Last updated: Jan 2012
NAME: ______________________________________________
APPOINTMENT: ______________________________________
COMPANY’S NAME : _________________________________
ADDRESS : __________________________________________
TEL / FAX : __________________________________________
DATE OF ISSUE : _____________________________________
a During a tremor
b After a tremor
a Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC)
b Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens
c Chief Security Officer/ Asst Chief Security Officer
d Telephone Operator
The purpose of the Tremor Emergency Plan is:
i. To establish emergency procedures in response to any tremor situations;
ii. To assess and determine whether evacuation should be carried out after a tremor; and
iii. To establish a systematic and orderly evacuation of building occupants if the building is deemed to be structurally unsafe after a tremor.
An Emergency Management Committee shall be formed to achieve the above objectives. It shall comprise the following persons:-
Co-ordinator / Asst Co-ordinator
Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens
Chief Security Officer/ Asst Chief Security Officer
Telephone Operator
a During a tremor
Building occupants:
Keep calm. Do not panic.
Stay away from windows, display shelves, lightings and other fixtures that could fall and cause injury.
Take cover under a sturdy table until the tremors stop.
Do not be alarmed if the electricity is cut off or fire sprinklers and alarms are activated.
Do not light any naked flames in case of a gas leak.
To avoid jamming the emergency lines, call the SCDF at 995 or the Police at 999 only if there is a medical emergency. For minor injuries, inform the Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens or Security Officers if medical attention is required.
Those who are outdoors during the tremor are to stay away from buildings, overhead electrical cables, trees, signboards and other structures that may fall and cause injury. Remain in the open until the tremors stop.
b After a tremor
Building occupants:
Get out from under the table and switch off all gas and electrical appliances.
Stay away from any hanging objects and damaged electrical wiring.
Check your building for new cracks on the walls, floors, columns and beams. Contact the Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens or Security Officers immediately if new cracks are found.
If the following occurs, also inform the Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens or Security Officers immediately:
Shattered glass windows;
Damaged electrical wiring;
Gas leaks; and/or
Outbreak of fire.
To avoid jamming the emergency lines, call the SCDF at 995 or the Police at 999 only if there is a medical emergency. For minor injuries, inform the Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens or Security Officers if medical attention is required.
Evacuation is only necessary when instructed over the PA system.
Emergency Management Committee (EMC):
Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC) with the Chief Security Officer/Asst Chief Security Officer and Telephone Operator are to proceed to the Fire Command Centre located at ______________________. (See Annex A for building floor plan.)
Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC) is to get confirmation and updated information on the tremor situation via radio or television1 in the Fire Command Centre.
Telephone Operator is to man the PA system. Announcements shall be made immediately to update building occupants on the tremor incident and provide them with initial instructions via the PA system. (See Annex B for a sample of the announcements.)
Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC) is to ensure that the Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens have been mobilized to conduct visual inspections of the building. He/She will coordinate and manage all activities during the incident from the Fire Command Centre or Assembly Area.
Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens are to conduct visual inspections of the building during office hours.
In the event of a tremor incident occurring after office hours, the Security Officers on duty shall inform the Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC). The Security Officers shall request, via the PA system, assistance from all occupants who are still in the building to conduct the visual inspections.
If any of the following occurs, Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens or the Security Officers are to assess the situation, mitigate it if possible and update the Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC):
Visible signs of structural defects on building elements such as new cracks on the walls, floors, columns and beams;
Shattered glass windows;
Damaged electrical wiring;
Gas leaks; and/or
Outbreak of fire.
If there are reports of any damaged electrical wiring, the Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens or the Security Officers shall dispatch the building technicians to carry out repair works.
If there are reports of gas leaks in the building, the Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens or the Security Officers shall dispatch the building technicians to immediately cut off the gas supply and inform the Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC). The Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC) will then activate the procedures for building occupants to evacuate from the building. At the same time, the Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC) should dial 995 for the SCDF.
If there are reports of fire, the Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens or the Security Officers shall follow the procedures in the Fire Emergency Plan.
