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Information about the availability of equipment, devices, and facilities

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Uncertainty - Mahammad Imanov

2.3. Information about the availability of equipment, devices, and facilities.

At the test site, all of the devices, equipment, and facilities needed to complete the project's research work are available, and the following devices and equipment are intended to be employed during the research.

1. Thermohigrobarometer - BL-1D;

2. Multifunction process calibrator - Fluke 754;

3. Temperature calibrator - CTC-660;

4. Reference resistance thermometer - CTC-120;

5. Multimeter;

6. Transmille;

7. Vibrometer;

8. Luxmeter;

9. Gas detectors;

10. Dust detector;

11. Anemometer.

3. Uncertainty in the Measurement System Analysis.
Data on process or product characteristics are analyzed, as is the data's reliability, in order to coordinate statistical process control. It is possible to assess measurement systems using our method, determine the variability caused by the measurement tool and its use, compare engineering tolerance to measurement variability, and reduce total variability by improving the measurement process.

The data is reviewed for statistical stability over time and the acceptability of the difference in the values of the deviations from the predicted range while evaluating the measurement system. Probabilities should only be used for broad purposes. Several operators measure the same quality of several parts multiple times during the operation. By comparing the measurement findings of different operators, repeatability, reproduction, and stability analyses are performed, as well as the measuring system's dependability and variability.

An example of Uncertainty in Measurement is shown in the figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1. Uncertainty example in Power-Density Measurement Curve

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