Turan Drilling and Engineering Company
Invitation to apply for 2020-2021 Scholarship Programme
Turan Drilling & Engineering Company, a joint venture between global drilling and engineering contractor
KCA Deutag and Azerbaijan drilling and integrated well services company SOCAR AQS, announces the start
of the selection process for a one year monetary support programme (scholarship) for the 2020-2021
academic year.
We invite to apply the 3
year students of the following faculties of Azerbaijan State Oil and
Industrial University only:
Oil and Gas Production
Oil Mechanical Engineering
Power Engineering
Information Technologies and Control
Students will be selected for interview for the scholarship programme based on an assessment of
documents listed below. All documents except video essay must be submitted by email in PDF format. Two
essays requested should be no more than 400 words long each and typed in English.
1. CV.
2. Copy of ID card.
3. Copy of Student card.
4. Copy of University score book (each available page).
5. Certificates if available.
6. Essay 1. What are you most proud of professionally and/ or personally and why?
In addition,
describe a situation where you failed.
7. Essay 2. What are your short / long-term career goals and how the Scholarship will help you to
achieve them?
8. Video Essay. We strive to identify and cultivate leaders who follow their purpose. How would you
understand the meaning of leadership? Please describe your leadership style and provide an
example via a brief video statement in English. (1 minute)
(Videos should be a single take (no editing) lasting no more than one minute and consisting of you
speaking directly to the camera. Video essay must be submitted only in avi or mpeg format.)
Please apply through email, sending all requested documents and essays listed above to
by 17/05/2020.
Please reflect the name of applied programme in the subject of email.