Reports of structural defects in the building are to be assessed immediately by the Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens or the Security Officers.
Once the Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens or Security Officers verify and confirm the structural defects, they will contact the Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC) who will inform the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) at 63257191/63257393 (24-hr hotline). He/She will then activate the procedures for building occupants to evacuate from the building.
a Evacuation is to be carried out when visible signs of structural defects on building elements such as new cracks on the walls, floors, columns and beams have been verified and confirmed by the Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens or the Security Officers. Evacuation may also be necessary in the case of a gas leak or fire.
Building occupants:
b In the event that evacuation is necessary and is instructed through the PA system:
Quickly lock important files and cash, shut down machinery etc and remain alert.
Evacuate immediately and guide visitors (if any).
Follow directions given by Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens or Security Officers during evacuation.
When evacuating, do not panic but walk quickly down the staircase by the nearest exit and proceed to the Assembly Area. Do not use the lifts when evacuating.
Help the disabled, children, pregnant women etc when evacuating.
The Assembly Area is located at ___________________. (See Annex C for location of Assembly Area.)
All occupants/visitors shall not re-enter the building unless instructed by Security Officers or the Police.
Emergency Management Committee (EMC):
c Announcements to remain in the building or evacuate are to be made by the Telephone Operator, as instructed by the Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC), via the PA system. (See Annex B for a sample of the announcements.)
d In the event an evacuation is necessary:
Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens shall:
Guide building occupants and visitors to the nearest exit during evacuation. All Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens are to leave the building after ascertaining that all occupants and visitors of their respective assigned floors have evacuated.
Report the floor evacuation status to the Fire Command Centre using the emergency telephone system before leaving the floor.
Conduct a roll call of building occupants and visitors at the Assembly Area using the floor register (as per the format recommended in Annex D) and hand it over, in person, to the Chief Security Officer or his assistant.
Chief Security Officer/Asst Chief Security Officer shall:
Proceed to the Assembly Area to conduct a headcount using reports obtained from the Fire Wardens and report the status to the Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC).
Ensure that Security Officers are deployed at the ground floor exits to guide building occupants and visitors to the Assembly Area.
Ensure that Security Officers are deployed at all main entrances and exits in the building to prohibit any unauthorized entry into the building and to intensify patrolling in the vicinity of the building.
Deploy Security Officers to direct traffic to facilitate movement of evacuees2, if required.
Assign a Security Officer on the ground floor to direct the Building and Construction Authority Officers or relevant authorities to liaise with the Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC) upon their arrival.
Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC) shall:
Assign someone in the Fire Command Centre to receive the floor evacuation status from the Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens and update the building evacuation status chart (as per the format recommended in Annex E).
Ensure that Fire Command Centre is evacuated after the building evacuation status confirms that all floors are cleared. Thereafter, resume command and headcount monitoring at the Assembly Area.
Report the condition of the building to the Building and Construction Authority Officers or any emergencies to the relevant authorities.
a Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator of Emergency Management Committee (EMC)
Has the full responsibility for the:
Establishment of an Emergency Management Committee
(EMC) and maintenance of the EMC contact list. (See Annex F);
Preparation, drafting and implementing the Tremor Emergency Plan;
Education of building occupants on tremor emergency procedures and;
Preparation of premises for tremor emergencies e.g. signages, evacuation maps and loudhailer.
Ensure that the Tremor Emergency Plan is abided by all occupants in the building.
Ensure that the Tremor Emergency Plan is updated.
Ensure the availability of an alternate coordinator during his/her absence from the building.
Ensure that exit doors are kept closed and unlocked during working hours and that corridors, lobbies and staircases are unobstructed at all times to ensure smooth evacuation, if required.
Manage the Fire Command Centre and direct tremor emergency operations.
Declare evacuation of the building, when required.
Monitor the building evacuation status from the Fire Command Centre and headcount at the Assembly Area.
To liaise with the Building and Construction Authority Officers or relevant authorities upon their arrival.
b Fire Wardens/Asst Fire Wardens
Be familiar with the Tremor Emergency Plan, means of escape from the building and the evacuation route to the Assembly Area.
