A lisher N avoi w as a great poet, statesm an and the founder o f U zbek literature. N avoi
w as born in H erat on February 9, 1441. H e knew all poetic forms. N avoi w rote
m ostly in T urkie and used Persian very little. N avoi w as a great m aster o f fine arts
and know' how to handle a painters brush him self. N av o i’s poem s in old U zbek w ere
collected into four parts w hich w ere called C hor-D evon. H is poem s in P ersian w ere
collected and called D evoni-Foni. His m ost im portant w ork is the Q uintiple, five
poem s w ritten betw een 1483 and 1485.
T ashkent is the capital o f the an independent republic o f U zbekistan. T here are
several m onum ents and historical buildings o f M uslim s such as K ukaldash m adrasah
and B arakhan m osque w hich w ere built in the 16th century.
T here are m any libraries, theatres, film studios, TV centers and cinem a houses in the
The anniversary o f the independence o f U zbekistan w e celebrate on the 1st o f
S eptem ber. O n the 8th o f D ecem ber w e celebrate constitution day. T here are two
M uslim holidays. R am adan H ayt and K urban H ayt. The dates o f these holidays
change every year. W e celebrate N ew Y ear’s day on January 1. B efore N ew Y ear's
D ay w e send N ew Y ear w ishes to our friends o r w e ring them up in the evening on
D ecem ber 31. O n th at night w e are usually at hom e w ith our fam ily o r w ith som e
friends. At 12 o 'c lo c k w e say to each other ‘Happy N ew Y ear' and w e answ er
’T hanks, the sam e to you. M arch 8 is W o m en ’s Day. On that day w e give presents to
our m others and sisters. M arch 21 is a holiday o f N avruz. On the 21st o f M arch in
cities, tow ns and villages people o f U zbekistan celebrate N avruz, the Eastern N ew
Y ear. On the 21я o f M arch the day is equal to night everyw here on this planet.
W om en cook a w ide variety o f delicious foods such as pilaf. shashlik and so on. B ut
the king o f all these holiday dishes is sum alak.
ancient - qadim iy
culture - m adaniyat
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