f the cotton industry. M an ch ester w as th e first city in G reat B ritain to
build an airp o rt in 1929. T h ere are 50 parks. M an ch ester has m any libraries,
m useum s, art g alleries and theatres.
E d inburg is the capital o f Scotland. It is the centre one o f
the m ost beautiful cities
in E urope. It is m ain attractio n s are th e Floral clock, m ade o f grow ing flow ers and the
E dinburg. A rt F estivals the annual su m m er
perform ances o f operas, dancing, m usic
and dram a.
G lasg o w - the second largest tow n in the B ritish Isles. It is situated on the river
C lyde. It is the centre o f the B ritish ship b u ild in g industry. G lasgow is a g reat
industrial city an d also a centre o f Scottish culture.
B ristol — is a city o f w ide cultural interests. T he city is rich
in lovely parks and open
spaces. T h ere are shipbuilding industry, repairing industry and so on.
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