Be familiar with the Fire Emergency Plan.
Be familiar with basic first aid and firefighting equipment and procedures.
Maintain and update a floor register for conducting the roll call at the Assembly Area, in the event an evacuation is required.
Acquaint any new employee/tenant with the Tremor Emergency Plan including his/her specific role (if any) during a tremor situation.
Ensure that visual inspections of the building are carried out for any structural defects on building elements, shattered glass windows, gas leaks, damaged electrical wiring and fires.
Assess and verify reports of cases mentioned in para 5(b)(vi) and report accordingly to the Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC).
Ensure all occupants are safely evacuated out of the building when instructions for evacuation are given by the Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC).
Assume the role of Security Officers to secure the compound or Assembly Area when required.
c Chief Security Officer/Asst Chief Security Officer
Be familiar with the Tremor Emergency Plan, means of escape from the building and evacuation route to the Assembly Area.
Ensure that the Security Officers are well versed with their roles as described in the Tremor Emergency Plan during office hours, non-working days and after office hours.
Ensure that the Security Officers are well versed with the Fire Emergency Plan.
Ensure that the Security Officers are familiar with basic first aid and firefighting equipment and procedures.
Monitor headcount at the Assembly Area and report the status to the Co-ordinator/Asst Co-ordinator (EMC).
d Telephone Operator
Be familiar with the Tremor Emergency Plan and list of essential emergency telephone numbers.
Be familiar with the messages to be announced during tremor situations.
The Tremor Emergency Plan should be briefed to all members of the Emergency Management Committee (EMC) at least once every 6 months.
A briefing should be conducted for building occupants at least once every 6 months to educate and familiarize them with emergency procedures to undertake in the event of a tremor emergency.
Instructions on tremor emergencies are to be made available for building occupants’ reference at common areas.
Signages and evacuation maps are to be prominently displayed for easy identification by occupants.
Annex A - Building Floor Plan & Location of Fire Command
Annex B - Standard Announcements
Annex C - Site Plan of Assembly Area
Annex D - Floor Register
Annex E - Building Evacuation Status Chart
Annex F - Contact List of EMC Members
Annex A
Building Floor Plan & Location of Fire Command Centre
Annex B
Standard Announcements
Text 1 - In the event of a tremor situation
“Attention, Ladies and gentlemen. Earth tremors have been reported in certain parts of Singapore. Please remain calm and stand by your speakers for further instruction. As a precaution during tremors, stay away from windows, display shelves, lightings and other fixtures that could fall and hurt you. Take cover under a sturdy table until the tremors stop. Do not light any naked flames in case of a gas leak. Thank you.” (Announce Twice)
Text 2A – In the event evacuation is necessary
“Attention, Ladies and gentlemen. As a safety precaution, there is a need to evacuate the building. Please evacuate by the nearest exit staircase and obey all instructions given by the Fire Wardens and Security Officers. Remember to avoid the use of lifts.” (Announce Twice)
Text 2B – In the event evacuation is necessary in the case of gas leak
“Attention, Ladies and gentlemen. There is a gas leak situation, as a safety precaution, there is a need to evacuate the building. Please ventilate the building by opening up the windows and evacuate by the nearest exit staircase and obey all instructions given by the Fire Wardens and Security Officers. Remember to avoid the use of lifts.” (Announce Twice)
Text 2C – In the event evacuation is not required
“Attention, Ladies and gentlemen. We have just completed the building inspections and have found no structural defects in the building. There is no need for evacuation. Thank you.” (Announce Twice)
Annex C
Site Plan of Assembly Area
Annex D
Floor Register
Fire Warden : ___________________________________________
Storey : ___________________________________________
Unit No.
Name of Occupant/Visitor
Evacuation Status
Annex E
Building Evacuation Status Chart
Co-ordinator : ___________________________________________
Building : ___________________________________________
Name of Fire Warden
Evacuation Status
Not Cleared
Annex F
Contact List of Emergency Management Committee Members
Building : ___________________________________________
Appointment in EMC
Contact Numbers
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