psychic powers Syn:supernatural, paranormal, otherworldly, supernormal, preternatural, metaphysical, extrasensory, magic, magical, mystical, mystic, occult *Mundane matters such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her. Dunyoviy, oddiy, har kungi Syn: earthly, worldly, terrestrial, material, temporal, secular, areligious; sublunary *It's a fairly compelling argument for going. Syn: convincing, persuasive, cogent, irresistible, powerful, strong, weighty, plausible, credible, sound, valid, conclusive, irrefutable, unanswerable Ant: weak (compel- majbur qilmoq, zo’rlamoq) *It was bizarre that we ran into each other in such a remote corner of the world. — Странно, что мы совершенно случайно встретились в таком далёком уголке земного шара. Syn:grotesque, outlandish, way-out, weird, strange, odd, fantastic Ant: normal, unexceptional ajoyib, antiqa, g’alati
*We asked a random sample/selection of people what they thought. Taxminan bajarilgan, o’ylamasdan bajarilgan, случайный, произвольный random bullet- daydi o’q Syn: casual, desultory, haphazard Ant: formal, invariable, orderly *consistent with our principles — согласующийся с нашими принципами, to’g’ri keladigan, uyg’unlashadigan Syn: compatible with, congruous with, consonant with, in tune with, in line with, reconcilable with; corresponding to, conforming to (also стойкий Syn: constant, regular, uniform, steady, stable, even, unchanging, undeviating, unfluctuating; dependable, reliable, predictable) *Obsolete fashions are very laughable. — Старомодные фасоны выглядят очень смешно. Syn: outdated, out of date, outmoded, old-fashioned, out of fashion; no longer in use, disused, fallen into disuse, behind the times, superannuated, outworn, antiquated, antediluvian, anachronistic, old, dated, archaic, ancient, fossilized, extinct, defunct, bygone