Exercise 2
M ake up situations with these words.
E ducation,
preschool, seco n d ary , higher, infant school, ju n io r school, to read, to w rite
to count, gram m ar,
acad em ic ability, college, vocational, train in g subject, physical
education, to enter, exam ination.
E.g. T he system o f education in G reat B ritain includes preschool ed u catio n , prim ary
education, secondary ed u catio n and h ig h er education.
In the history o f G reat B ritain there are a lot o f fam ous nam es.
T here are m any w riters and scientists in G reat B ritain. They are: C harles
D ickens, O. H enry, T heodore D reiser, E dison and others. T he nam e o f W illiam
Shakespeare is one o f them W . Shakespeare w as the g reat English w riter,
poet and
playw right. H e w as born in 1564 in the little tow n o f S tratford-upon-A von, about 120
kilom etres from L ondon. H e w as the third o f eight children. H e w anted to becom e an
S om etim es he w rote little plays and staged them w ith his friends. A t the age o f
21 he cam e to London and jo in e d a group o f actors. A t first he only helped actors and
than began w riting plays for them . H e w as considered the m ost
popular w riter o f his
tim e. In 1599 he and som e colleagues becam e th e ow ners o f their ow n theatre, the
“ G lobe T h eatre” Shakespeare w rote 37 plays th at can be divided into three types:
com edies, histories and tragedies. H is com edies include “T he T am ing o f the shrew ”
and “M idsum m er N ig h t’s D ream ” . H is histories told the stories o f English kings. H is
tragedies include such w ell-know n plays as “ R om eo and Juliet” , “ O thello” ,
“M acb eth ” , “K ing L ear” and “ H am let” . Shakespeare show ed the real life and
attitudes betw een people. L ove and death, friendship and treason devotion and lie are
the m ain ideas o f the plays. S h akespeare’s w orks w ill alw ays
be interesting for all
T h ere m any fam ous painters for e.g. C ovent G argen. H e w as born in London on
A pril 23 in 1775. T he o th er greatest painter w as John C onstable. H e w as born in
Sufford, on June 11. 1776. He began take interest in landscape painting w ill he w as at
gram m ar schools. In 1779 C onstable entered the R oyal academ y school in London.
H e w as the first L andscape painter. H e w as a realist. H e put into his landscape the
cattle horses the people w orking there.
Ch. D ickens one o f the greatest and
m ost popular English w riters, w as born on
February 7, 1812 in a small tow n in England. D ickens learned to read and read m any
books in his childhood. W hen D ickens w as tw o years old, his fam ily m oved to
London. T here m ore several younger children in the fam ily besides C harles. H is
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